Jenny and Spike back together

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With Jenny.......

She sighed as she is in Toon Town fixing her short hair.

Jenny- I cant believe Mom told me to get some fruits here just becasue the fruit in Cawthon was EXPENSIVE. ( Looks around ) I just hope people wont recognize me.

Thorn sees his mom upset, he missed his dad, he climbs out of the crib and sneakfully went out the window, he grabs the pole and slides down, he crawls away to find his father*

Jenny looks and avoids any unfamiliar eye contact as she awkwardly looks away

Thorn crawls as he looks around for his father*

He sees Spike coming out with Maisie and the others and Thorn coos

Thorn crawls to him*

The kids look

Maisie- Thorn !

Spike: Son! *picks him up* I miss you so much! Wait, how did you crawl all the way from Cawton?

Thorn coos he mised him so much he skid form the pole by the window and yook a ride and crawled all the way here

Spike chuckles: Clever boy.

He then notices something.

Spike: Huh?

Maisie- What ?

He realized if Thorn is here then that means Jenny is nearby as well.

In the store....

Jenny still avoids anyone's eye contact as shw buys a few fruits.

Maisie and the others looked around the store*

Jenny noticed and gasped as she fixed her short hair and kept avoiding them.

Thorn looks: Mama! Mama!

Jenny yelped and quickly ran out before they could see her

Spike: Babe wait! *went after her*

Jenny kept running before she shortly bumped into Julian

Jenny- ahh !

He looks and sees Jenny and her new look

Julian: Jenny? Is that you?

Jenny yells and ran around him and passed the corner as he decided to go after her too

Julian: Jenny wait!

Jenny kept running and running as her friends exited the store.

Jenny kept running wnd made it to a bridge and takes a few deep breaths hoping she lost them

Spike is behind her: Hey babe.

Jenny gasped ane turned around as he sees her new look

Spike: Hot look babe.

Jenny tried not to blush and looked away

Spike: Look babe, I'm sorry I asked Tina out, I thought you want to break up with me.

Jenny- And why do you care all of a sudden ?

Julian made it to the bridge

Spike: I thought you don't love me anymore, so I came to see how your doing, after all it's been two months.

Thorn: Mama.

She picks up her baby.

Jenny just looked away from him .

Julian: You can't keep away from us forever.

Jenny- Why are you here ?

Spike: I want you back.

Jenny- Im talking to Julian too.

Julian: What he says, and we missed you.

Jenny- You don't even hang out with us. You spend all time with Croco. How could you POSSIBLY want me back

Julian: He threatened to bring Spike on his team.

Jenny- Of course he did. I bet he was pretty happy I was upset. ( To Spike ) And why would you do that to me ? Asking another girl out when you were still with me ?! You dont DO THAT to your girlfriend !

Spike: I thought you were breaking up with me!

Jenny looks*

Spike: You told me not to touch you and I thought you were breaking up with me, I got carried away with Tina and I didn't mean to get you upset, I miss you and the baby, I would do anything for you to make it up to you.

Jenny started to form tears in her eyes.

Jenny- Do you know how much that hurt me ? Did you know how hurt I felt when you threw me away like nothing ?! I expected you to check up on me months ago and you never did ! NO ONE did !! I get the horrible stunt I pulled on you but what I needed was my boyfriend to be on my side to tell me everything would be okay , but you never did !

Spike: I was wrong okay? *hugs her* I'm not the same without you.

Jenny then breaks down in his arms as she cries more

Jenny- Im sorry..... Im... Im so sorry..... I didnt mean for any of this to happen.......... The stress... The villains..... The fighting... The drama... Everyone treating me like Im one of their enemies....I couldn't take it anymore... I just couldn't take it.....

Spike: The reason I didn't come because you threatened to call the police on us.

Jenny- I was angry.... I felt betrayed.....I was upset I didnt lnow what I was feeling.....

Spike: I know....

He hugs her close as Julian slithered close

Julian snuggles her*

She blusjes and looks at him.

Maisie and the others came*

They see the new Jenny being held by Spike and Julian

Maisie: Hey Jenny.

Jenny sees them and looked away

Tito: We're sorry what we did to you

Jenny-( Still looking away ) Im sorry to.... Im sorry I hit your face very hard and backed out on y'all....... I just couldn't handle anymore of the stress from all this evil , fighting , and drama

Maisie: Well just to let you know, Simmons is dead, and we got the medallion. *as Eye Shadow is on her shoulder* And this is Eye Shadow.

Jenny- Cool.........

Krunch: And my brother Krusher is on our side.

Muskrat: Are you going to move back here?

She looks at him

Spike gave her the cute eyes*

Jenny smiled a little.

Jenny- Well....... Alright.. 

Spike smiles*

Snips: Yay!

Jenny smiled and snuggled Spike and Julian. 

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