Chapter 10

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After, the party i don't know why but I could feel Ohm's sudden coldness and distant from me. I could feel him trying not to be with me specially in publice. I don't know how to feel about it but it have me bad feelings already.

I was in my class working on a project when my vibrated. I smiled at the caller id. "Hello PMew!" "Aii, Nanon listen, while are you coming back? It's already 6!" "I am coming. I just finished my project!" "Damn! Come quick! You did not even take Zee with you today!" I smiled. "It's fine. Don't worry i will manage okay?" "You better be safe hm? You have your car!"

I nodded. "Sure, sure! Don't worry". I finally had finished my work and was walking towards the car thinking about the way he have had started ignoring me. I had entered the mansion but there was no one maybe others went out with Peach. She wanted to go out  anyways.

I was about to enter the room but I stopped when I heard a voice. "Baby, Why don't you leave that slutty boy? I can satisfy you more baby!" "Prim! I have to talk to him first but i promise I will leave him for you ". My heart was pounding in pain. I couldn't beleive my ears and I couldn't understand what was happening. I was too numb to think about anything.

"You know his father hates him? Why did you take him anyway? He is such a brat and worthless". I couldn't control my tears and before i knew i was sobbing, trying hard to not to make sound while putting my palm over my mouth but it was getting worse. "Why? I mean his parents? Baby you know his parents are such shamless-" I felt my blood boiling as i bursted inside and slapped that bitch hard.

"Nanon!" "What? How dare you fucker?" Controlling my tears I stared back at her. "If you say one word about my Family, I will kill you and this cheater whom you call baby will also not be able to save you. So, shut your trap before i so something which you wouldn't want".

Saying that I turned behind I saw Ohm standing there with fukcing no regret and guilt. "It was showoff right Ohm?" I asked softly knowing he wouldn't answer. "You played with my heart Ohm Pawat. You played with my feelings for you, gave me hope of being happy but you destroyed and crushed my heart. You know I would have left you if you had said you like her. Why the fuck did you confess to me? Love me? You asshole you never loved me". Saying that i threw the ring from my finger and went out.

I was leaving the mansion with tears in my eyes when I saw his friends and mewgulf coming inside along with Peach. It broke me more. He has such a good family, friends and I had nothing. He even gave me the hopes of having a family. "He-" "What happened?" Mew asked as he saw tears in my eyes along with Gulf. I couldn't control myself and hugged him tightly immediately breaking down.

"Hey! What happened? Calm down!" He kept saying sweet words in my ears irrespective of knowing what had happened. I was so broken by now that i could feel nothing but anger and numbness. My life have had always been a shit and can't blame anyone for it. I deserve it. Quickly, I wiped those tears and was about to say something when i hard footsteps and saw Ohm standing there with no emotions.

I stared at him coldly and looked back at the others who had confused face. "Ohm, I'll leave you alone. Keep your girlfriend away from me or i might do something no one wants". I said with a cold face. "What? Girlfriend?" Gulf said in surprise and glared back at Ohm.

"Yea, it's me. I'm the girlfriend this bitch has been saying." Prim said with a bitchy attitude coming downstairs dragging ohm with her. "Watch your mouth Prim. And we warned you in the party too. Why the fuck are you here?" Jimmy said with pure anger. I scoffed back. "So you had it that day too?" I said with a sad smile.

"Yes, I don't love you. I lost my feelings for you. I love Prim. And if just played with your feelings. I can't do anything else. You know. Just leave". He said with no emotion and Before i could speak the mansion boomed with a thud. Our eyes widened when we saw Ohm's face jerked to a side and gulf standing infront him with a glaring eyes.

"I didn't expect this from you Ohm. I thought you would be a better person but you are worse than I could imagine". "I am dissapointed in you Ohm. I can't beleive my brother would be someone like this." Mew said with a dissapointed look.

