Chapter Nine

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Stephen groaned at the light entering through the blinds and groaned more when he saw he was sleeping on his bible. He removed it gently and smooth out the wrinkled pages, dropping it at the bedside table. He raised the blanket over his head and was asleep in minutes. Two hours later, after a mumbled prayer of thanks to God he went to brush his teeth and wash his face. He would just ask Marvelous if she had breakfast and if she hasn't he'll order for both of them. He chuckled when he realised that he has been the one making her eat, literally.
He grabbed his wallet and his room keys alongside his phone and went to her room. He knocked once and when he heard her voice to come in he did.
Smiling, "Good morning, Heartbeat. Had breakfast yet?"
"Good morning, nope"
"Let me order for us. After that meal I consumed last night, I thought I wouldn't be hungry for a day but it turns out I'm famished" He said going out.
He brought the tray inside when she asked him to come in, he dropped it on the table and she wrapped her hands around him. He turned and his smile slipped when he saw that her bathrobe was open with her naked. He removed his hands form her and went out of the door without a backward glance.
He tried to open the door to his room but his hands were shaking. He hit the door in frustration then changed his mind and went to the gym.

She bent her head in shame. The look he gave her told her he was disappointed in her. What scared her was she wanted his approval. She looked at the tray and sighed. She just ended up pushing him away. A man's poison is another man's food, that voice whispered. I followed your advice and see where it got me. He's just playing hard to get, the voice piqued. No, he isn't! She screamed back at the voice and curled like a ball on the bed covering herself.
She didn't know how long she remained like that but she heard a soft knock but ignored it. After three knocks her door opened. She turned to see Stephen, why didn't she lock the door.
"Go away!" She told him putting the blanket over her head.
"We need to talk"
"I don't want to talk about anything" She answered and he sighed.
"Put on clothes we are going for a walk"
Dropping the cover an inch to glare at him. "You can't order..."
"Damn it, Marvelous!" He lashed and her eyes widened. "I'm going to step outside and give you five minutes to get dressed and I'm not going to take your tantrums this afternoon. Get dressed now"
"Or what?"
"You don't want to know"
"Is that a threat?"
Leaving, "Consider it one"
She hit the bed in frustration and went to wear her clothes. After she was dressed, she carried her phone and purse then closed the door. He was backing her.
"Are you ready?" He asked turning to her housing a small smile.
"What do you think?" He extended his hand to her but she refused to take it, she ignored his pained look going ahead of him. After walking for awhile she stopped, looking at how beautiful everywhere looked. She went to the hammock and sat down. She didn't look at him when he sat beside her. He sat too close so she shifted.
"Don't touch me" She whispered and he sighed.
"By now, you should know that I'm a man who follows the scriptures to the tee"
"I'm a Christian too"
"Yes, I know that. That's why we are even in a relationship. The bible makes it clear about sex before marriage, it is wrong. God doesn't want it. He wants his children to become husband and wife before having sex; and Adam knew Eve his wife. His wife, it didn't say Adam knew Eve. I don't want to build a relationship on disobedience and a wrong foundation. I want us to enjoy marriage when we get married"
She looked at him surprised. "You want to marry me?"
"Isn't it obvious?" He frowned.
"Even with what I've done?"
"You didn't know better"
She sighed and looked at him. "I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again"
He grinned and kissed her cheek. "No more crazy thoughts?" He asked and she laughed.
"No more crazy thoughts"
"Good, but when we get married, I give you the permission to tease me all you want. Walk naked round..." She nudged him making him laugh. "I'm serious. When we get married, seduce me all the way"
"You're unbelievable. One minute you're all preachy and the next minute naughty" He winked at her and she turned to look somewhere else. "It's not wonder you worm yourself into people's heart with the way you know the right thing to say"
"I've I done that to your heart?" He teased and she smiled ignoring him.
"Stephen" She called after minutes of comfortable silence.
"Yes?" He asked playing with her fingers in his hands.
