Chapter Seven

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Immediately he left, she flew to her bag to check if she brought any beautiful clothes fit for a dinner. After rummaging and seeing that she didn't have anything she grabbed her purse because she was going shopping. She was about to pass by the reception when she heard Stephen's name and she pursed.
"That his girlfriend is the most stupid person I have ever met" Someone said.
"Feigning she was going to die to make him suffer but him riding to her rescue was so romantic and chivalrous of him"
"I don't like that his girlfriend, she looks more like a gold digger to me" She had heard enough and couldn't bear it so she ran back to her room and locked the door.
Stephen was still working out the dinner details when he had a leading in his heart to go see Marvelous.
Maybe she doesn't have anything to wear? He chuckled and went to knock on her door but no answer, he tried to open the door but it won't budge.
"Marvelous, open the door" He said when he heard shuffling. He knocked again but silence greeted him, so he walked away gently because he knew she would come open the door when she thought he was gone, and that was what happened. He caught her hand and drew her outside.
"Leave me alone!" She bit at him.
"Why? And why the tears?" He asked softly seeing her puffy eyes. She left his embrace and went inside, him tagging behind. "Talk to me" He pleaded and she looked at him uncertain.
"Is it that bad?"
"No, but thinking about it is silly"
"We should be able to talk about anything my love" She sighed and explained to him what she heard. Stephen wanted to give a stupid remark but his spirit reigned him from within and he knew this wasn't a time for his smart comeback.
"People will say things about other people foolishly but the most important thing is we understand ourselves. You know who you are to me and I know who I am to you. That's all that matters, don't let people's problems become yours. I'm so excited to see you in your gown" He said winking and she smiled. "You want me to go with you?"
"I don't want you to see the gown yet. It's a surprise" She said excited.
"Ok, you have to hurry, this is past two"
Shopping for the perfect gown was hard. She had looked around and was already getting frustrated when she saw a gown packed aside and it reminded her of herself she sighed but something in the gown caught her attention, so she went closer to see it and brought it out from the leather. She gasped, it was beautiful.
"Ma, the dress is no longer a stock in the store again" An attendant said looking at the dress in her hand.
"But I want to buy it, it's beautiful"
"It's been in the store for many months"
"I want it"
"If you insist but you can't return it"
"I won't" She pleaded.
"Why don't you try it on"
The attendant helped her wear the dress. She looked at herself with excitement while the attendant looked shocked.
"It's beautiful on you"
"Thank you. So, I need it packed"
"Since it out of the store stock you get to pay half of the original price of the gown"
"Perfect for me"
Stephen adjusted his tie again and knocked at her door. She opened it and he literally stopped breathing. The black gown hugged her curves and flowed to the ground like it was made specifically for her. Her makeup was flawless and she looked perfect he feared if he touched her she would disappear like a mist. She cleared her throat bringing him to his senses.
"Flowers for the beautiful lady" He said with a smile.
"Thank you" She collected the flowers and went to keep it inside.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yes" She answered with a smile.
"You're so beautiful" He muttered kissing her forehead.
"Thank you"
"I hope you're hungry"
"Famished is the word. I didn't get a bite to eat this afternoon because I was getting ready"
"Since you're a queen, my queen, I had to bring the dinner to standard" He said opening the car door for her. He gave her his arm and they went in together. She stopped when they entered and she looked at him with her eyes twinkling.
"I love it. How did you find this place" She asked in pure joy as they were seated.
"I have my ways" He said winking.
Their meals were served while they talked about happy memories of their childhood and laughing. After the meal he took her somewhere else in the resort they were staying. She gasped in surprise.
"A live band for us?" She asked looking at him.
"I remember your love for live bands. May I have this dance" He asked and she smiled as love songs filled the air while they danced slowly.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked when she sighed.
"It feels like I'm in a dream and I'll wake up to find things the way it was"
"Do you want me to pinch you to be sure?" She giggled and hit him on his chest.
"Seriously, Stephen? Some things don't really change" She teased.
"I didn't hear that, I think you need to talk louder"
After a while, Stephen thanked them and they went to sit on a bench close by. The resort was serene and beautiful.
"Are you cold?" He asked and she shook her head. "Let's play twenty questions. We've both changed remarkable all these years"
"Okay, I want to go first"
"How many girls have you dated?"
"Two? You're joking right?"
"No, and you're the second girl" She looked at him as if she didn't believe him. "I'm not lying, I can call my friend Kofi and he'll tell you. I brought the other lady home but my mum didn't like her and I didn't feel this love for her that if she's not the one I can go crazy so I ended it"
"What about in the university?"
"I met her in the university. I got saved in my hundred level, so I was busy being a man of God that I didn't have time for a relationship. I never dated any girl in secondary school, you know that. You've asked like two questions" He teased and she gave him a sad smile. He turned to look at her. "Marvelous, we are not in a competition, this isn't about what we lost or what we did wrong or our past. This is about us, present and our future and please don't shut me out" He said kissing her temple and she smiled at him.
"I'm just surprised that's all"
"Do I get to ask my own question?"
"You just did" She winked and he laughed.
"Beautiful, smart and sassy; that's a new and awesome combination. So, my question, are you ready?"
"Is this who want to be a millionaire question?"
"I wish but no. In your diary you wrote about God's beauty, it was like you were looking at somewhere and writing"
She smiled as she looked at him. "I was flown to Uganda to see a patient and after that I had to see the scenery. I was speechless, so when I got back I had to document my feelings. For God to make something so beautiful, he must be beautiful"
"You make me believe he is beautiful again. You were made in his image and what I'm seeing makes me believe he's beautiful"
"Stop it, Stephen" She said with a smile.
"It's the truth"
"My turn. Five most important people in your life with an exception of me"
"Why an exception of you?"
"Just answer"
"God, my mum, you..."
"I said..."
"I know what you said, let me finish. Your mum, my friends"
"Yes. Kofi, you know him from secondary school, his wife and my friend Charles from the university. And they are amazing people, you'll love them" He said dispelling her nervousness about his friends. "Why did you choose medicine?"
"I've told you"
"And I don't believe you a bit. Your love for medicine is clear, it's not because you wanted to outbest me. Geology and lab scientist to me are kind of the same"
"Says the man who search for veins of gold and valuable stones"
Sighing, "Don't forget we are not in a competition. I just want you to be happy, from what I read from your diary you love what you do, I just want to point the obvious out so that you can enjoy your work"
"I enjoy my work" She hissed at him.
Turning to face her. "I care about you my heartbeat, so much that it alarms me. All I'm trying to say is be your own person without the care in the world. I know you're not ready to hear this but I'm speaking from the depth of my heart; I love you and you don't have to say it back to me"
"No Stephen" She said unconsciously from shock.
"Yes, Marvelous. I. Love. You." He kissed her nose with each emphasis.
Shocked, "I don't know what to say"
"Then don't say anything" He kissed her cheek and drew her closer to himself. Her head cradled on his chest, she could hear his beating heart making her scared while Stephen wiped the rebellious tear that escaped his eyes with her hair, kissing it to try still his beating heart.

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