| chapter 11

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"On the count of three, Captain," I whispered into my com.

I watched as Steve cleared his throat into his own com, signaling that he heard me. He was currently flying above me in a Quinjet with Bucky, Sam, and Natasha. I needed to help on this mission, but for me to help, I needed to do it discreetly so that no one else would notice me. Meaning that Steve couldn't talk freely because of the company he was in.

I would've preferred to do this job only for me and Steve, but I knew that would draw too much suspicion. Especially since they would recognize Steve, and the avengers would be wondering why he went on a mission without asking for backup or telling anyone. I was currently on a civilian transport ship that had been hijacked by Thorne and they were using the civilians aboard to demand a ransom from the government.

"Remember, it's a simple enough job. Our main priority is to get the hostages out alive," Through my com, I heard Steve talk to his team.

"One," I whispered, watching the Thorne agents patrolling the top deck,

"Nat, Buck, you two take care of the main deck. Sam, take care of the skies and make sure they don't call for backup."


"I'll take the upper deck, and we'll reunite to rescue the hostage. Don't draw unnecessary attention, stay safe and good luck."


I waited patiently, and after several seconds, heard a splash from beside me. I ran to the edge of the ship and scanned the dark waters.

"Damn it, Rogers, where are you?" I growled. I watched as an object hurtled towards me, and I caught it before it could break my nose. It was Steve's shield. "Okay, give me a second."

I grabbed the thick wire from my belt, tying it in place to the railing of the ship. I tugged on it with all my strength, making sure it wouldn't unravel. Once I was sure it was secure, I tossed the wire over the side of the ship, as close as possible to the figure in the water.

I couldn't hear the click of the wire being attached to Steve's belt over the roaring of the wind and the pounding sea, but I watched Steve silently climbing the side of the ship. When he got close, I walked back, keeping an eye out for Thorne agents. He climbed over the railing, landing with a soft slam. It wasn't nearly loud enough to be heard by the agents.

"Took you long enough," I teased, winking. Steve removed the wire from his belt and handed it to me. I untied it from the railing and placed it on my belt again.

Steve tapped the side of his ear, and I realized his com was still on. I grabbed the small device from my belt, a rectangle the size of my palm. I fidgeted with the device, picking up the frequency and connecting his com to my device. I muted his mic, making sure he could still hear what the others said.

I nodded, and Steve whispered a brief "Thanks".

"You go right, I go left?" I asked, and Steve nodded briefly.

"Be careful."

"Always am," I said lowly. I ran across the deck, taking agents out with a little electricity. I managed to get halfway through my side of the deck without any fighting. Until one pesky agent managed to avoid my touch.

I blocked a punch of his and kicked him in the side. He staggered back, grabbing his gun. I knocked it out of his hand and twisted his wrist. I turned my body around so my back was against his chest. I pulled his arm, throwing him over my shoulder. The agent landed on the ground, groaning. I punched him in the jaw and knocked him unconscious.

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