"You are my..."

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Perrie giggled "Jade where are we going?"

"It's a mystery!" Jade smiled. "To you and me both!"

She may have been leading but she was still wondering where they should go.

Perrie hummed. She couldn't lie, she didn't mind at all where they went as long as Jade kept holding her hand.

Jade ran up a grassy path which confused Perrie slightly, she swore she's never seen this path before.

The girls found themselves in a clearing and were met with the view of a large, dazzling, blue lake.

"My lake!" Jade proudly declared. "Well actually it's not mine, this is all public land, but it feels like mine. And it's my favorite place in the world!"

"Favorite place in the world?" Perrie hummed. "What do you do here?"

Jade smiled and sat down. "I just watch it. It's very calming."

Perrie sat down next to her and couldn't help but to lean her head on Jade's shoulder.

Jade smiled softly, realizing this had always been her favorite place for how relaxing it was when she was alone, but that she could be relaxed anywhere now as long as Perrie was close to her.

The girls stayed in that position, the sun shining onto the lake making it glisten, the view almost heavenly. Perrie sighed and relaxed against Jade, closing her eyes.

Jade smiled and started to run her hands through Perrie's hair gently. Perrie opened her eyes and giggled, laying her head in Jade's lap instead.

Jade smiled and took Perrie's hand as she returned to playing with her hair.

After staying like that for as long as possible, Perrie sat up and suddenly Jade turned towards her and her brown eyes locked with Perrie's blue ones as both girls leaned forwards, their lips meeting  in the sweetest and softest of kisses.

Perrie's hands moved to rest gently on Jade's waist as Jade leaned into the kiss.

Then they both pulled away, grinning at each other like idiots. 

Perrie stood up and extended a hand to Jade, helping her up.

Jade kissed Perrie's cheek on last time before they both had to return home, still feeling butterflies in their stomach and each other's lips on theirs

(A week later)

It had been one very long week  until the weekend but it was finally Saturday and both girls couldn't wait to be with each other again.

They had opted to keep their relationship (if they could even call it that at this point) a secret from their friends and family until they knew where they were standing. But they both knew they felt something when they were with each other that they'd never felt before.

Perrie knocked on Jade's door, being met with her mother.

"Hi, Miss Thirlwall. Is Jade here?" She asked politely, albeit shyly, she'd obviously never met Jade's family before.

"Yes. She's upstairs." Jade's mum smiled as Perrie noticed how Jade's mum's Geordie accent was even stronger than both hers and Jade's. "Are you her friend?" She asked slightly curiously having never met any other friends of Jade's apart from her childhood best friend.

"Um yeah!" Perrie smiled. "I'm Perrie!"

"Jade! Someone called Perrie here to see you!" Jade's mam shouted upstairs and upon seeing the way her daughter rushed downstairs like the house was on fire as soon as she heard her, she got the feeling Perrie might be a bit more than just a friend.

"Pez." Jade breathed.

"Jade!" Perrie smiled, immediately hugging the smaller girl tightly, lifting her off her feet slightly.

Jade smiled and hugged her back. "My room?" She smiled, as Perrie set her back down. 

Perrie nodded and followed Jade upstairs.

"So does your mam know?" She asked, as soon as Jade closed the door.

"Know what?" Jade asked, sitting on the bed, gesturing for Perrie to sit next to her.

Perrie sat next to her and opened her arms for Jade, Jade cuddling into her.

"That you..." she trailed off, not really sure how to explain it.

"That I like girls, yes. That you're my girlfriend, no." 

Perrie's eyes widened "Can we call it that?"

"I mean, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Jade looked up at Perrie as Perrie nodded.

"Definitely!" She smiled.

"Then we can!" Jade beamed, standing up as she took both of Perrie's hands. "You, Perrie Edwards, are my girlfriend."

Perrie gazed up at her, standing up herself. "And you're mine." She spoke softly as a smile grazed her lips

Jade stood on her tiptoes and pecked the blonde's lips making her small smile turn into a wide grin. 

Jade smiled. "Let's go out again! This time you should show me your favorite place.

Perrie bit her lip, considering, before smiling. "Got it."

"Mam! We're just going to go out for a bit!" Jade smiled as the girls went downstairs.

"Okay! Have a good time!" She replied.

"We will!" Jade smiled, gazing up at Perrie. 

Perrie smiled down at the brunette, taking her hand, knowing they would enjoy whatever they did, as long as they did it together.



I'm honestly so excited for the nextchapter of this myself and we finally got somewhere so say it with me JERRIE, JERRIE, JERRIE!

Anyway, love y'all and see you soon! Mwah! ❤️

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