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Requested by you guessed it: @GhamzenPmd

Also I don't completely know how Hate acts like so I'm making him tsundere-ish?
Also human au

3rd POV-
Hate was hanging out within Nightmares castle, as usual, just wandering. Nightmare was on a mission and had told Hate to wait for when he came back so he kind of obeyed, he didn't like being told orders but he continued to stay within the castle as he was told to do so.

He strayed in almost every room except for Nightmares, he wasn't allowed in there, nor was anyone in the castle, but why should he care? He walked in anyway not caring about whatever dumb rule he learned about made by Nightmare.

Once he walked in he was consumed by a dark void, he couldn't see anything and there was no light either from a light or daylight. He flicked the switch and soon some light showed.

Everything was either black, teal, or purple. He chuckled to himself, those were his favorite colours, anyway.

He snooped through Nightmares room, found a small journal which caught him off guard, that isn't something that you would think the king of negativity would keep track in.

He decided he'd look through it later and kept looking through his clothes, it was all mostly black clothes and mostly hoodies and few turtle neck sweaters, that would be interesting to see him wear.

Soon he found a golden crown with and edge popped up with a crescent moon shape within it, it was quite similar with Dreams. Hate just chuckled and tossed it off into the direction from where he found it.

He decided to sir on Nightmares bed and read a passage out of the small journal that had the name on the from of it that said Nightmare. Once he opened the first page it had a small picture of a younger version of Dream and another kid in purple wearing that same crown.

He laughed to himself, this must be Nightmare as a child. He turned the page and it had a date at the top from about 500 years ago, Hate rolled his eyes, he had forgotten how old Nightmare was.

The passage read "Today me and Dream started learning how to draw, Dreams drawing consisted of what I think is supposed to be an apple, I'm not quite sure, it looks like a yellow blob smeared with some brown and green on the top, he's getting there and I'm sure he'll be great at drawing in the future."

Hate groaned, he was hoping there would be some juicy stuff in here but so far its just past Nightmare being all positive about his brother, yuck.

He flipped a bunch of pages until he got to one that all it said was "it's not fair" all scratched out. He hummed to himself, that kind of interesting.

He flipped to the next page where all there was, was a smudge of the tar like goop Nightmare has, must be the day if the incident.

He flipped to the next page, it was a passage from about a week ago. "I haven't written in this thing for years, I might as well put some use into it whenever I feel I need to write something down."

He flipped the next page and it was from yesterday. "Hate is getting on my nerves, everytime we hang out he seems to ignore me and I don't like it. Today I brought his hair out of his face to look at his eyes, I thought it looked better that way and he yelled at me to leave him alone, it's fun messing with him".

Hate groaned, he hated how much Nightmare messed with him. He set the book down and as he was about to stand up to leave he heard footsteps towards the door. He froze.

Then he stood up, he's not scared of some guy, just because he had good running down one of his eyes and he was his leader didn't make him scary.

The door creaked open and he sup around on his heels, Nightmare stood there and soon formed a devious smile across his face.

Nightmare slowly walked forward causing Hate yo be against the wall behind him. "What are you doing?" Nightmare asked in a threatening smile next to Hates ear. Hate smiled back, "looking through your shit, whatchu gonna do about that, bitch?"

Nightmare smiled as he pinned Hates wrists above his head with his tentacles and chuckled lightly, "hey! What do you think you're doing!" Hate squeaked. Nightmare brought his face up to his and kissed his lips roughly.

Hate made another yet muffled squeak and squirmed a little and glared at Nightmares eyes when they released. "Fuck you" was all he mustered before he leaned into Nightmare, kissing him once more slightly rougher.

Nightmare threw Hate onto the bed got on top of him, holding his cheeks in his hands he kissed him once again soon biting his lip for an entrance, soon letting him explore with whole crevice with his tounge.

Nightmare separated them and forcefully took off Hates jacket and not too long after, his own. Hate rolled his eyes and took off his shirt as well. Feeling his hands up under Nightmares shirt he kissed him again deeply.

Night mare finally decided he was done with the wait up and took off his shirt and shorts and soon took off Hates as well.

He kissed Hates neck as his hands felt down Hates hips and thighs, squeezing them ever so slightly causing Hate to gasp out a shaking moan.

He bit down on Hates neck, small bits of crimson red blood flowing down bis skin, Nightmare licked it and soon started kissing his shoulders and chest softly.

He turned Hate around and waited a few seconds, "are you ready~?" He said and without an answer thrusted into Hates ass and started pumping violently.

"H- HYAaa~" Hate moaned into the pillow being slightly muffled, he moaned some more as he felt Nightmare push inside of him more and more each time being in deeper.

Soon Nightmare started to feel a knot in his stomach soon getting ready to release. He grunted, and buckled his hips getting ready.

He released into Hate causing him to shout and moan soon releasing on his own as well. "M- mm~ f- faster~" he muttered out.

"What did you say~?" He whispered seductively into Hates ear, "F- FASTER DADDY~" he moaned out as Nightmare gripped his dick into his tentacles and started to massage it.

Nightmare grinned and started again faster than before causing Hate to moan even more. He went faster yet again and felt Hates entrance begin to tighten once again.

He covered the tip of Hates dick, stick rubbing it and squeezing it. "N- NiiighttTtmAAREEE" he moaned out trying to keep himself together, "lleeet meeE CUuM" he shouted squirming slightly.

"You're gonna have to beg better than that" he grunted whole smiling. He gasped once more and furrowed his eye brows, "lllleeeet mee cUUMMM DADDYYYY~!"

He chuckled, "fine~" he released his dick which soon came onto the bed. He took his own dick out of Hates ass and laid next to him on his back, Hate soon following.

"I hate you so fucking much" "I mean your name is hate"

I'm dying inside help I tried smth new and I want to die

[1244 words]

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