"If today was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?" He asked, curious.
"I'd make sure the people that are special in my life knew just how much I loved them. I want to soak in their hugs, and kisses. I want to cherish hearing their voices...
After a few minutes of applying direct pressure, the bleeding has finally stopped. She cleaned herself up and disposed of the bloody paper towels properly onto the trash bin.
Bleeding nose, heart racing, dizzy spells, it was nothing new. Si-ho has always had those symptoms every time someone's past is forced onto her consciousness with a touch of a hand whether intentional or not. But what made this vision different this time was that she saw her past self in someone else's memory for the very first time.
She already knew that Do-yun was born blind. He told her so. He was only able to see after Ok Eul-tae sponsored his eye operation. But she was even more surprised that it seemed he was also blind even in his past life. Yet despite that, his memories as she saw it were lucid and sharp.
It was just one of the aspects about her ability that fascinates her but haunts her at the same time. One that she might never find crystal clear answers to. She could only assume that it must be because it's one's soul that carries the memories. Not the physical body which can be plagued with sickness or be limited with a disability. That must be the reason why she could see Do-yun's past life clearly, even through his blindfold.
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She tried to recall again everything that she saw, heard and felt. She has to, because she was on it. It must be important if she was fated to see it. It was from a different time period but the feeling was also eerily similar to the horror that they both went through the other day in the field of amaranth. She thought, there must be something more to this. Because it doesn't seem like a mere coincidence that what happened in their previous life happened again as if they were stuck in a cycle or a curse.
She and Do-yun were giving each other some words of affirmation after they talked about their guilt and regrets. She absentmindedly squeezed Do-yun's hand to cheer him up, as well as to comfort herself. Immediately she was transported to his distant past.
It was the same strange scene that she saw the other day when they first held each other's hand while trying to hide from the monster in one of the farm's greenhouses. The memory was more vivid and a longer one this time, since Do-yun did not interrupt her while she was in a trance.