|chapter 8

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My fingers ran over the keyboard, and as soon as the next message appeared, I answered immediately. My leg jumped up and down nervously as I watched the bubble of three points. It disappeared for a moment and I panicked before Sparky's text appeared. I read it over and chuckled at her sassy comment. Picking fun at my uniform.

I answered quickly, and as I waited for her next text, I smiled reading the last one. With anyone else, I'd roll my eyes at the same comments, but somehow, coming from Alliah, they were special. Almost comforting.

"Who you texting that's got you so smiley, Cap?" Sam asked. I looked up, not having noticed him walk into the room. He was peering over my shoulder, trying to read my texts. I turned the phone towards the floor and out of his sight.

"You've been acting weird lately," Bucky commented. I turned toward where he was standing, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Nothing," I said. I couldn't say too much without revealing everything. Bucky and Sam were my closest friends, and I had been avoiding them lately in an effort to hide Sparky from them.

"Seriously?" Sam asked. "Nothing? You start sneaking out, somehow find a secret informant that's giving you all this shit and you say it's nothing? Man, stop bullshitting."

"Is it a dame?" Bucky spoke up, his voice quiet but firm. "I mean- a girl- a lady." Bucky stumbled over his words as he searched for the right definition.

If I had trouble adjusting, Bucky had been in modern society less than I had and still slipped up. He was trying, but mistakes happened.

"What?" I asked.

Bucky always saw right through me, seeing the truth. He was the main reason I was uncomfortable lying or keeping secrets. I'd known him since we were kids, he was like a brother to me and I'd always told him everything, even the embarrassing things I couldn't tell anyone else.

"You're acting like you did when you were clobbered."

"Clobbered?" Sam snickered.

I felt my face heat up. "No, it's not, okay? I'm fine."

I stood up, walking out of the room. I wasn't sure if I could keep up the lies anymore. It was getting too hard.


"Cap? You listening?" Tony called. I looked up from my phone, surprised. I scanned the room, trying to get a read on what they were talking about. I couldn't believe I'd gotten distracted by Alliah's texts.

"Sorry," I muttered, shoving my phone into my pocket.

"You've been stuck to that phone all month. You want to talk about her?" Tony teased. I rolled my eyes.

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