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When we got to the village finally, I was completly buffed. I didn't know what to think anymore. Greninja was there with me the whole time and not only that but he protected me as well as care for me the whole time. Now that I saw how much he cared, I couldn't help it but think that my thoughts were wrong but I needed assurance.


I don't get it anymore.

Am I the bad one or not?

Am I a monster or not?

Was it because of me or not?

I feel as if it wasn't.

It feels like it wasn't my fault.

It feels as if nothing is wrong with me.

He makes me feel as if there is still hope left.

Is it just my wishfull thinking?

Am I wrong?

No. I can't be wrong....

Why else would he put soo much effort and time to stay with me.

Why would he stay with me else?

He is a great pokemon after all.

I am so greatfull for it.

So once we got to the village, we were immediately greeted by the people there. They got noticed about our arrival and it was not soon after that, that I saw the town eldest. There was just something I had to know and find out.

Eldest: Ah nice to see you again.

Me: Likewise.

Eldest: Is there anything I can help with? You seem as if you are here for something.


I don't know why he brought me here but it feels as if he wanted a way to communicate with me.

I want to, no, I have to know his reasons for stopping me and being by my side.

I can't go through it again.

My heart wouldn't be able to take it.

I want to hear it... but what if I am wrong.


I need to hear it no matter what.

This uncertainty is killing me.

Me: I wanted to ask if there is a way to communicated with my Greninja. I have to find something out.

Eldest: There is but are you sure you want to try that way out.

Why does it feel as if there is a huge but on it.

I mean why does there always have to be a but?!

Nothing can be simple huh...

Me: Yes, why?

Eldest: It is a very old method and not used anymore. 

Me: Hm?

Not used.... that can only mean there is a flaw in it.

I wonder what it is tho.

Maybe it's not too bad.

Oh who am I kidding.

If ninjas gave up on in, there must be a great reason for it.

Eldest: Both minds would be connected for a short while. You will be able to communicated with each other but it is also ver dangerous.

Me: How come?

Eldest: No one is allowed to sever your both connection forcefully or one might never wake up from the slumber again.

Me: Does that also mean Greninja could-

Eldest: Yes.

Me: ...

I can't do this.

I can't risk his life.


I better live in this uncertainty then have him die because of me.

I am so stupid and greedy.

I can't risk his life for this.


I refuse to do it.

Greninja: Ninja!

My Greninja was a bit behind me but once he heard the answer, he came over and place a hand on my shoulder. He was ready for the risk and I was too. I had to know it. For the past 3 days I couldn't help but think about it and was at a complete loss. I had no answeres for why he was reacting this way. Was it a whimp or was it more.

I had to know.

Just being left clueless bothered me. 

Death is what I wanted but with him around, I felt as if that was a bad idea. It was as if not only was it a bad idea but it was also stupid at the same time to. For me it was something soo strange to feel like this. It was hope that he gave me just by being beside me. I mean it felt as if there was a meaning behind everything he did and that he wanted me to continue, that he would be backing me up. It felt as if he was there for me.

Eldest: HAHAHAHa your greninja is truly a great partner.

Me: He is....

Eldest: So you both are willing to take the risk then?

Me: Yes.

Greninja: Ninja!

Eldest: Very well. Follow me.

We did as he said and followed the man into a room. It was quite dusty but it looked a bit different than the other rooms as well. This one had like these decoration all around the ceiling.

Eldest: This is our meditation room. What I will tell you next is how you can achive a connection. The rest is up to you.

Me: I understand.

Eldest: To have a connect, you both will need to meditate and try to achive a joined space. It may sound arbitrary to you but it is just a space that will be created if both yours and your pokemon wich on cummunicating are equal. Without that you both will not be able to enter this state of meditation.

Me: I understand.

Greninja: Greninja.

Eldest: These incense sticks are here to easy your mind. They are just here to help you out.

Me: Mh.

Eldest: I wish you good luck on achiving and finding out what you came here for.

Me: Thank you.

The elder showed us the room and then also lit the incense stick up and left after finishing his explaination. Now all we had to do was basically achive that space in our minds. We managed to get a special form when our minds reach a point of joined wavelength so it should be possible. 

It was the moment the edlest went outside that I sat there in the middle of the room. Greninja came and sat right behind me. With our backs touching each other, we stayed like this in silent. I could tell he wanted to help me and I needed this too.

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