Chapter 4: Something About the King

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There was no other noise but your footsteps and Sourbill's steps. The tour was pretty boring and awkward to be honest , everytime you tried to bring any question or conversation , the green sour candy just ignored you and didn't even look in your direction. Maybe you were being too annoying or was he always like that?

… Either way you were bored and lost in thought until you finally heard him speak again: "So that's the end of the tour , hope you enjoyed it'' he said emotionless , "you can stay at the guest's room until king candy arrives for your...''quest" , then he walked away , you stood in front of the guest room , you took the handle and opened what was a room full of dust , it looked like it hadn't been used for years , dare to say , even decades.

Everything smelled old some kind of perfume. 

You wondered if there was another person that used to use this room since it looks like it , either way you were tired from all this tension and decided to lay yourself on the bed , bad decision , it was hard as a stone but at this point , there was no use in complaining... at least you got a bed and some silence , and now that you think about it , your desicions were stupid indeed and you dont even know what you got into , you had a really bad feeling about all of this but you couldnt just leave now , not yet. 

What felt like minutes was actually 1 hour , you realized as you heard somebody opening the large door in the hall and knew it was the king and his royal car. 

"God y/n , you need to stop zoning out so much" you thought to yourself

You quickly smoothed your hair and fixed your clothes , the bad thing is that now you smelled like the weird combination of perfume and old rooms , you really hope nobody minds.

 You took some steps into the entrance and left the room looking to both sides of the hall trying to see if anybody was coming near by , you sighed in relief and as quick as you gave your first step , you heard a voice behind you 

"Now where do you think you are going?" The king literally spawned behind you and asked

"OH GOD- I was about to look for you actually" you said nervously trying to calm down from the scare.

"Ah , great then! I can't let just anybody roam around you know?"  he nervously chuckled and motioned his hands  

"So uhh… is there anything I gotta do first? Or are you going to give me the quest later?" You lifted your eyebrow and toyed with your fingers.

Oh! No no- I was actually going to invite you over for a meal! He placed his hand over his chest

"And What kind of king would I be if I let my guest's starve?" He switched weight from feet to feet 

"… Alright then! I'll come by when dinner is read-" you automatically got cut off

"It's done already! , i was just making sure that you come over" he snapped his fingers and did a "follow me" motion with his hand as sour bill ran behind him and probably you should too.

You walked until you started to smell something delicious.. and suspiciously sweet , you looked to the table and found nothing but candy mimicking normal food 

Your stomach dropped a bit as you weren't too fond of eating a lot of candy , sure it was fine for a snack but a whole meal? , dear god. 

While Inspecting the room again 

You saw Sour Bill guiding you to a seat. As you sat down awkwardly looking at the amount of choices of weird forks , all for candy.

King Candy saw your expression as you took the gummy worm spaghetti into your mouth. 

"Oh trust me , you get used to it" he jokingly said trying to break the silence of the room 

"Well , must be easy for you , you're "King Candy" after all" you replied , not being conscious how defensive it sounded 

"Well… when i arrive- i mean , when the game was plugged in , the first days were horrid" he chuckled awkwardly while you politely smiled

"Glad to get someone who shares the feeling then" You continued to eat some more candy food 

After some while of eating , you finally spoke up again 

"So.. say , about earlier , you were talking about catching a certain someone?" You looked up to him

"Ah yes! Oh how could I forget? , well , lemme tell you some things" he cheerfully hopped out of his chair 

You got out of your chair and shortly followed behind him

"A few hours earlier…Wreck it Ralph mysteriously appeared and started causing chaos in MY kingdom! , could you believe it?!" King Candy said exaggerating his movements 

"Wreck it Ralph? , like , the bad guy from there?" You replied

"Yes! He said some weird things about medals , but golly what a weird guy!" He then spun around rambling in circles

 "He's clearly a villain , that halitosis infested pig couldn't even get one!" He then froze and stared at what could feel like your soul 

"And the worst? ¡He escaped! , he could be out there invading and terrorizing my sweet , sweet residents!" King Candy said in what felt like a fake showcase of dismay

"But you want to help right? , you wouldn't want to see those little kids scared would you?" He pointed at the window as you saw from far the raceway and some kids racing 

"Tsss…well i , i could try to help , i've chatted with him some times , he really seemed like a decent guy! What a shame" You said as you placed your hands on the window while looking over the view

"You know him? Well that 's great! , my patrol could really use some second opinion from someone who actually knows him!" He said 

"Well as i said i don't really know him very w-" you were immediately cut off by the king

"Well a few chats or less, what's the matter? I think that's more than enough!" He said placing his arms behind

"And i have big plans in mind" 

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