Chapter 6 - Arnav's Miracle

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Chapter 6

''Dua ka koi rang nahi hot magar

Ye berang zindagi me rang laati hai''

Khushi wanted to go to Bhavanpur village which was her home for the last 10 years before going to Delhi. She wanted to say Goodbye to the people of her village, school children & staff. They were companions in happiness & sorrow for the last 10 years. They were an integral part of her & Ananya's life. 

Almost the entire village came to bid her goodbye. She was like a daughter to them. Everyone bid farewell to Khushi with moist eyes. She promised that she will visit again as soon as her health will allow her & She will keep in touch till her last breath. She will never abandon those who held her hand during the dark phase of her life. 

Khushi was ready to accept any pain, any risk for the sake of her daughter. She thought about all angles. If she gets even a year due to BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) then she was ready to go through the process. She can spend one more year with her daughter. She can teach a few more life skills to her daughter. Her daughter can bond with her father in this one year. So Ananya will not feel lost when she will leave the world. They both can take care of each other. She can spend more time with her parents. She can prepare a few teachers who can look after the school. There were lots to gain & nothing to lose. So she decided to go ahead with the BMT.

She had not thought about one thing- How her relationship with Arnav would be. She had left this matter to God.

Feelings can not be created, They are developed over time by knowing a person & spending time with them. feelings are complex emotions. You can't force yourself. 

Of course, she developed feelings for Arnav in past. At that time he shows his care & concern for her. He used to behave differently with her. She liked that concern & care. She started to smile whenever they meet or he called her. At one time he was constantly in her mind. At that time it seems that he was genuine with her. She wanted to be a part of his life.

But when he forced her into the marriage her innocent heart broke. But at that time she was young & was too confused. She hoped that one day everything will be fine between them. She hoped for the best. But again her heart was broken into little pieces when Arnav supported her sister's decision &  she has to leave Delhi. It happened 10 years ago. Now her mind & heart both were empty regarding Arnav. He is helping her in treatment so she is grateful for that. But there was no feeling for him. In the future what will happen, she can not guess. 

Khushi was back in Delhi after 10 years. She decided to stay with her parents. Nowadays they were living in a 3 bedroom flat. There was enough space for Mother & daughter. She just informed Arnav about her decision. She didn't take his opinion or advice. Indirectly she told him that she is the caption of her life. Arnav was contented that Khushi will be nearby & now he care to take care of her. 

Arnav didn't want to stay away from Khushi. He has to take care of her treatment, hospital visits, different kind of tests, etc. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with Ananya & Khushi. So he rented a flat in the same building. Khushi was surprised when she came to know about it. But she kept quiet. 

BMT was a very long & painful process. During that time Khushi's condition was very bad. She had a lot of pain. Half of the time she was under the influence of drugs. She used to vomit a lot. But each & every minute Arnav was there. 

One night, Khushi suddenly woke up & started coughing. Arnav immediately brought a glass of water & tried to make her drink. But she vomited & vomit content fell on Arnav's clothes. His whole shirt & pants get soiled. But he did not care at all and kept patting Khushi on her back. When she lie down & the nurse came to attend to her then only he went to change his clothes. Khushi was touched by his care & concern. Till now she was thinking that Arnav is taking care of her out of guilt. But today she realized that he really cares for her. 

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