Chapter 29

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Nellie's P.O.V.

Because it only works when we-

No, that won't work either. I scrap the sheet of paper and lean against the wall, as morning announcements continued.

"And a huge congratulations to our very own Lyndsay and Nellie Mitchell, who go on their very first tour in four weeks!"

Instantly, there was a roar of applause throughout the entire school.

Because Lyndsay and I won the Teen Choice Award for Awesomest Song, we have been officially awarded the opening spot for Big Time Rush's new tour which starts in a month. I didn't think it was that big of a deal until tickets sold out in less than five minutes.

However, we became even more busy than everyone lead on we would be. After school, there was a limo waiting to take us to the studio to work on choreography. We quickly change into loose fitting clothing and meet Mr. X in the dance studio.

5 Hours Later

"Damn, I'm more out of shape than I thought I was." pants Lyndsay. "How are you not dying right now?"

"Oh, I stayed as busy as I could when I was with my mom, I'm used to this." I shrug.

"We're done for today but meet me in my office." yells Gustavo.

"Ugh." groans Lyndsay, laying down on the ground.

I guess we took a little too long to go into the office because dad came in and had to carry her into the office.

"What's up?" I ask, grabbing a water bottle.

"You're going on tour but are mostly singing covers, with the single that put you on top." says Kelly.

"So, we need to start talking about your first album." says Gustavo, resulting in Lyndsay taking a spit take.

"Hey, chill!" says dad, rubbing her back.

"Having said that, are you girls content with your setlist?" asks Kelly, showing us a tablet screen.

We look over the list and nod in agreement.

"Looks good." says Lyndsay.

"Then I think we're done for today." smiles Kelly.

~Next Day~

"Because only when I'm with you, do I feel my most-"

"Cut!" yells Gustavo, shutting off the music.

"What's wrong, I thought we were good?" I ask.

"Dogs, what was wrong here?" he asks.

"Your singing is great." says uncle Kendall.

"But you're facing the ground." says dad.

"Let's try this again but this time-"

"No dog cones!" calls dad.

"Dog cones?" we say confused.

"Long story." they say.

"Just, try the song again but keep looking up at us." says uncle James.

"From the top!" says Gustavo.

We get through the song again with better focus. After running through some songs, and a couple cough drops, we were called down to try on some outfits that would be used for wardrobe.

"This is a lot of clothes." I mutter, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"And a lot of glitter, too. I love it!" exclaims Lyndsay, who was as giddy as a child on Christmas morning.

"When choosing an outfit, make sure it's from your own rack." says the stylist.

She shows us the end of each rack, which has our names on it.

Soon after this, things started to pick up even more. We were now having half days at school to prepare for tour. At least, I thought that was the most of it. Weekends have now been dedicated to rehearse for tour. We are now spending pretty much all day at Rocque Records.

We are either trying on tour clothes or rehearsing our moves.


"So what do we even pack for tour?" I ask.

"Basically, what you packed for the last tour, only this time it has to last you months." says dad. "Here, sit on the suitcase so I can close it."

I do ask I'm asked and the bag closes with ease.

"How do you do that?" I ask, curious.

"I've been doing this since I was... sixteen? Seventeen? I've learned a trick or two." he laughs. "Are you doing okay?"

I sigh and lean back.

"I'm excited, really." I say. "But..."

"If it's about the schedule, don't worry about that." he says.

"No, it's just... it's a little scary to think about sometimes."

"I get that." he says. "But a lot of my favorite memories have been made on tour."

I arch my eyebrow at that.

"Hey, Alex is going to be on his own tour so... there shouldn't be any tour repeats."

I put my hands up in the air.

"I didn't say nothing." I said.

The next two weeks were spent the same way. Prepping for tour and all. Only this time we've been getting some stage practice. Something Gustavo calls 'pfi'? We've had several spotlight tests, so much in fact I'm surprised we can still see. That wasn't all. We've also been training for a mosh pit hand slap, which apparently can be dangerous if you stay too close to the edge.

With one week to spare, everyone at school had started talking about tour. And even more when they noticed Lyndsay and I have been having half days at school to prep.

Right on time, twelve thirty, we left class to catch a ride to the studio.

"Okay, let's run this down one more time!" calls uncle Carlos. "Both setlists?"

"Done!" we say.

"Mitchell, backflips?"

Dad, Lyndsay and I do identical backflips at the same time, all with perfect landings.

"Check!" we say.

"And does everyone still agree on the lighting?" asks uncle Kendall, flipping a switch to dim the lights.

"Yes, sir!" they say.

"Then we're about done!" we cheer.

"Almost!" calls Gustavo.

"Don't forget your backstage passes!" says Kelly, passing out land yards.

I sigh in nervousness, as reality starts to set in.

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