Chapter Two

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A week later, Marvelous hadn't come to see them at home. After asking her mother, she said she had a busy week at the hospital.
"Why were you asking after her?" His mother asked.
"I want to apologise to her"
"You're more rude than I thought. So you want to apologise at your own terms. Are you sure I've not failed in your parenting?"
"It's Marvelous, we are talking about"
She looked at him shocked. "Now I get it. You've seen everything about her so you think... Ha! I pity you. David said that he won't give to God what cost him nothing. You have to apologise to her in a way she would know that you're sorry" She said glaring him.
"You're right. I'm sorry, I'll go see her today. Aunty tope mentioned it was her off day"
"Take a gift to her too"
"Okay but I'm not asking her to dinner"
"I feel within me that she'll shock you"
"On what aspect? Just don't answer. What should I get her?"
"Get her a necklace, so that she'll remember you when she wears it"
"Arrgh... Don't set me up with her mum"
"You asked for a gift and I told you"
"I'll get something" He said taking his car keys.
Stephen looked at the house impressed as he was urshered in.
"What do you want to eat?" Aunty Tope asked with a smile.
"Let me make your favourite"
"You'll pound yam for me?" He asked shocked.
"Have your favourite food changed?"
"No, I'm surprised you'll go through the stress for me"
"Are you not my husband again?" She laughed as he blushed.
"Thank you ma"
"You're welcome. Just sit let me peel the yam"
"Where is Marvelous? I actually came to see her"
"She's in her room. Second room to the right"
"Thank you"
He got to the room and knocked. He heard shuffling and silence so he knocked again.
"No, it's me Stephen" Silence answered before the door opened and she looked at him with a questioning look.
"May I come in?" She sighed and let him in. He looked around the room and smiled with approval.
"Does it meet your standard?" She asked sarcastically. He was about to answer but stopped when be saw her facial expression. Was that hatred he saw or was he mistaken as she masked it. He took a good look at her. She was on an afro hair and her glasses was perched on her nose, she wore a native top sewed like an agabada for men and was on a short kicker. Marvelous is a woman now. The thought dawned on him as he tried to reconcile the awkward looking teenager and this beautiful woman that was standing before him with her hands on her hips.
"Stephen!" She called.
"What?" He answered shaking his head.
"What were you thinking about? I asked you a question"
"What was that?"
"Does it meet your standard?"
"I wasn't expecting anything less from your room" He said noticing as she licked her lips. Wait! This is Marvelous, don't think such thoughts, he chided himself as he sat on the couch in the room.
"Is your mum okay?"
"Why did you ask that?"
"You'll only be here if something is wrong with your mum"
"My mum is fine but I came to see you" He could see the surprise on her face.
"Can I take you out for dinner?" He didn't know why he said that but it felt like the most reasonable thing to say. He could see that he surprised her because her mouth was opened.
"You're asking me to go to dinner with you"
"Why no?"
"Your Mother sent you. We are not in secondary school anymore Stephen, and I'm not a stupid girl who always needed to be helped" Stephen winced, he had told her that same thing few years back but how come he remembered and she obviously remembered too.
Scratching his head. "I'm really sorry for all the things I said when we were in school then..."
"You don't have to apologise. I'm not that Marvlous anymore"
"And I'm not that Stephen anymore, please"
"No. Is that why you came to see me?" She asked.
"You can leave" She turned to the laptop were she paused the film she had been watching before he interrupted. Picked her earpiece and connected it to her ears totally ignoring him. He didn't know why her rejection hurt but it did. He sighed and went to the sitting room, he's appetite was gone. When he was served, the food felt like chalk in his mouth, and he didn't want to come out rude so he had to finish it.
Marvelous cleaned her tears as she heard someone knock. She checked the mirror before going to open the door.
"What did you and my husband talk about?" Her mother asked with a smile.
"He asked me to go to dinner with him" The smile on her mother dropped.
"What did you say?"
"What do you think?"
"His mother asked him no doubt"
"Stephen is old enough to do what he wants"
"He loves his mother, mum, and I'm not a helpless girl that needs to be taken out for dinner"
"I'm not saying you should go out with him but I'm scared that you have anger and resentment towards Stephen"
Laughing, "Why would I?"
"You tell me"
"It's plain silly. I don't want to go out with Stephen and that's all"
"If you say so. Dinner is almost ready"
"I'll be down"
"Why didn't you tell me Marvellous is all grown up?" Stephen accused his mother when he got home.
"I don't understand"
"It's as if this is the first time I'm meeting her"
Smirking, "She's beautiful right"
"I asked her to dinner and she said no"
Smiling at him. "You think my sweet will just say yes to you?"
Looking at her in disbelief. "I'm your son, you should be on my side"
"After all the grief you dished to her? I'm sorry"
"I have calls to make" Stephen said and went to his room. After ten minutes he was restless and went on Facebook to search for her. He looked from one picture to another in shock, it felt like scales fell from his eyes and he could see how beautiful she was and she had made quite an achievement for herself. She is a renowned writer, doctor, lecturer and blogger. He went to her other social media pages devouring everything he could find about her. His Marvellous has made a name for herself. Does it meet your standard? Her words came back to him and he groaned.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He knew the scripture but didn't know where exactly, so he went to search with his Bible app, Galatians six verse seven, and it looked like he was about to reap what he had sown. He didn't know why he got scared all of a sudden but he knew his seeds were sown bountifully. First, he had to make it right with with his creator.
The next day, Stephen called his friend and he picked on the second ring. "My man" Kofi answered.
"Kofi, how are you?" Stephen said with a smile as he heard crying in the background.
"My guy I just dey o"
"Is it Favour's ladies night out?"
"Yes and she's not even gone for an hour and the boy is crying" He said frustrated.
"How long will she be gone?"
"Two hours"
"Has he eaten?"
"He pushed the spoon away"
"Try carrying..."
"She's here" He said with relief and he chuckled. After having muffled discussion he came back to the call. "Sorry for that. How are you doing?"
"I'm great"
"Sorry I haven't called. I've been doing your workload at the office, you better be fast and come back. How is your mum?"
"She's better"
"That's good news. I told you to look for a wife, anyone yet?"
"You're saying it as if they pick them up at the store"
Laughing, "I don't like being the only young man with a wife and kid. I love my family but I want you and Charles to become family men too"
"I saw someone"
"That's another good news. Have you prayed about her?"
"No, I've not. Do you remember Marvellous?"
"The one your mother use to help then" Stephen winced.
"Yep, that one"
"What about her? Don't tell me she's the one"
"She's Dr Marvellous now"
"Is it her title that is drawing you to her?"
"You should know that's not it. Kofi, this lady is beautiful" Laughter met his confession. "I think she hates me"
"First off, she might not be your better half but if she is, she'll definitely can't say no for long"
"Kofi, I ridiculed her every opportunity I got in school"
"That's like how many years ago. We were stupid boys back then"
"She brought up something I said few years back"
"Pray first then we'll know what to do"
"Thanks man" And pray he did.

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