"If today was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?" He asked, curious.
"I'd make sure the people that are special in my life knew just how much I loved them. I want to soak in their hugs, and kisses. I want to cherish hearing their voices...
"Are you sure you can do it? Butchery, and making blood deliveries, I mean?"
After throwing up even at the smell of fish stew, she was actually not confident she could do it. Especially now that Ms. Lee is no longer there to teach her. But if only for her sister, Si-ho was more than willing to do some dirty work.
"I'll have to try at least. If that's the only way I could help you."
Sang-un once again became emotional, proud at how much Si-ho had grown up so well despite their circumstances. She realized that her little sister had now matured into a woman, that she was now setting aside an inconvenience on her part just to be of help to the whole family.
"Unnie, please don't think about the curse anymore, we don't even know if it's true. I have not seen that part of your memory. And don't worry about my baby. If I'll have a blind son, I'll get him an eye operation just like what Do-yun had so he could see."
Si-ho continued that there are many ways to prevent pregnancy complications nowadays. She'll get checkups regularly. She'll make sure to strictly follow everything the doctor will prescribe. She added that if she would still end up giving birth to a stillborn, for sure it will break her heart. But if she knows that Sang-un will be there by her side, she can overcome it all no matter how painful the loss will be.
"If like you said that there's a chance I'll also give birth to a stillborn, then just take care of me while I grieve. And encourage me to try again while I'm still young and healthy. I'll have fifty more years to try and try again anyway until I'm barren."
"Fifty years? Si-ho ya you're already twenty three years old. Don't we all get menopause by the age of fifty or something?"
"You mean twenty three years young. Haven't you seen that news on TV?"
Si-ho was talking about the controversial news recently about a seventy four year old woman in India who got pregnant via an in vitro fertilization for the very first time. Despite the backlash citing ethical reasons, that woman who was old enough to be a grandmother was able to give birth to normal healthy twins. Defying all the odds that were against them.
"Ancient curses are no match for the medical science and technology we have these days, Unnie. Do-yun and that woman in India is a testament to that. If I may not be blessed to have one, then that is my destiny. Besides, there are millions of women out there who don't have children who are still happy and satisfied with their life. Take nuns for example."
"You do have a point. A lot of people our age are even choosing a child-free life, I heard. But you can't be a nun Si-ho ya. Temples and churches don't accept spoiled brats like you."
"It's just an example. I don't mean me, silly! Unless they'd allow nuns to go clubbing, wear shorts and boots, put on smokey eye shadows, go on dates, get pregnant but remain unmarried, then I might reconsider."
They both laughed. It's true that there are many ways to have a family these days. It doesn't only mean by blood. It can simply be a group of orphans who help each other out during trying times. Just like how their grandma Kim Go-bun took them in and raised them when they had nowhere else to go. It can simply be strangers coming together to fight a common enemy. Just like how she, Sang-un, Hwal, Do-yun, Ms. Lee and Detective Kwon came together and have unexpectedly become each other's family.
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