Forgiveness (Chapter 3)

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"A-Spen? What's wrong?" Addison asked while A-Spen was looking not so happy.
"Oh? Oh, nothing Addison. I'm fine." They responded.

'How can I say sorry to Willa? Saying sorry won't help, so maybe a poem? No, I'm bad at that..  Maybe asking her out? That isn't too weird right? Asking her out and then saying sorry? I can do that.'

10 minutes later~

'Where is she.. Isn't she usually here? Maybe she's by the tree from earlier today..' A-Spen thought. They walked towards the place where they saw Willa. And yes, she was still there.

'Willa.. She looks beautiful.. Wait, it's this feeling again.. Love.. Right?..'

"Hey Willa.. Can I sit here beside you?" A-Spen asked while looking at Willa.

"Ugh, can't you sit somewhere else? Look, over there, a bench. You can easily sit over there too."

'She's not in a good mood I see..' They thought.
A-Spen sat down besides Willa.
"Ehm, Willa? I wanted to ask you something.."

Willa looks at A-Spen. "What do you need."
"Do you.. maybe want to go somewhere.. To eat?"

'Are they asking me? Is this a date? Why? Didn't they hate me? Why ask someone on a date when you hate them... Maybe it's a joke. They're definitely messing with me.. Of course they wouldn't go out with me after I was being so mean towards them-'

"Willa? Hello?" A-Spen waved their hand in front of her face.
"O-Oh? Y-Yeah sorry. What was the question again?"

"I asked if you wanted to go somewhere to eat. You can choose where."

'So.. It's true?'

"Well, if you want to, sure I guess. We'll go eat at a cafe I like. You can just follow me." Willa said while standing up.
Willa turned around and looked at A-Spen. Then she gives a hand to help them up.
A-Spen smiles and takes it.
"Thank you!" A-Spen said.
"It's nothing, let's get going."


"So, why did you ask me out?" Willa asked when they sat down, hoping a certain answer.
"Look, I thought you hated me so I wanted to say sorry. And I thought this was the best thing to do." A-Spen explained.

'So it wasn't a date then?..' Willa thought, disappointed.

"Well, either way we have food now." Willa said.

After they got their food and drinks they were chatting about everything. Really everything. Also Willa explained more about Seabrook and ZombieTown.
Then, Willa wanted to ask A-Spen about the "date"..

"A-Spen? Ehm, did you intend to make this a date?" Willa asked carefully.
A-Spen looked at her.
"What is a date?" They asked.

"A date is when you and another person go somewhere with only the two of them. You ask them out if you like them, or you get asked by someone because they like you."

"Like someone, like you like them as a friend?"

"No... You like them more as a friend. When you're in love."

"Ohhhhhh" A-Spen said, finally understanding. "Do you like someone?"

Willa looks out of the window. "No I don't. I don't need a partner. A sidekick. I'm an Alpha, and I can do it by myself."

'So she doesn't need my love..' A-Spen said.

"Well, the food was great. I should go." They said. Ad they stand up, Willa stands up too.
"You're also going?" A-Spen asked.

"Yeah, I have things to do." Willa reacted.

When they walked outside, Willa grabbed A-Spen's arm.
"Wait a second." She said.

A-Spen turned around, confused. "Why?"


"I.. wanted to thank you.. For today. For this." Willa said, flustered.
"Oh, yeah, of course."

Willa looked at A-Spen.
She kissed them fast on their lips and ran away.

A-Spen looked up, confused, again.
They touched their lips, thinking about her.
'She.. Kissed me?..'

Sorry for that I didn't write some time, school is starting and of course I need to focus on that. I will still write and update this but not so fast.
Hope you understand🥰💕

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