My Little Fucked Up Family

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Grey POV

The next day I had just woken up to a near death experience as I felt something squeezing the life out of me. I felt a pair of soft and tender looking arms wrapped around me, but my current situation says otherwise, it is as if I'm being crushed by a car.

"How the hell is she this strong with a baby? Christ I'm but a child woman" I thought still not aware of the necklace, soon I just realized my stupidity and used it

"Viessa, you're squeezing me to death" my voice yelled, making said scythe jump and thankfully she didn't bring me with her when she jumped cause I'm pretty sure I would've been stuck on the ceiling had she threw me upwards

"Oh sorry" She said, her face turning to a shade of red, I chuckled and shook my head

"It's fine" I said and crawled to her, raising both my arms, as if gesturing for her to carry me

She chuckled at my behavior and picked me up, she then rested me on her right shoulder whilst I wrapped my hand around the back of her head to keep my balance

She then brought me to Agrona's office and when she knocked.

"Please come in" I heard a very exhausted Agrona yell from the other side of the door

When we got there Viessa seated me on one of Agrona's guest chairs and left the room, but not before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I see that you've grown close to Viessa" Agrona said and I nodded, he sat down across me and unlike yesterday he was serious today

"I have something to tell you" He said but paused for a while as if waiting for me to let him continue which I did by nodding

"Nico and Cecila are also in this world, what would you do?" He asked me as a surge of anger, rage, bloodlust came coursing through my mind, I stared intensely at the floor for a while to the point that I feared the floor would burn under my glare. But after a while I turned to face him again

"The only thing that works in this world is that you treat others as they treat you, those who have treated me with kindness I will repay that kindness ten fold." I said softly, but then I raised my voice "And those who treat me in injustice, that used me, that betrayed me, that killed me. I will repay that injustice a thousand times over" I ended the sentence coldly at the question of Nico and Cecilia being in the same world with me again

(A/N a little tribute for Technoblade)

"Good because they have a higher chance of siding with my enemies" He said and I raised an eyebrow, his expression faltered as there was a tinge of sadness on his face

"In this world there are three continents, Alacrya which is ours, Dicathen which is where Nico and Cecilia reside, and Epheotus where my race was originally from, it is a land filled with self proclaimed Gods" He started explaining me about this world

"My father in law, was a very paranoid man, he even committed genocide at one point to ensure that only his race is able to have the ability to use aether. Unlike your world, this world uses mana, and aether is the cup of the world, mana is the water whilst aether is the cup that holds it. When my father in law heard of a lesser race that is capable of doing more aether arts than his own people, he ordered for the race to be wiped off" He sighed as he stood up and took a bottle, pouring a glass of what seems to be wine

"I'd love to talk with you over a drink but, shame you're in a infant's body" He said and I shook my head

"Don't worry I don't know the taste of alcohol, I've never gotten the chance to try it in my previous live" I replied and he nodded, he placed his glass on the table and continued his story

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