|chapter 1

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I RAN BACK HOME, WATCHING AS EVERY FOOTSTEP I TOOK sent water splashing everywhere. The thudding of the raindrops falling in sharp streams, soaking me to the bone. The cold was unrelenting, sending shivers up and down my spine.

I tried to forget the memories, avoid them, but my mind was stubborn and hated me. They flashed like a film reel in my head, running over and over. I kept trying to think of ways it could've gone differently, the things I should've done instead, but they were just hopeless dreams. What was done was done, and I couldn't change it, not anymore.

The rain kept falling, the dark stormy clouds almost reflecting my emotions at the moment. The sudden crackle of thunder made me jump and only brought my mind back to the memories I was trying to avoid.

Flashback -

The cops surrounded me, guns raised, ready to shoot the moment I made the smallest movement. The flashing of the bright blue and red lights made it hard to see them. I counted around 8 cop cars, or whatever they called them here.

"Put your hands above your head!" Somebody yelled into the megaphone.

I breathed heavily, trying to push the emotions down. I wasn't able to remember what pushed me to even get to this point, an inch from falling over like a house of cards. Don't let them get the best of you, I thought.

"Please, just give me a moment!" I yelled, pleading desperately. I knew they wouldn't listen, I'd already caused too much of a commotion, and letting me go would be a huge risk. And I wasn't surrendering, I couldn't give up like that. No, I had to run away like always. I just didn't know how to.

I looked around, trying to find an exit, but I was surrounded, the sewers weren't a possibility; I'd get shot before I could try to run. I could try to cause a distraction, but my powers would only cause more harm than good in this rain.

"Put your hands above your head or we will open fire!" They yelled, growing even more frustrated by the second. I could feel the tension rising, and the panic inside of me rose with it.

I tried to tamp it down, forget it all and focus on my breathing. I couldn't lose control, I couldn't hurt anyone. Not again. Please not again.

I felt the tears run down my already sopping wet face. The thick downpour of rain wasn't helping me concentrate at all. "Stop, please!" I sobbed.

They ignored me and yelled the order to open fire. The echo of bullets shooting made my fear rocket, and I acted on instinct, only trying to save myself, screaming in desperation, electricity crackling from my hands, spreading across the open square, flipping over the cars, and striking several of the officers.

I fell to my knees, in complete shock at what I'd just done. I couldn't control my powers and innocent officers had paid the price for it with their lives.

End of Flashback -

I was a criminal now, even if they didn't know my identity yet. Somehow, my face had managed to stay hidden during the interaction. Otherwise, I don't know what I would do.

I couldn't believe I'd killed five officers, the electricity stopping their hearts. It wasn't the first time I'd lost control, but never to this extent. The thought of those innocent officers brought tears to my eyes, and I pushed the thought to the side. First, I had to find refuge, then I could break down.

I glanced over my shoulder and felt a rush of relief when I saw there was no one on the street. At least no one had followed me. I'd slipped away, and no one had been able to stop me. They'd all been either paralyzed in fear or occupied with the hurt officers.

I picked up the pace, jogging into the familiar alley, and climbed the metal staircase on the wall. I pulled myself onto the roof of the building and sighed in relief, slowing down and walking at a leisurely pace in the refuge of the roof.

And then I heard a loud metal clang behind me. I froze, trying to decide whether to run immediately or try to find out what was happening. The deafening sound meant whatever had crashed onto the roof was extremely heavy, or somehow that loud. I slowly turned around and the immediate glint of red and gold made me realize what was happening.


The face of the bright red and gold suit lifted, revealing the face of the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist named Tony Stark. Iron Man himself was hunting me down.

I was screwed, there was no way out of this one. That didn't mean I couldn't try, right? I turned back around, running at full speed away from him, knowing it was hopeless, but I couldn't do this. I couldn't have all my freedom snatched from me.

"Hey, Sparky," he called as I started running away. He sighed. "Why do they always try to run?"

I ignored him, jumping over the rooftop onto the next, stumbling a little but managing to regain my balance. I had too much practice running away.

There was a dim roaring sound behind me, like something charging up and something fell in front of me. I stepped back quickly, falling on my hands and butt. Iron Man looked up at me with an almost unamused look on his face.

"I didn't do it!" It slipped out of my mouth before I could think it through.

"You do realize that's what they all say, right?"

"I- I mean, I didn't do it on purpose, I swear!" I protested, trying to think of how to explain it without revealing too much. "I lost control, and couldn't stop it- I mean, I could've, but I didn't have control- I'm repeating myself, aren't I-?"

He interrupted my rambling, rolling his eyes. "I'm not here to arrest you."

I blinked, stopping in my tracks. "You're not?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm here to offer you a lifeline, kid. A second chance, per se. Whatever you want to call it."

"I'm sorry, what the frickity-frack are you talking about?"

"I'm giving you the opportunity- sorry, we're- offering for you to train as an avenger."

"You're insane."

"You didn't know already?"

I flicked my hand, sending a burst of electricity through his suit. Sparks flew from the joints and he couldn't lift his hand. I smiled in success.

"See, here's the thing with you 'heroes'," I said, making air quotes with my hands. I pressed a hand to his arm. I focused and the headache that came with using my powers returned. Electricity ran through his suit and the light coming from it faded. "You think that everyone wants to be like you. Guess what, though? I don't want to be one of you. I never will be. So do the smart thing and quit while you're at it."

"FRIDAY? Run a diagnostic on the suit?" Tony said, his voice muffled and indistinct from under his suit.

"Don't worry, Stark. You'll only be without power for a few minutes while I make my getaway."

I patted his unmoving arm and walked away, jumping from the roof and landing on the steady concrete street, rolling.


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