Chapter Eight

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Stephen lay on his bed, his bible opened before him. He could remember vividly their date which was ten hours ago. He was scared; scared that she wouldn't love him the way he did love her. How did this feelings creep up on him this fast? In three weeks, everything was spilling out of control and he had to return back to work in less than two weeks. He went back to the bible and read the passage he had been reading before; first Corinthians chapter thirteen verse four to eight.
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. He wasn't in love with her for a long time, well, he would rate himself kind. He had not being boastful nor prideful. He sighed, he was lacking to suffer long.
Lord, I don't like waiting and especially not on issues like this. Help me!  He prayed in his mind.
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
He checked everything written in this verse; because he had behaved himself, not seeked for himself alone and haven't been provoked or think evil towards her.
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but Rejoiceth in the truth;
They haven't gone far into the relationship for him to test this verse, but he knew he rejoiced when he told her the truth or when they realise the truth. So he checked it.
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Beareth all things, checked. Believed all things, he wasn't sure but still checked it. Hopeth all things, he groaned at this. He had failed in this one as another scripture jumped at him. There is no fear in live; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
He knew that scripture well, First John four verse eighteen. Since perfect love didn't have fear, so he had to be hopeful. He knew the drill;
"Abba father, I'm sorry for doubting your love for me, your word says that your thoughts towards me are for good and not of evil to give me an expected end. You led me to Marvelous and you knew she'll be good for me. I decide to hope for the best and refuse fear to take hold of me on this journey of love. Thank you Jesus for bringing us together. In Jesus name, Amen" He felt peace flood his heart. "Hallelujah!" He shouted in joy. He went back to the bible eagerly.
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
He smiled at this verse and felt like screaming; Love never fail, yes, love won't fail. Not too long, he fell into a peaceful sleep.

She tossed and turned on the bed willing for sleep to come but to know avail. Her mind strayed back to last night, she didn't want to think about it but her mind seem to have a mind of its own. She kind of replayed the night and was seen smiling. Stephen! Hearing his name brought a contended smile to her lips. She couldn't believe this was Stephen, so handsome, caring, loving and thoughtful. She giggled at the kisses he rained on her through out their talk. She sighed remembering his face. She wondered what it would feel like to actually be kissed by him or feel his hardness against her. She couldn't deny that she was attracted to him when he came back few weeks ago, that's why she had avoided the house for a week hoping it would go away but seeing him at her room sparked something in her. Remember, green snakes blend well with the lusciousness of the green field, a voice whispered and she paused. But he seems so sincere, she thought.
When has Stephen been sincere? The voice and she felt disturbed. He passed seven oceans and seven seas... It seems you're lost on your geography girl, the ocean he should be crossing caresses the edge of both countries. It's all flattery! All flattery! His kissable lips which makes his words smooth as honey. He drips sweetness babe.
Those words disturbed her so much and she began to see the truth of those words. Stephen was too good at flattery. She didn't know when she began to cry. His gentleness undid her and she was... What was she going to do now? Take what you can from him, you don't need his money so, take your pound of flesh, the voice whispered. She looked at the ceiling not too sure but her mind was already spinning a plan.

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