Stuck on an island

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Back at Toon patrol hq*

Smarty sighed sadly as he looks at the ceiling

Greasy: Your back from the hike already?

Smarty- Yeah. I left

Psycho: Why?

Smarty- I dont know.

Stupid: You don't know?

Smarty- Well I don't remember alright ?! All I heard from Savy is that I was insulting Malikai and the others because how they treated Cherry ! Second they said I might have called Millie a slut ! And third: I might have called them selfish !

They gasped*

Smarty- I mean I don't remember but that's what they said !

Greasy: Oh boy.

Savy is at the door, she looks down feeling her heart filled with sadness*

Savy: I... I don't know what to do.. What should I do? My legs are trembling....

Crystal- Okay let me guess : Smarty called y'all selfish , eating like pigs when they didnt listen to you , called Millie a slut , and have a bad feeling ?

Savy: Ah! Crystal when did you get here!?

Crystal- Bruh. I was walking by after hearing Smarty rant. And plus , come on those walls are hollow as hell

Savy: Well I'm outside our home, but I'm trembling.

Crystal- Savy its okay.... You done all this before. This isnt the first time

Savy: It's not like Smarty's gonna come out and see me.

Crystal- Um.... You sure about that ?

Savy: Hm?

????- Savy ?

She looks and sees Smarty

Savy: Oh! Smarty!

Smarty- Hi hon

Savy looks down: We're you being controlled by the ego stone?

Smarty- Was I.... I didnt even know I said all that

Savy looks down

Smarty- Look if I really did say those things like you said then I am so sorry..... I didnt know that would happen.... I didn't mean to hurt you guys

Savy: I thought you hate me...

Smarty hugs her

Savy gasped*

Smarty tears up.

Smarty- If I really said those things I am very very sorry.... I didnt mean to hurt anyone.... I didnt know the ego stone would possess me next...

Savy hugs him back*

He gasped

Savy: I forgive you, but while you left I encountered my old friend Edward the cowboy vulture, he said that he is my knight but we're just friends and he said the most embarrassing stuff about me.

Smarty- Really ?! Oh God..... If he really likes you he wouldn't say things like that !

Savy: Well I'm glad your different from him, you never said embarrassing stuff about me.

Smarty- Awww babe , of course !

He snuggles her making her chuckle.

Back with the kids....

Jenny covers up her scars before anyone else could see them

Krunch: I feel like this is how Marvin got stuck in a whale.

Jenny- Please stop saying stuff like that.

Priscilla hugs Snips scared*

Maisie: I'm sure she'll spit us out any minute now.

They felt her stop*

Bunny- Are we there yet?

Marie-( Sarcastically ) No we are on the verge of meeting Death

They see the mouth open and they rolled out and landed on the sandy beach*

Jenny- Whoa !

Red then moves away and walked away into the jungle

Maisie: Red! Where are you going?!

Jenny- Im sure she'll be back .

Muskrat: Where are we?

Shorty: This better not be King king's island.

Jenny- Dude nobody likes King Kong that much anymore. He has only been in 30 movies , never goe son crazy adventures like Godzilla and NEVER leaves the island unlike Godzilla and Mothra

Tito: That's true.

Pipsy: Awwww, who's this little guy?

They see a little blue flopping sea creature*

Jenny- Awwwww ! He looks like one of those sea monsters.

Pipsy holds him: I'll call him Blue.

Jenny- Let me guess. Because he is blue ?

Pipsy looks away embarrassed

Porsha: It's a cute name.

Rosa: Rosa.

Rose- Oh zip it. You're not the one who has sand stick in her wings !

Maisie dusts the sand off: Well we got another problem, we have no service or a way to get off this island.

Timber: Tiptup, your a turtle, you can swim and get some help.

Tiptup shaking: After staring at Red, there is no way I'm going in the ocean!

Jenny- Youre a TURTLE !!! How can you IRONICALLY be afraid of water when you are built to swim in it ?!

Snips- Yeah !

Tiptup: Okay okay I'll go! *Went towards the water*

Tiptup gulped and went in the water*

They look.

Maisie: Okay meanwhile we need to find a way off this island, team A go and get some food, team b you make some tools to cut down some trees, team c, try to make a shelter or find one in case the sun goes down.

Jenny- And how are WE supposed to know which team is which?

Maisie facepalms: I forgot to give out names on who will be on those teams.

Tito: Not to worry senorita, me and my siblings will be team a.

Pipsy: Me, Krunch Krusher and my friends will be team b.

Spike: I don't mind being on Team c *holds Jenny* As long as my babe is on the team.

Jenny smiled and roleld her eyes. 

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