Staying with the Rengokus -5

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Y/n POV:

I've been with the Rengoku's for almost a year now. I've gotten close to all of them, regarding Senjuro as a younger brother, and Kyojuro a close friend of mine.

Speaking of friends, my heart saddens to think of my best friend, Mitsuri, who I left behind. I have no way of communicating with her, and going to visit her is out of the question, with the village being far from here.

I had spoken with Kyojuro about my worries and he had told me that she would understand.
𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘦, 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦.

I know her and I can only imagine that she thinks I'm dead.

One day though, I promised myself, I would find her. After all, she was always there for me and I just up and left.

Guilt aside, I had been training with Kyojuro everyday at night, trying to learn a little of flame breathing but more so as in physically and stamina. His training is rather harsh and tough so I always end up exhausted but I already feel stronger.

However occasionally when we spar,the strength difference between us is as clear as  daylight. I mean I have only been training for a couple of months. But still.

Kyojuro is super cool, strong and fast and I admire him so much! I really don't doubt his strength but later this year, he will do Final Selection.

It really worries me but I'm confident he can do it.

Unfortunately, Ruka's health has been steadily declining, despite the amount of doctors coming in to do regular checks and give her all types of medication.

Nothing seems to be working.

The fact that she may die is prominent and many doctors have left her room with a solemn look on their face as they left her room, sadly gazing at us.

Whilst others have kept a positive face and told us the likelihood that she will survive is strong.

But no one really believes it.
Not even herself as she beckons me towards her futon.

Over time, we have bonded, despite the hard facade, she truly is a kind hearted person and has a beautiful, warm smile. (If you are lucky enough to see it.)

I,like every day, bring her, her meal and engage in conversation with her but today she seems more serious.

"Is everything alright Ruka?"
I ask as I approach her and gently place the food and medicine beside her.

Was the only thing she replied with as she pet the space beside her.

Softly, she began stroking my head gently before continuing.

"It's no mystery that I'm going to die."

Her statement shocked me as my eyes widened and I desperately wanted to assure her that no, she wasn't.

But she softly shook her head and I remained silent, a sad look on my face.

"Don't deny it, we all know it. Over these couple of months I have truly began to regard you as a daughter of mine Y/n. And I have seen just how much Senjuro, Kyojuro and Shinjuro care for you."

Her eyes began to turn glassy and her lip trembled as she heaved a big sigh but nevertheless she continued.

"I'm not going to be able to see my sons grow into the wonderful people I believe they will and it truly breaks my heart. And I would've loved to see you find true happiness as despite everything, there seems to sometimes be a sad aura around you."

I passed her a handkerchief as my own eyes
filled with tears.

"I'm going to make this brief as I know Shinjuro does not like me speaking this way. But when I'm gone, please take care of my sons. I have already spoken with Shinjuro and I know that he has found a trainer for you, and while I am pleased, I feel sad to see you go. Please, check in when you can, see if they're all ok, if you can,"

She leant forward and placed a hand on mine whilst the other held my cheek.

"And you, Y/n, please stay safe."
She smiles softly, tears running down her cheeks as she wiped her face sniffing slightly and pulling me into a rare hug.

Shinjuro's voice broke our little bonding moment as we pulled away from each other and she looked away as to hide her tears.

"A word, Y/n?"

At the mention of my name, I nodded at him, patting Ruka on the back lightly, mumbling a goodbye.

Once we were outside Shinjuro lead me outside, further from where Kyojuro and Senjuro were training.

"Look Y/n I have someone who can train you. His name is Sakonji Urokodaki and he teaches water breathing. He lives in Mt Sagiri. Do you accept this offer? Of course, I can find someone else if not."

He had a faint, encouraging yet melancholic smile on his face.

I nodded in response.

"When do I start?

This chapter seems so blah.
I don't really know what to say.
Hope you enjoyed it either way :)

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