All of them went out of the mansion including his friends and the only ones standing there was me, ohm and prim. "I will get my things back later. I'll find a place to live first." And saying that I left. "I will not talk to him. How could he?" Gun said hugging me tightly. We were right now at Offgun's mansion. "It's still very shocking that Ohm would have such a mentality about you. I am really sorry Nanon. Because of him you got hurt." Tonhon said holding my hands tightly.

I smiled back. "It's okay. I'm fine. I deserve-" "No, its us who doesn't deserve you. We are really sorry!" Gulf said patting my head slowly. "Yes, Uncle Ohm bad." Peach suddenly said and sat on my lap clinging on to my neck I held her softly and smiled in pain. "We won't talk to him. You don't deserve this." Mew said with anger all over his face. "Jimmy and Korn? What abou-" "Even though he is wrong, it is our job to protect him". Jimmy said with a sigh.

"Okay, let's go back home and you stay with me". Tonhon said with a smile. "I live alone and would need a fun partner!" "What? No- it's a lot." He shook his head grabbed my hand. "Shut up! It's nothing. I can do this atleast this much for you.

It had been 2-3 days that i had taken away my stuff from the mansion and was living with Tonhon. "Hey, help me bake the cookies!" Tonhon called as i went downstairs. "So! Make the frosting and I'll bring the other cookies." We had made a lot of cookies by that time.

"Omg! This is soo good! Thank you!" I exclaimed biting on the cookies. "Thank you and you can take them to College!" "Of course, I will! "This deserves to be in show!"

He smiled and pinched my cheeks. "I'm glad you liked it". Even though, it was hard for me to forget Ohm I was trying my level best to forget him through these happy moments.


I couldn't believe my ears what i heard just now. I never believed that Ohm would do something like that and I had gone to talk to him about everything when what I heard from his cabin made my blood boil.

"Good, that you removed that slutty Nanon from your life!" "Shut up! Don't you dare speak about him like that infront me". Ohm growled at the voice back. "Aww, baby you know what you did was right?" Prim's voice boomed. "Shut the fuck up. Because of you I lost the love of my life, my own fukcing family who loved me more than anything hates me and doesn't talk to me, my own best friends who had been with me from childhood doesn't talk to me. How much do you want to make me hate you both? Listen, to onething. I have loved him and will do so until death part us. He is mine and mine. I had to hurt him so that you don't hurt him and my family. You have no right!"

My heart was pounding in guilt, he was apart of this? He suffered just because these two assholes wanted to hurt us? "Look, you better not open your mouth infront of anyone else or you know i can kill people you love anytime!" I quickly hid myself.

After, they went inside the cabin with a Cold face. "What? What do you want? I have nothing left. What else do you want from me?" I could feel the pain and and helplessness through his words and sighed. "You are stronger than I had thought Ohm". He frowned. "What?" "I heard what Prim and her brother said to you. "What? Off! Don't! Please! Forget it! Don't tell anyone! I can't imagine anything happening to anyone of you!"

I sjook my head slowly and hugged him back. "I will not do anything but why are hurting yourself like this? You are a mafia! Just kill them?" He shook his head. "I cannot they don't have power like me but have people around whom of they give even a single piece of singnal they will not hesitate to kill and I can't risk it!"

I nodded. "Look, I am with you but i need to keep acting like i hate you infront others or this can get leaked which will be worse!" "Just know that, I am with you." He nodded and after a few minutes i left.


It hurts. It hurts me so much when they ignore me like that. Even Peach hates me. She doesn't even glances at me. I felt like i was being put into a cage. I never imagined my life to turn out to be like this. I felt like I was just being sucked away my family.

Right now, I was sitting in my room working on my laptop when sudden the lights tuned off. There were sudden screams and glass breaking sound making me run downstairs with my gun. But suddenly the soun stopped the whole area was dark, i was about to put on the light when i felt a blunt over my head and blacked out the next moment.

Thanks for reading 🥺✌️

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