Chapter #26-Helping Out

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It's been 3 days since Rihanna went to the celebration of her friend's wedding and she later had to go to Los Angeles for some music business. As the days past by Ronnie and Marshie cry all night since Rihanna left also I missed her so much. Today my mom was coming for a visit for Mother's Day and she also wanted to see Ronnie and Marshie. As I was getting Ronnie and Marshie ready I hear a car come through the parking lot I later went downstairs, put Marshie and Ronnie in their play carpet with their toys. As I open the door and give my mother a big. As she comes in the first thing she see's is the children and runs to see them. My mom was gonna stay with in until Rihanna returns. She later helped me bottle feed Ronnie and Marshie. My mom commented that Marshie looked a lot like and Ronnie looked a lot like Rihanna. After that we ate dinner talking about my life with Rihanna. After that she put her suitcase my room (since the guest room was now Ronnie and Marshie's bedroom). Before anything we feed Ronnie and Marshie before bed. Last again before bed I put new dippers. I later took a shower and I got a pillow and blanket since I was sleeping in the living room. Today was a good Mother's Day but I still miss Rihanna. I put the one of my of Rihanna's song "California King Bed" I slept pretending if she was next to me. Corny Huh.

Yes that's all for today. Happy Mother's Day to everyone...hope you guys like please check out my new chapter of "The Princess and The Rapper" and "TMNT-In Love With A Hot-Head Ninja Turtle" I appreciate it if guys read it. Again Happy Mother's Day. Peace Out ✌️😌. T

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