Chapter 1

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Ava's P.O.V.

"Are you okay, girl?" I hear her ask.

I bring up my arm to cover my face and ears, the question ringing loudly in my ears.

"Can you talk any louder?" I ask, feeling last night's drink in my throat.

"Sorry, just want to know you're fine." she shrugs. "You did kind of drink a lot last night."

I sit up slowly as my stomach does flips, making me nauseous.

"Of course, I drank, it was the last party before school starts again." I say, resting my arms on my knees and my head in my hands.

"The guys definitely missed out." she laughs.

The thought of him sends me running to the toilet.

"What the- Ava?!" shrieks Jennie.

I flush the toilet and lean back against the cabinet, as she brings me a wet rag. 

"Never. Drinking. Again." I moan.

After a minute, I sigh and bring my head down to look at my friend, who looks at me with a furrowed brow.


"Just... this isn't the first time you've been sick this week." she says.

"So? Maybe now that finals are over, it'll stop." I shrug.

"Are you sure you're not sick because of something else?"


"What are you saying?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"Before the guys left for L.A., didn't you and Logan hang out?" she asks, leaving me in disbelief.

"I'm gonna stop you right there." I say, getting up to rinse my mouth. "We hung out, yes, but we didn't..."

And that's when it hit me.

"Ava?" she asks, crossing her arms. "When was the last time you had your period?"

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.

"Let me see a calendar, now."

"Ava." she says in disbelief once more. "You and Logan?!"

"Can you shut up?! I can't think!" I say, pacing around the bathroom.

"At least take a test or better yet, go to the doctor just to be sure."

He couldn't have gotten me pregnant, right? I mean, he doesn't even have experience in that department! And I'm only fifteen!

Days Later

I skim down the aisle and see a box. 'Clear Blue'

'Better take three to be safe.'

Grabbing what I need and a juice, I make my way to the cashier and lay them down. She immediately looks at me with pity, which makes me roll my eyes.

After I pay, I stuff the tests in my backpack and go home. Thankfully no one is home.

I go up to my room and lock my door. I dump my backpack on my bed and rip the tests out of their box. The juice works fast, so I was able to take it quickly.

My heart pounds as I lay the test on the counter to wash my hands. I set the timer on my phone as a million thoughts race through my head.

It can't be positive, right? I mean, no one ever gets pregnant on the first time, right? Then again, when he comes back in three months, I can just give the kid to him.

I jump out of my skin when my cell phone rings. It couldn't have been three minutes already.

I pick up the phone to see a text from Jennie.

'want to check up on you. Anything?'

'taking test right now'

'coming over'

I leave the test on the counter and go sit on my bed, burying my head in my hands.

Those tests cannot be positive. I'm not ready to have a kid right now, heck, I'm still a kid!

I hear the door open and close downstairs.

"Ava!" I hear.

"Up here!" I answer.

Soon, Jennie's footsteps come closer and closer until she's at my door.

"You really took a test?"

"I took three." I sigh shakily.

As if on cue, the timer on my cellphone pings.

I look up to my friend as my heart races.

"Hey, whatever the tests say, I will be with you through thick and thin, okay?" she says, holding my hand.

I slowly get off the bed and walk into the bathroom. My heart sinks when I see the same thing on every test.


A/N: I know it sucked, I'm sorry! But it will get better within the next 2 chapters!

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