What Would He Thing of Harfoot?

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"What would Tolkien think of Harfoot being in the second age?" Drogo Proudbody shook his head as he passed a drink down the bar to another Hobbit. "The actress asked what Tolkien would think, despite the answer being as clear as day!"

"No Hobbits!" said the other Hobbit before tipping the beer so he could drink

"And Galadriel is supposed to be an Elf, not an Elfling. Even Legolas, a young Elf, wouldn't leave a comrade behind. That's so un-Elf like it isn't funny."

"The whole thing is hilarious," the other Hobbit said. "And it's not even out yet."

"But what if it is good," a third voice chimed in, "And you old gaffers are all wrong?"

"We'll gladly admit it, but the thing is, it's hard to see that happening when they had Galadriel take over Elrond's job of leading the armies. That's already a major divergence from canon, nor did she need to pick up a sword."

"Not to mention revenge for Elves don't make sense, since they—you know, reincarnate, and other races don't get that chance.," the other Hobbit said while the third listened. "They shout, 'go back to the books,' yet it doesn't seem as if they've read Tolkien, or if they did, understand how interconnected so many things are."

"But we should wait to see, right?" the third Hobbit asked before asking for a specific drink.

"Except we can see with our very eyes what they're doing," the other Hobbit said. "What else is promotional material for, except to look and see whether the end product is good or not? And often, that does not lie, but we're expected not to believe what we see. Sure, sure."

Drogo filled up the order and pushed it to the third Hobbit. "Let's not pretend what's going on isn't."

What Would He Think of Harfoot? (Rings of Power Satire)Where stories live. Discover now