:George Weasley X Male Reader:

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The sky was already dusk, your (e/c) eyes reflected the stars. You had tried with every ounce of your courage to get Fred inside, you tugged at the gingers sweater sleeve.

"C'mon Fred! It's getting cold out. You'll get in trouble" You complained. "Don't get your boxers in a bunch, alright? I'm going to get you to ask out George."

His reply was short, and he followed with a grin - tugging you forward.

"W-what?! I-i never asked for that!" You spat out, covering your face. Fred let out a chuckle, and patted your shoulder.

"Calm down man! I can totally tell you've fallen for the likes of George, and have come to his amazing brother for help."

As soon as this escaped Fred's mouth, your face was redder than one of the roses outside of your parent's garden.

You instantly straightened as soon as Fred's twin hopped from the trees, laughing. "Oh my god! They fell for it! Run!" You confusedly looked around, unable to catch on what happened.

"Clearly you haven't caught on (l/n)! Run!" George yelled to you, a wide smile on his face. He took your hand and dragged you along-side with him.

You yelped, as soon as the 2 twins ran rather happily - all the while George was clenching your hand protectively.

You took each turn carefully, feeling George's fingers connecting with yours. "Run faster!" He yelled, pulling you forward.

Now, he was just plain shoving you forward until you finally got to the entrance to Hogwarts. Rushing inside, Fred and George were still running.

"Why are we still running!?" You yelped, feeling pain shiver up your legs. "They could still catch us! We're not safe until we're in the common-room!"

"-But I'm Slytherin." You squeaked. "So?" Both Twins began.

As you rushed between each stair-case, it wasn't relieving until you arrived at the fat-lady painting. Fred mumbled the password, and shoved both you and George inside.

"That was fun!" Fred began, a smirk forming on his face.

"Like always, right (Y/n)?" George questioned, tilting his head slightly. You bit your lip, his hand was still holding yours.

"Y-yeah. It was... Definitely." You sputtered this out, looking down. "Well before we were so rudely interrupted by you, George, I was telling (y/n) about how much he loves-"

"-Loves hanging out with you guys." You cut Fred off who despite claimed his amazing ability at being a love guru, was completely useless.

"Really?" George asked. "Y-yes." You awkwardly replied. You wanted to stomp on Fred's foot, since he was trying his best to hide his laughter.

"Well you two, I'll be on my way. 'ave to study 'n all." Fred cooed, spinning on his heel. He walked away, leaving a very confused George.

"Well then... (Y/n), what was that about?" He asked, bringing himself closer to you. Your heart was pounding, your nervousness was easy to see.

'PLEASE don't get any closer. PLEASE don't get any closer.'

This thought repeated in your head, nonstop. Sweat beaded your forehead. "Are you alright?" His voice shook you out of your panic, and as you noticed - he was even closer.

He was taller and yet, he was still almost close enough to kiss you. You couldn't answer, as much as you really wanted to.

You were so nervous that you could barely breath. "(Y/n)?" He said once more, leaning closer.  You couldn't move.

Suddenly, your body worked on it's own. You pushed forward, pressing your lips to his. His eyes widened, and so did yours.

You didn't expect yourself to do this, but it was as if you couldn't control yourself. You went to pull away, but you felt arms around you.

You realized that his lips worked against yours, you were pressed against the dorm wall roughly. You flinched your eyes shut, shyly kissing back.

Suddenly, he pulled away. "That, now that was magical." He spoke up, a smirk on his face. You tried to say something but your eyes caught sight of something by one of the chairs.

Fred stood there, twirling his wand in his hand. He gave you a thumbs up, and backed away under the shadows.

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