A new life -2

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No ones POV:
Takashi and Itsuki walked side by side, holding hands relishing in the peaceful silence, the only sound was the soft crunching of snow beneath their feet as they headed to their home in the forest.

No ones POV:Takashi and Itsuki walked side by side, holding  hands relishing in the peaceful silence, the only sound was the soft crunching of snow beneath their feet as they headed to their home in the forest

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(A/N: something like this just with snow and whatnot)
Until in the distance, they could hear a faint sound of a wailing infant. They stared at each other in alarm and hurried to where the sound came from.

As the sound grew louder and louder, the couple's worry grew until their eyes lay on a tiny baby wrapped up in a white blanket on the snow.

Slowly approaching the child as to not alarm them, Itsuki spoke in the softest voice she could muster.
"Hi, little one."

Softly, she sang a lullaby that she had known since she was a child, successfully quieting down the baby and soon after, the baby fell asleep.

Takashi gave his wife a warm smile as she gently cradled the baby.

The little girl had small tufts of h/c hair and a serene face.

The couple had initially decided on not having kids, but as they looked at the child, they simultaneously decided that maybe there would be one exception.

"Y/n S/n" Itsuki spoke quietly.

"What?" Takashi responded in an equally quiet voice.

"Her name. Look." His wife indicated to a small tag attached to the blanket.

The newfound family walked to their home in blissful silence. This would mark the beginning of little Y/n's journey.

Before in
Y/n's POV:
Where am I ?! It's so cold and...
Apparently my speech is gone because the only thing that comes out of my mouth is this irritating sound!
I'm all alone in the middle of nowhere.

After so long of shrieking at the top of my lungs, two people come into my vision. They have such kind, inviting eyes and I'm so tired and I want to sleep. The woman starts singing in the nicest voice I could ever imagine.
Finally, I decide to give into sleep.

Hi! Hope everyone enjoyed this very short chapter, the others will be longer I promise! I didn't know how to end this and I wanted to include a bit of Y/n pov.
Hope you guys like it and stick around for the next chapters!

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