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"When we get into the house, you'll ask Marvelous to be your date"
"If I slap you, look at this one I'm helping. Oh, you think I haven't seen your chat with that useless Mr Dada's daughter? People that their character smells is who you want to be following. You're not okay, when you get inside, you'll ask that sweet lady to be your date. Do I make my self clear?"
"I've asked Marvelous every year. I've asked someone already" He grumbled loudly.
"Except I didn't give birth to you, that's when you'll disobey me" She said unbuckling her seatbelt.
"But mummy..."
"Even if you've asked the president's daughter, you'll tell her that your mother said you're going with someone else. Do I make my self clear?"
"Two things will happen that day; you go with Marvelous or you'll go and start your holiday with your uncle"
"God forbid! I'm not going to uncle Jide's house this year"
"Try me. I saw the scratch beside my car" Before she could hold him, he jumped out of the car laughing. He had driven her car without her permission and was hoping she wouldn't see it.
Closing the door, "If you don't ask my sweetheart to that party, I'll take from your university money and paint the car, thank God you're a tailor, you'll know how to sort yourself" She said ignoring his gaping mouth."Better close your mouth before flies enters" She said as she pushed the door open to the house.
"My friend, my friend" His mother shouted.
Marvelous came out with a smile pushing her glasses up. "Good afternoon ma"
"Marvelous, my wife, come here" She said fondly. When she came she hugged her. "She smells like honey" She said looking at her son while they both blushed embarrassed.
"Follow better people. Marvelous, if you pass your exams with flying colours, I promise to buy you whatever you want"
Stephen's mouth dropped open. "Mummy?"
"I know what type of result you'll bring back home" Turning to Marvelous, with a smile. "Where is your mum? Didn't she hear me come in?"
"She's sleeping"
"Go wake her up, has she cooked?"
"Wait, let me fetch my food before you wake her. She complains I eat alot" She hurriedly went to the kitchen as Marvelous chuckled. She then turned to Stephen who was sneering at her. She gave him a curt nod and went to wake her mum.
"How many meat did you carry?" Marvelous laughed as her mother asked Mrs Blessing. "How many meat did you carry?" She repeated staring intently at the soup bowl.
"Four, kill yourself. My brother married you"
"You and your brother is not okay. Stephen, I thought I asked you not to drive your mum to my house"
Laughing, "She drove"
"Your mother drove you here?" She asked interested.
"Yes ma"
"So, what time did you live the house?" She asked and everyone burst into laughter except Mrs Blessing who didn't find it funny.
"Talk to me my husband. What time did you both leave home"
"We left by one" Everybodies eyes flew to the wall clock and they began to laugh.
"There was traffic" Mrs Blessing argued with a smile.
"When you told me you were coming, I cooked the food so you'll have something to eat when you come but a drive of fourty-five minutes, you used one hour twenty minutes"
"Your mother isn't normal Marvelous. Before I forget, Stephen has something to ask you" She said looking at her son who glared at her.
"Will you be my date to the dinner?"
"See young love. Stephen, has no sense, he obviously inherited that from his father. I've been trying to point him to a beautiful direction"
"Leave him, Blessing, let him decide who he wants to go with. Marvelous said she wants to stay home"
"Why? When I've finished eating we are going to get a dinner gown fit for a princess or you don't want to go with Marvelous to the dinner?" With the evil glint in her smile that she threw at her son, everyone knew he wouldn't disobey.
"She's going to go to the dinner with me"
"You see. I'll buy you the most prettiest dress"
"You don't have to Blessing"
"I want to, your child is my child. My life has never been the same since you became my friend, this is the least I can do. Since your pride won't let me help you, the least I can do is to spoil your daughter" Mrs Blessing winked and Marvelous laughed thanking her.
Everyone knew that even the food she was eating, she had sent the money so that they could eat.

