Chapter 22

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Few Days Later

Nellie's P.O.V.

'Welcome back to AMLA, what you just heard is the groundbreaking new single 'Fire' by our very own Lyndsay and Nellie Mitchell! Yes, that's right, Logan Mitchell's very own daughters have collaborated together on their first single!' says the tv host. 'You may recall Nellie is Logan's illegitimate child-'

"You don't need to be watching that." says dad, muting my tv. "You're not hungry? Lyndsay waited as long as she could for you."

"Kind of hard to have an appetite when people are talking trash about you." I say.

"That's what she said until her mother had to force feed her." he say.

I sigh and lean back in bed.

"Nellie, your video has more shares, likes and comments than anything they've ever done on that show." he says.

"Yet on ScuttleButter, people are saying how it's the most crap they've seen in years." I say, gesturing at the tv.

Dad sighs and looks at the television.

"Okay, how about that one?" he says, pointing to the screen. "Where they say 'I love you guys! Stay close to your roots.' "

"Umm, I don't think I want to do that one."

"One could argue you have roots in LA." he points out.

"What does that one say?" I ask, a comment grabbing my attention.

I jump out of bed to get closer to the tv.

'Someone please feed the poor girl, I feel I can see through her bones'

"Okay, that's enough." says dad, turning off the tv.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all." I sigh.

"Hey, any talk about you guys is good talk." he says. "At the very least, it's getting your name out."

"That's what I've been telling this one." says Camille, as she and Lyndsay come in the room. "Now, come on, you guys have to get ready for school."


When we walked in the building, Lyndsay and I were instantly surrounded... by pretty much the whole student body, everyone congratulating us on our music video. Some were... a little offended we didn't ask them to be in it. Lyndsay advised me to shrug them off.

In homeroom we listened to the usual morning announcement. Or, it would have been usual, had they not shown our music video to the whole school. The whole day, we were the talk of the school. Which is why I was relieved when the final bell rang.

"Hey!" I say when I see Lyndsay on the way out.

"Gustavo sent a car for us." she says, holding up her phone.

"That was quick." I say, following her.

"Right? Like, at least give us two hours to breathe." she says, making me laugh.

The black limo was parked on the side of the school. It was a quick ride to the studio.

"Just in time!" says Kelly.

She walks us into Gustavo's office, where dad was waiting for us, too.

"Hey, how was school?"

"Everyone at school knows us even better now." shrugs Lyndsay.

"Good and just in time." says Gustavo. "Teen Choice nominees were announced a minute ago."

"Really, let me see!" we exclaim, having to be held back by dad.

"Or you two could hush for two seconds and let your boss talk?" asks dad.

"Thank you!" he says, turning to look at his screen. "And the nominees for Awesomest Song are... Savannah Silvers with 'My Soul Sings'... Vanessa Hawk with 'Queen Bee'... and Lyndsay and Nellie Mitchell with 'Fire'!"

"Yes!" we celebrate.

"Now that you're nominated, we gotta keep you guys in the spotlight until the awards." says Kelly.

"Which is why you two have a guest role in Zombies Zombies." says Gustavo, confusing us.

"What is that?" I ask.

"A new movie they're shooting at Colossal Studios." says Kelly. "There's a scene at a school dance where you two will be performing."

I look at dad and notice he has a face.

"Nice look."

"A long time ago we were making cameos, too and Carlos got involved with the princess's wicked step mother and it was a mess." he quickly explains.

"If you two promise to behave, you shoot your scenes tomorrow after school." says Kelly.

~Next Day

Like yesterday, there was a car waiting for us after school to drive us to the shoot. I used the time during the drive to get some homework done, whereas Lyndsay spent her time on her phone.

"Holy-!" she gasps, making me jump.

"What?!" I look up.

"I've been officially verified on ScuttleButter!" she squeals, showing me the screen.

Indeed she had! There is a little blue checkmark next to her name. And I noticed a little under were some Scutbuts asking what my handle was or why I didn't have social media.

We arrived at the shoot and the driver opened the door for us. We thanked him and walked into the set. It was pretty easy to find, considering there were labels everywhere.

"Thank you, ladies so much for joining us. I can't tell you how excited we are to have you here with us." says the director, walking us to hair and makeup. "Here's how your scene plays out: there's a school dance with a special guest performer, that's you guys. Our two main leading actresses have a few lines of dialogue and then run out."

"Sounds simple enough." we say, nodding in agreement.

We walk over to the set and immediately notice the stage they have set up, where our band was getting ready. I follow Lyndsay and take my place beside her, since they have two microphones set up.

"Are these things even on?" I hear Lyndsay mutter, looking her mic over.

I simply tap on the mics once, getting the answer when there's no echo.


"Excuse me, did you not want to do a sound check?" asks Lyndsay.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it completely slipped my mind." chuckles the director. "When filming scenes like these, there really isn't anyone playing any music. You just do as you would if you really were performing and then we edit the music in post."

"Interesting!" we say.

"Yes but thank you for asking." he says, turning around. "Places!"

It didn't take more than five or ten minutes to shoot this scene. We were in and out in under an hour.

"That's a wrap for today!" calls the director. "Start preparing for tonight's premiere!"

"Remind you of anything?" jokes Lyndsay, probably referring to our radio debut.

"How can I forget?" I smile, widely.

"Lyndsay, Nellie!" calls the director, walking in our direction. "Great work, really. How would you like to attend tonight's premiere?"

My mouth drops, leaving me speechless.

"Us? Really?" asks Lyndsay, also in shock.

"Of course! I like supporting aspiring artists such as you two." he says, giving us each a pass for tonight's event. "With your help, we're really kicking off our film with a bang. It's only fair you get the credit for your part."

"We'd love to!"

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