The Best Choice I Ever Made

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The next time Jade saw Perrie she declared it was her turn to take Perrie on a date, and Perrie, while slightly confused by Jade relentless listing  decided to just let her have it her way.

"Where do you want to go today?" She smiled down at the brunette with her arm around her.

"I had the best idea!" Jade squealed happily.  "Not too far from my house there's a nice restaurant! There's a bit of a hike to get there but it's worth it! The lasagna they serve is..." there was a slight pause while she contemplated it. "Heaven."

Perrie giggled, she wasn't a fan of hiking, but when she saw Jade look up at her with so much hope in her eyes, she couldn't say no.

 "Alright" she hummed. How bad can it be? 


She never should have asked that question, because the answer was very. Very bad.

For her at least.

"This is my life now! I have climbed this hill, and now I shall die upon it!" Perrie whined dramatically.

"Shut up, we've only been hiking for ten minutes." Jade giggled. "I told you it'll be worth it. Think of the lasagna!" 

Perrie laughed, taking Jade's hand and pressing a quick kiss to it. "I love you but I swear this had better be the BEST lasagna I have ever tasted!"

"It will be!" Jade smiled.

"Who knew you were a foodie like me!" Perrie teased, poking Jade's nose.

"Only for lasagna!" Jade clarified. "Of course when it comes to lasagna I am practically a food critic who gets their opinion published in those big glossy magazines!"

Perrie chuckled, finding Jade absolutely captivating in this moment. With the sun hitting her hair and her eyes shining.

Jade suddenly grabbed Perrie's hand and started sprinting up the hill. 

"Jade! That's not fair!" She whined, only to quieten as she saw the restaurant Jade must have been referring to in front of them.

Jade beamed before skipping to the entrance, still holding Perrie's hand.

She kissed Perrie's cheek and giggled. "Told you." Before entering.

Once they were seated, a waitress came round to take their order.

Jade hummed. "I'll have the lasagna please!"

Perrie nodded. "I'll have the same, thank you!"

"This is the best choice you've ever made, I promise!" Jade giggled, taking Perrie's hand.

Perrie hummed. "Oh really? I thought that was when..."

She suddenly went silent, still unsure as to whether this was still going too far.

"When what buba?" Jade hummed.

"When I decided to date you." Perrie practically whispered.

Jade giggled. "Well...I'm glad we made that decison too."

Perrie smiled, as Jade grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Jade's eyes widened "Pezza!"

"What?" Perrie hummed.

"My favorite song is playing!"

Perrie hummed listening properly to what was going on around and heard the familiar somg that was playing from the speakers.

Diana Ross.

I'm Coming Out.

Of course.

Jade started to sing along and Perrie giggled, singing with her.

Jade beamed at her and Perrie knew she's do anything to see that smile all the time as her heart filled with love knowing she was the cause of it.

Then their food arrived and Jade immediately went quiet, her cheeks reddening, as the waitress had heard her sing. Perrie raised an eyebrow and whispered to Jade. "You sounded beautiful, baby."

Jade's cheeks went even redder, if that was possible, the colour spreading to her ears. "Thank you."

Then when she registered their food had arrived, she clapped her hands excitedly. And Perrie tried not to laugh, THIS was the Jade she knew.

"Ready to taste the best lasagna you will ever eat?" She squealed and Perrie couldn't help the smile that quickly spread across her cheeks. She wasn't even a massive fan of lasagna herself, but seeing Jade so happy, practically made her heart turn cartwheels.

"Of course."

Then she felt a thought that made her heart practically melt.

I want to stay with  her forever.


Hiiii! Sorry for the short chapter but they're so in love and cute I had to include it! Don't worry, we'll have some drama soon!

Love y'all! Byeee! ❤️

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