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Hehe time to cry

Error POV-
I've been hanging out with Nightmare more and more recently, I mean something about him seems more appealing right now?

I'm not quite sure but every time I see bim my face heats up and my soul seems to pulse a fluttering feeling throughout my body.

There was only one thing it could possibly be, right? Obviously I'm dying, easily, but w by only around Nightmare?

I was sitting with Nightmare, exchanging multiple jokes and laughs but soon 8 coughed semi violently, and I caught Nightmares attention.

But when I did a small deep navy blue petal fell down to my hand, I hid it quickly not wanting Nightmare to see whatever the hell that was.

"Error, you okay?" I sighed and pushed it aside, "I'm fine just have a sore throat so that's about it". He sighed and stared at the ceiling.

As we sat in silence once again I felt the overwhelming feeling of needing to cough scratch at my throat once again, soon I gave in.

This time multiple petals of that same navy blue showed again covered in a deep metallic like deep red. My body shook slightly as I clutched my hand into a harsh fist.

My body fazed quickly teleporting me to the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror, the crimson red blood dripped down my chin dropping onto my wrist ever so slightly.

Once I opened my mouth slightly a few more of those petals flowed out of my mouth and onto the sink, each being half blue at this point, what the hell?

I covered my mouth and tried to prevent any more coming out and anymore of the blood from flowing down until I heard a worried knock and voice at the door.

"Error? What's happening? Are you okay? Do you need some assistance?" I shuddered, I want him to help but is there anything he truly can do to help?

I waved my hand nonchalantly, "n- no ill be f- fine!" He gave a slight groan, "Error, something is wrong, what is it?"

I chuckled, "no no no, it's nothing, d- don't come in". My body shook a little as I fell slightly, my head becoming fuzzier by the second.

Soon my whole body shifted down to the ground and my eyelids became heavy, my eyes fluttered shut fighting to stay open.

"A- ERROR!? ERROR OPEN THE DOOR!" Nightmare shouted, he slammed the door until it gave but everything became dark and fuzzy and soon all sound was muffled, I could only see Nightmares body hurry down to my level before it all became just a void of tiresome.

(Not me being about to pass out while typing that lol I need sleep)

When my vision came back I was in what seemed like a hospital room? I coughed once more but instead of a few measly petals it was a deep navy blue flower with purple tints due to the blood.

I looked to my side and Nightmare sat there slowly adjusting his eyes to the brightness of the bright white hospital room.

"Oh! Error, you're up" I nodded, my throat being to hoarse to muster a response at the moment. "You passed out when I came into the room so I brought you here, I'm glad you are awake though".

I blinked my eyes a few times, my face flushed a bright blue as I looked at Nightmares attire, a warm sweater with tight jeans and a fluffy black hat fit for the winter, he was adorable in that outfit.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me orrr?" "I- I- s- sorry" was all I could muster, I turned my face away trying my best not to show my brightly lit up face.

A nurse creaked the door open and stood next to my bed, "I am glad you are awake, Error. Now from what we've observed in that you have been coughing up flowers?" Yeah no duh, I nodded my head.

She sighed, "there's really only one explanation for this and I'm afraid it os not the greatest news." Spit it out already.

"You have something, relatively rare, called Hanhaki disease, it's where when you fall in love you develop these flowers in your stomach region and throat and they will continue to grow until you confess said love and the other loves you back"

Nightmare seemed to jump from the news, my face drained in colour, "there's no wag, I'm not capable of falling love, that can't be it"

"If you have a soul you can fall in love, if you don't you can only mimic it, making this disease unable to grow in one as such" I shook my head, "no no, you must be mistaken, right?"

"I'm sorry but we really don't have any inherent options that it could possibly result as, this is it" I sighed, I'm going to die to some fucking measly flowers.

"You might as well let me leave because there is no way I'm admitting to such a stupid feeling let alone them reciprocating it!" Nightmare flinched at my response.

"I'm leaving" "sir please, you should stay and we can call who it is you have such feelings for!" "It's stupid, he doesn't feel the same way"

I teletported my way out if there, coughing every few minutes, flowers starting to clutter my room. I went to change my shirt into something way more comfortable but when I took my shirt off I noticed flowers growing from my frail and somewhat cracked bones.

Just great. I continued to change into my pj's and slept under my covers wanting to be just left alone.

The past week was weird, slowly I became less and less hungry and it came to the point where I couldn't eat anymore, then the same thing happened with water.

Horror and Nightmare tried to get me to eat but I refused it every time. Soon it became too hard to walk so I just sat in my room all day, Killer tried to get me out of my room but I never budged.

Finally, the coughing became worse, I could barely think without one of those damn reflexes cluttering up my thinking. Let's just say, my floor was nothing but flowers at this point, bright navy blue flowers.

But one day I was coughing so bad that I couldn't breath and it went on for minutes, then it stopped, rhen it happened again. When Nightmare came in to check on me I was in the middle of those fits.

He quickly hurried to my side and rubbed my back trying to get ne to breath, I have to admit, it was nice.

Once I stopped he looked worriedly at the floor seemingly debating something. "Ya know, if you just confessed your love to that person this would all be over"

I sighed, "they don't like me" "but what if they do?" I looked at him and smiled weakly, "no they don't" he sighed.

"Just tell me who it is! It they don't I'm sure I could find a way to make it so they do! I care about you Error, you're my best friend and I'd do anything for you!"

I chuckled, "no, if I told you this would all be over, in one way or another" I chuckled sadly. His eye seemed to widen a bit.

"... Error, do you like... me?" He whispered out slightly in my ear. I choked back a cough, worried that this might be the end for me.

"Heh, who knows" I tried to play it off cooly but he sighed and placed his hand on my thigh and stared at the floor for a second.

He took his hands and rested them on my cheeks taking me in slowly, he softly kissed my lips. My eyes widened in shock before I soon melted into the long kiss.

Soon we separated and the what felt like flowers seemed to disappear from my throat and my bones. Blood trickled down my cheek as I smiled. "I was really expecting to have died from this stupid disease, heh".

He gave me a worried glare before taking my lips onto his once more, this time for longer. Once we separated he brought me down lying with him in the bed. He kissed my lips softly once more and then kissed my cheek before resting next me holding me as if I were a stuffed toy.

His new favorite thing to do seemed to have been kissing me to catch me off guard cause every time he did I jumped a little and he snickered, "I'm so glad that this is how things ended" he sighed.

I groaned, "but it means I have to pick up all these flowers instead of dying and leaving you to do it" "Heh, thats fair."

(Totally not a rushed ending, noooooooo)

[1491 words]

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