"Are you sure we're not in a competition?" She asked turning to him. He drew her closer to himself tucking her under his arms.
"Why do you say that?"
"Everybody loves you, even God" He chuckled.
"God loves you too Marvelous"
"You take him serious"
"Whether I take him serious or not he still loves me the same. The only difference is I'm his child so he's responsible for me. He guides me, loves me, provides for me, discipline and corrects me"
She raised her head to look at him. "You talk like he is flesh and blood, like you meet on a daily basis"
"Yes, I talk with him and he talks to me. He's not flesh and blood mind you but a Spirit. He communicates to me mostly through his word, that's the bible and speaks to me in an audible voice that I can hear"
"Wow!" She said embracing him.
"You can have the same relationship with him if you want" Her eyes flew to him.
"I can?"
"Yes, but first you have to dedicate your life to him. Let me say you've fallen out of love with him"
"You just repeat after me. Lord Jesus, I'm sorry for put I before you. I'm sorry for throwing your sacrifice in your face. Forgive me Lord, wash me clean and write my name in the book of life in Jesus name I pray. Amen" He watched as a single tear rolled down her closed her and he wiped it away.
"Amen" She whispered and opened her eyes.
"You're beautiful"
"I thought you'll say congratulations now you have received Christ. That's what they told me when I accepted him the first time" She said confused and he burst into laughter.
"You're adorable. I'm blessed to have you" He said dropping a kiss on her lips. "Congratulations now you've dedicated your life to God. When we get back I'll give you a flier which will tell you what it means to be Christian* He said and she nodded, her stomach making loud noises. She blushed.
"I think I'm hungry"
"You think? I'm starving. Let's go eat something"
After they finished eating they went back to their rooms where they sat and went through the flier. After two hours, they were energized spiritually but tired.
"I'll see you in two..." He's phone interuptted him and he checked to see his boss calling. "Sorry, I have to pick this call" He cleared his throat as he picked the call. "Good evening sir... Yes I'm fine and she's well... Wow! That's good news... I should be at work next week... But... Okay sir... Next tomorrow then... Thank you sir" He turned to look at her after he ended the call. "I have to be at work by next tomorrow. I and my boss are treasure hunters, that is we search for hidden treasures people have buried from years ago. He thinks one of our investment has yielded results so he wants me to check it out"
"You're going to leave me?" She asked pouting.
"We'll go back home tonight. I have to deliver you to your mum, then I'll pack and head out. You hold my heart, so I'll always come back for you. Now get some sleep while I arrange our flight back home. I love you" He kissed her temple and she followed him to lock the door behind him.
Six hours later they were air-borne, they got to Marvelous's house by two in the morning. Her mother was waiting for them when they got home. Marvelous smiled at her mother and hugged her, her mum then hugged him, thanking him for bringing her back.
Marvelous turned to him and he hugged her. "Don't forget; we are not in a competition. Let me hear you say that" He encouraged.
"We are not in a competition"
"That's my girl. Most times, my line won't be reachable because where I go treasure hunting for gold is mostly not in civilization. You can send me messages on Whatsapp or my email, I'll reply immediately I see them"
"I don't want you to go" She whispered.
"I'll come back for you, always. Pray for me because sometimes it can be dangerous and read the whole of the new testament before I come back"
"I have work"
"Read three chapters everyday"
"Must you go?"
"I don't have any other option, I love you. I have something for you, I was supposed to give you on our first dinner but I don't know why I didn't give it to you" He said with a smile. He removed the box she had seen him holding that night, he opened it and she gasped.
"It's beautiful"
"I'm glad you like it, turnaround let me put it on for you" He clasped it behind her neck and kissed it.
"Thank you" She said turning around to hug him.
"You're welcome my heartbeat"
"I'll come with you so I can drop you ..."
"Your mum needs you and I need to sleep. If you're there I'll not catch any sleep for sure" He chuckled.
"But..." He cut her off with a kiss.
"I love you" He whispered and was out of the house to the cab. She sighed and went to join her mum who had long gone into the house.

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