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The next morning came, Ben waiting for Jane to arrive. He sighed as he saw Jane arrive. She has bought herself some proper clothes. Noticing a tag still attached in her jacket and takes it off.

"Looks like you found town okay" He says as the two of them start walking to the room they are needed in.

"Yeah barely" Jane says as a small laugh escapes her lips. "Did the family identify the body?"


"Did they give a reason for... not reporting her missing?" They continued walking down some stairs towards the lab. Jane curious why the family never reported her missing.

"Well she stayed with a boyfriend so they didn't think anything of it." He stops his talking to properly walk down the stairs. "She was eighteen free to do anything she wanted"

They entered the room to met by a guy named Randy. Ben explains how he only has five mintues to explain what he found.

"Morning, Randy Whitehurst the medical examiner" Janes takes a look at the body. Shocked to see how the is body cut open.

"I-um I'm Jane Banner FBI" Randy began to explain all the injuries Natalie had. From head to toe she had either a cut or frost bite.

He starts to explain everything else he found

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He starts to explain everything else he found. Talking about how the sample he took will arrive in six weeks.

"What are you listing the cause of death?" Ben asks.

"Your not gonna like it she died from a pulmonary hemorrhage" Jane still looking at the body, taking notes in her head of all the injuries. "When sub zero air is drawn in the lungs. It caused the alveoli tiny sacks in the lungs to burst. Fluid builds in the lungs and if the air is cold enough the liquid in the lungs crystalize."

"Wait your not listing this as a homicide" Jane interrupts after realizing what he has listed the cause of death.

"We can't"

"But- you have to take in consideration the circumstances." Jane begins speaking. "She was raped repeatedly, beaten"

"Look um circumstances is your field not mine. Let me show yo-"

"No I don't need it explained"

"This is very procescudible as a murder. Clearly she would of been running through the snow if she hadn't been attacked" Randy explains. "But I can't list the cause of death as homicide"

"And I can't get an FBI team to the Reservation unless its listed as a homicide" Jane starts getting annoyed on why it was listed as a homicide. He has all the evidence of rape and assault. "Look I'm not here to solve this, I'm just here to abtane a cause of death and send it to the team that can."

"Look present the rape, present the assault and and"

"Those don't fall the jurisdiction of the FBI, they fault to the Bureau of Native Affairs" The room goes silent. Randy having nothing to say. Jane looks back at Ben, pissed of what has happened.

"Hey don't look at me, I'm used to no help"

"You have six officers in the entire force to cover the area the size of Rhode Island."

"Yes I know that" After Randy explain again that he can't list it as a homicide. Jane exits the room, needing a breather. She wanted to help them, she really does but she knows her supervisor will send her back home. Yes she will see her family but she really wants to finish this case. Maybe she can call-

Ben comes out a few mintues after apologizing. Saying how Randy is on their side. Jane explains how this is not good for her. If those reports are sent she will be sent back home.

"Look I'm the only one you got. I might not be much help but I can call someone who can help. But I need you to make a call to someone here too."


Juan's POV:

I was currently washing some dishes. Esther was up in her room doing god no's what. As I finish cleaning the counters and washing, my phone rings. As I go over to pick it up seeing its Jane. I quickly pick it up, worry coming in my body.

"Jane are you okay" I quickly asks. I hear her laughs, which makes my worry go away.

"Yes mi vida, I'm alright." I hear her sigh. "I just need your help. I need you to come up here and help me solve this case" Jane begins to explain more about the case. She gave me everything I needed to know. She told me how the reports can't be sent or else she will come home. I can hear her rage through her voice.

"Okay my love I'll get there as fast as I can" As I end the call I start getting my bag from the closet. Having a couple clothes in there. But I need some warm clothes. I start heading up to my room. Realizing who am I gonna leave Esther with. Now we had left Esther with a babysitter before. But the problem was with them not knowing sign language it was hard for communication.

My mom lives in California and its an 6 hours drive to Vegas and need to leave now. I place my bag near my door. Walking over to Esther door being open. Seeing the small curly hair blonde girl. Her tongue poking out as she draws, something Jane does. Esther's head flies up.

'Hi daddy'

'Hi princess what are you drawing' I walk into Esther's room. Seeing a few stuff animals on the ground. Esther shrugs her shoulders and turns it so I can see. I can see a couple stick figures and it looks like they're crying. A house type and the word 'Bad' written over it. 'Can you explain who these two are'

'Man and' she stops and looks back at the drawing. She turns around and grabs a couple more pieces of paper. 'Mommy is in trouble'

I look back at the papers in her hands. A drawing of a stick figures on the ground, red covering over her. Blood. The case Jane told me. The next showing a group of people in a circle and one person in the middle.

'Is that mommy'

We need to go now

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We need to go now. I get up picking up all of Esther's drawings.

"DA-" I stop in my tracks turning around. Esther running to me and I drop to my knees.

"Baby I need you to pay close attention" She nods her head.

'Mommy needs my help, and I need your help' I sigh knowing the consequences this might bring. 'I really need you to help me, for mommy'


'Get your snow boots' She runs to her closet. As I get up quickly grabing my bag and rushing to find my clothes. Grabing my badge and gun holster. Grabing our passports and wallet. Heading downstairs to put in the car. As I enter back into Esther room seeing her puting on her boots. I grab a small suit case putting her some warm clothes. Grabbing a notebook and color pencils.

"Come on we gotta go" I saw as I grab her small hand. But she lets go of it getting her stuff bear and her extra pair of hearing aids. Grabing the last of bags and equipment. I put Esther in her car seat. Starting the car and heading to the airport.

God Jane is gonna hate me for this.

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