Cordula's eggs hatched

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With Cordula...

She rests with her eggs until hse heard a crack

Cordula- Huh ?

Coal: Huh?

Cordula looked and gasped

Coal: They're hatching!

Cordula- Get Void ! Its time !

Void is talking to Serverus*

Void laughs: I know, but once I get Alduin's DNA, I will be unstoppable.

Vexa- Good for you. You're NOT the one who is gonna die !

Void: Calm down sweetie.

Coal: Master! It's time!

Vexa- Huh ?

Coal: The eggs are hatching!

Vexa- Oh ! Well be there in a minute ( To Void ) And Dad why did you bring that stupid snake ? I told you I hate him and his stupid mate !

Void: He's a snake like us sweetie, and think of him as your uncle.

Vexa imagines it and screams in terror.

Vexa then hugs onto her father and whimpers

Void chuckles: There there sweetie.

Time skip...

They made it to Cordula's nest

The eggs are hatching*

Cordula gasped

Void: They're hatching!

They gasped and watch as one baby swan hatches chirping

Coal: It's a girl!

The baby cygnet looks at them and chirps

The other eggs hatched*

One a pink capybara and the other ine is a black and brown boy capybara and the other is a light brown and gray boy swan

Coal: Two girls and two boys

Cordula- I'll name our Baby girl capybara Cora and our baby boy swan Black Star. Cora is another word for heart and Black star is named after. A black star sapphire

Coal: Nice babe.

Cordula giggles

Cordula- what about you ?

Coal; I'm not sure what to name our other babies

Cordula- Hmm... I'll name our girl swan Ebony

Coal: I'll call our last son Clino

Cordula smiles as the baby swans look at their parents chirping as Cora and Clino whimpers as their eyes are closed

Coal pets them*

The babies coo chirp and whimper as Void and Vexa came in

Void: Awwww, look at them.

Vexa- I know right ?!

Cordula- Meet Cora , Black Star , Clino , and Ebony

They went closer to them

Void: So cute.

Vexa smiles as Void picked up Cora who blindly whimpers

Vexa nuzzled her as she cooed*

Void smiles seeing this as Coal nuzzled Cordula*

Meanwhile with Tina, she sits by the river feeling sad*

Maisie and the others walk by and see her

Maisie: Tina, how are you?

Tina: Feeling lonely...

Jenny- Oh...

Tina has tears*

Luna: She really likes Tentacular.

Jenny rubs her arm to calm her

Bumper: So what do we do?

Jenny- hmm... Why dont we go to Stoker ?

Maisie: You mean we're going to see Tentacular?

Blaze: Even though he snitched on us?

Jenny- If that makes Tina happy. She really likes him

Tina smiles: Thank you Jenny.

Pipsy: But how do we get to Stoker?

Jenny- Ahem. Stoker is like a halfway around the world

Tiptup: Whoa!

Muskrat- How about an airplane ?

Jenny-( Pause scared ) Oh hell no

Maisie: Your afraid of Airplanes?

Jenny- Yes......

Maisie: Hm? How about a boat?

Jenny- Okay but where are we gonna get a boat ?

Maisie: Let's go at Toon town docks and see.

Jenny- Okay.

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