Chapter Seventeen | Gibson

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George made his way over to Dream despite everything in him telling him to stay clear. It was an unspoken rule between the two to stay clear of each other for many different reasons. One was that the staff was always attentive for any illegal activity.

Dream looked confused; George never walked over to him. "George, What are youㅡ" 

"Karl's back there, behind the doors," he said quietly. Dream's eyes dilated in shock. Without another word, he pushed passed George and made his way toward a staff member.

Dream shoved the staff member into the wall. They reacted quickly, pinning Dream. A few moments later, he was escorted through the doors, leaving George to himself.

George headed back to Sapnap who observed the whole thing go down. "Is that how he handles things?" Sapnap whispered to George. "Yes" 

 George walked over to the table covered in various art tools. Sapnap followed close behind. Eret noticed what happened and had also joined the two at the table.

"What the hell is going on?" Eret was the first to break the silence. Sapnap and George glanced at each other, determining if they should tell Eret the situation. The two silently agreed on it. 

"Karl's behind the door; Dream's seeing what's going on," George explained, trying not to confuse him or bring him into the drama.

"He's what?" Eret exclaimed. 

Sapnap rolled his eyes. "We don't have to repeat ourselves if you're not listening!" 

"Sapnap, calm down. Yelling at Eret isn't going to help anything," George sighed. He was undoubtedly the only calm person in the situation. "We need to work together on this. We both care about Karl, right?" 

The group agreed, understanding fighting would get them nowhere. 

"Sapnap, what happened?" George looked at Sapnap, who fidgeted with the various art tools on the table, avoiding direct eye contact with the two. "Sapnap?" George said again, trying to get Sapnap's attention.

"Does it matter?" He refused to look at either of them. George and Eret glanced exchanged a glance.

"Yes, it does matter. How can we help without details?" Eret asked.

The staff approached the group causing them to realize that it was time for them to go to their cabins. Sapnap was the first of the three to get up and leave, leaving them to wonder what he was hiding. George could see the frustration in Eret's eyes. It made it clear to George that Eret did care about Karl, perhaps not as much as the two, but still cared.

George followed Sapnap until he arrived at his cabin.

It was quiet in the cabin with no sign of Dream's presence. George lay on his bed; it felt wrong without Dream. He had gotten used to Dream being there or being in the room.

George had a restless sleep. He felt terrible for Sapnap and for Dream. Neither of them would get much sleep, and George would be surprised if the three got anyㅡhell, he'd would be surprised if he got any rest.


George was wide awake when his alarm rung. He groaned loudly, rolling himself off the bed.

He followed the group, keeping his eyes out for any sign of his friends. When he got into the main area, the only person he could find was Eret. 

He walked over to Eret, who motioned him to the far table, away from the staff. It wasn't until George was sitting that Eret whispered, "Sapnap's been taken too." 

George's eyes widened and started to search around the area as if looking for an escape.

"What the hell is going on? Dream was supposed to get Karl, not get Sapnap dragged in." George tugged at his hair. 

"I know. I wish I knew what was going on, but I have no idea," Eret responded, attempting to comfort George, who was now utterly freaked out.

Eret had nearly calmed George when one of the staff members approached him. He wanted to take off and dash far away, but he knew it would bring him nowhere.

A man with the nametag "Dave" spoke. "George, will you come with us?" 

George gave Eret one last glance before following Dave. He expected to never see behind the door again, or at least not so soon. He skimmed the different rooms, looking for any of his friends, but he saw nobody.

Eventually, George came across a room, which made him fume in anger.


George tried to stay calm. How could he keep calm when coming face to face with his arch-nemesis?

"George?" Gibson asked. He wanted to roll his eyes and punch him, but he knew better, right? 

"Yes? You needed me?" George tried his best to retain his temper, for Dream's sake if not his own.

"How's Clay been? Has he been causing you any issues?" Gibson questioned, his eyes filled with interest. George shook his head instead of speaking, frightened of what he might say to Gibson.

"He seems to enjoy your company. That's nothing we should worry about, right?" Gibson asked, almost as if he was taunting George.

"No, sir," George replied. If he didn't get an answer, he might get suspicious of the two. Gibson nodded, scribbling something down on a piece of paper.

"What do you know about Nick and Karl?" Gibson questioned. George wasn't certain who Nick was, but hearing Karl's name made George believe he was speaking of Sapnap.

"Not much. Just that they're in the program," George replied, pretending he had no clue who Karl and Sapnap were.

Gibson let out a sigh, tapping on the desk with his pen. "Lying isn't going to do you any good. I see what happens in the program; you are friends, are you not?" Gibson pushed. George couldn't lie; Gibson was seeing right past it.

"I guess. We just talk from time to time." George tried his hardest to keep his composure in the situation. It was challenging when all he wanted to do was yell.

"You try to trick the staff by separating every day. Then you go back together after a couple of days have passed," Gibson persisted, pushing George more and more towards the edge. "I'm not one to disallow friendship in the program, if that was the case. I wouldn't let Clay stay with you." Gibson implied the obvious; just hearing Dream's real name out of his mouth gave George a squeamish feeling.

"However, it becomes an issue when someone breaks the rules," Gibson spoke, causing George's eyes to dilate.

Did he know about him and Dream?

"I would never break any rules," George lied through his teeth; Gibson was too dense to catch on. 

"I know; I've taught Clay well." When those words came out of Gibson's mouth, George felt that he would strike Gibson at any time.

How fucking dare him!

If George didn't get out of here fast, he might snap. "However, Karl and Nick have been breaking several rules." When the words came out of Gibson's mouth, George's jaw dropped...


The secret is out!

It's all heading downhill from here; It's to be quite an emotional roller coaster! I'm using Grammarly now; things should be a bit better. And better for my editors to do their jobs.

Stay Calm, Stay Alive


hot didily dog things are getting heated

I watched onyx write this and screw around with Grammarly XD

~lead editor ruby

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