Marvelous smooth her dress nervously as they entered the hall. Stephen's mum had styled her hair despite her mother's protest and rubbed lipstick on her lips when her mother wasn't looking, pushing her into the car that would drive them to school.
Stephen handed her her ticket and left her, she sighed and went to look for a place to seat. She wasn't used to social gatherings as she and her mother kept to themselves. She didn't see any seat apart from where Seun was sitting and that was a no go area. He was a big pervert with eyes of a hawk, he scared the hell out of her. She scanned till she saw one among the popular and pretty girls. Sitting there was better than sitting with Seun. She quietly went to take the seat and Afra cleared her throat.
"That seat is occupied"
"By who?" She asked looking at her eyeball to eyeball.
"When the person comes, you'll stand" She ignored her and looked at the podium. Most of the drinks and small chops that were served they cornered it but that didn't bother her a bit.
Not too long, she saw Precious waving at her, she stood up happily to see she had saved a seat for her close to the wall which suit her just fine; it was kind of hidden and at the back.
"I thought you said your mum refused for you to come?"
"Yes, my dad intervened. You said you didn't have what to wear" She accused.
Whispering, "Stephen's mum bought the dress"
"Your personal fairy godmother" She said sighing in pleasure.
Laughing,"Precious, I've told you to take your head out of the clouds. Thank God you're here, I don't know how I'll survive the night on Afra's table"
"Don't think about those ones. You don't know it's romantic that you're Stephen's date?" She teased and Marvelous scoffed. She had heard everything, how Aunty Blessing had asked him to ask her to be his date, she had a loud booming voice and everyone knew she was threatening him when her mother tried to intervene.
"His mother forced him to ask me"
Sighing, "I know, sometimes I wish I was as beautiful as Afra or Doris but I'm just fat and won't stop eating"
"Doris is fat"
"And beautiful"
"Please, I don't want to talk about this. I can't wait for our results to be out"
"We all know that you'll have A's all through"
"I was ill when we were writing physics"
"Then you'll have a B in that subject"
"I'm not so sure, I want my result to be perfect so I can get a scholarship. My mum can't afford to pay the fees of the school I want to go to"
"Don't worry, you'll get it"
"Thank you"

When it was time to choose the ambassadors for the set, all the SS3's were to come out, ladies first before the guys. Everyone knew the most beautiful girl and handsome guy get picked. Marvelous reluctantly went up as Precious dragged her along, being the last to get on stage she was confused when there was a roar of applause. She looked around to see what caused the commotion and almost panicked when the crowd was pointing at her.

She wasn't used to so much noise, so she adjusted her glasses and tried to cover her ears.
"Lessen the noise" She heard the M.C voice but the audience still went wide. "Okay... Do you choose..." Marvelous was getting irritated at been displayed like a microscopic organism which was been viewed under a microscope. She waited as the M.C rattled off names until he got to her. "Yes" The deafening sound made the D.J play a sound for added effects.
"Afra Bello and Marvelous Olayinka should please step forward" The M.C encouraged and they stepped forward.
"When was Laurel High school established?"
Marvelous paused, it was written at the edge of the podium the Principal and other staff used for assembly. She had a photographic memory so it was easier for her to get the date.
"1990?" Afra asked.
"It became Laurel High in the year 1994 but the school was built in 1983" Marvelous said quietly.
"Correct!" The hall was filled with clapping as she was crowned.
When it was time to eat, Marvelous stood in line for food with Precious behind her who was wearing her crown. Then Afra walked up to her.
"Just because Stephen's mum bought you a dress doesn't mean you belong here. Just because Stephen's mum paid your school fees before been awarded scholarship does not make us in the same class. Everyone in school know that you and your mother are gold diggers" She spat and walked away while she looked frozen, she turned to a bewildered Precious.
"I swear I never said anything" She turned from her and saw Stephen's friends laughing while he looked very nervous.
She left the line and went straight to the hostel to her room, then went straight to her bed and cried her eyes out.

The next day as they were to match with their graduation gown into the hall someone tapped Marvelous, she looked up to see a nervous Stephen.
"Don't worry, your mother won't know" She said and he sighed in relief. "But let me tell you Stephen, you've insulted me and called me so many names in the past but never you in your stupid life call my mother a gold digger. You crossed the line there, never try it again"
"Or you'll do what?" He sneered at her.
Lowering her voice, "I'm not sure the school wants to know that your life is not as perfect as it looks"
"You wouldn't dare. This is our last day in this school"
"All I have to do is speak with Afra and she'll have the news to your friends"
"If you try me"
"Then don't call my mother a gold digger again" She said and walked out stopping on her tracks when she saw her mother. She swallowed turning to Stephen.
"Mummy... Good... Good morning ma" She stammered.
"Good morning... Aunty Tope" Stephen began to sweat.
"Morning, your mother will soon have a heart attack if you two don't see her, let's go save her the drama" She said with a smile and they sighed in relief following her.

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