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"Bonnie, why do you always bring me to these stupid parties?" I complained just as we stood in the doorway of some guys house party.

Bonnie look at me and said half baked, "Because your my winged man," smirked Bonnie as she went inside the house and I stupidly followed her.

Bonnie was different then most girls, we've been friends since we weee in 1st grade and we've never did anything without each other. When we were kids, I had been the subject of Aj Walker, the school popular kid and his friends. Bullied for having been born with white hair... can't even dye it or anything.

One day, during lunch break, I decided to skip it and go outside to hide but they were waiting for me outside the door. Aj pushed me on the ground and kicked me hard in the stomach. I cried out in pain. No one would be coming to save the day... I'm alone.

I heard Aj cry out in pain moments later, then running footsteps as they ran away. Cool hands were on my shoulders moments later asking me if I'm okay as they held me tightly. Looking up, I saw a girl; long red hair, in a pair of jeans and a unicorn shirt. She smiled at me and I saw she was missing a tooth in the front. Made her goofy looking and nice.

"Who are you?" I asked her as my stomach pain worsen.

"Bonnie, I'm new here and I was wondering if I can be your friend?" she smiled as she really meant what she said.

"I'm Jordan," I said and ever since then we've been the greatest of friends.

Walking inside the party after Bonnie, I noticed so many people who hated me were now watching me with hard eyes and whispering to each other as I pass. It felt like everyone seriously hated me and I was the only one who didn't know why.

"Great," I thought as I kept my eyes forward and noticed Bonnie vanished.

Looking around, the crowd was to large to see where she was and that made me feel more nervous then before. She usually doesn't leave me here on my own. Moving around the area, I saw many faces from our high school and soon enough I saw Bonnie all over her boyfriend and captain of the football team, 'Zach Hammerbell,' and major asshat.

She waved me over as Zach rolled his eyes at her motion as he held her. With the music loud, I could barely hear anything that Bonnie said waved her off. It's not like she doesn't do this kind of thing each party but normally she doesn't leave me.

Thirty minutes in, I saw on the couch with one of the swim team members name Zoey, and we talked about the next race against we had next week. If we won, then we can officially enter the Championship in North Dakota. It would be the first time the college would make it.

When she got up to leave, I decided to go look for Bonnie but she found me first. She looked upset as she walked my way and I noticed her boyfriend wasn't with her and anger begin to boil inside me.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing... I need some air," Bonnie said as she went towards the front door.

Heading towards the stairs, knowing that asshat he would be in one of the upper rooms. Each step brought more anger that started to build and when I saw him... coming out of the one room with two of his friends zipping up their pants. That anger turned into something much, much worst.

Slowly walking up, they were talking and I hid among the crowd and listen, "Do you think Bonnie will tell the cops?" One of his friends says.

"No, she's to broken to talk," the asshat said with a laugh.

Anger build higher, I walked over towards them, asshat saw me and his eyes got big. Then he laughed and within seconds my hand became a fist and I punched him hard in his nose. So hard, in face that he fell to the ground and passed out. His friends didn't even move, they seem very scared at... me.

"What did you do?" I asked as I pushed record on my phone inside my pocket.

"We each took... turns," Nick said nervously just as I turned and went looking for my best friend.

Bonnie was outside leaning on a tree with tears running down her face. When she saw me, she half smiled but it didn't reach her green eyes like it normally does. I went towards her, saw she was bleeding on her jeans and I quickly pulled my phone out and failed 911.

I stayed with her, never leaving her side no matter what waiting for the paramedics to arrive. Two cop cars and one paramedic had arrived. The paramedics started to work right away, when she was ready to be moved, they asked me to sit in the back with her. I did and so did a young police officer.

He wanted to know what happened during the ride and if I saw anything. I told him the truth, it felt strange talking to him but not in a bad way. His soft hazel eyes were concerning, the lightly tan skin and near perfect jawline made me feel envious because I wouldn't get a guy like him.

He was tall, built great and had his hair looking like Superman on a great day (minus the curl). I gave him my phone as I held Bonnie's hand, explained that I recorded the confession and he accepted the phone. When he listen to it, he radioed his fellow officers and told them who to arrest and then let them go.

My heart was pounding fast, faster then ever before as I looked at him and then it stopped as I heard the heart monitor flatline. The paramedics went to work right away, doing everything she would possibly do to save my best friend.

Bonnie came back shortly after, woke up long enough to look at me and said, "I love you Jordan, your the greatest best friend I always wanted and glad I have you," arriving at the hospital seconds later, they rushed her inside and I tried to follow but was ordered by the nurses to stay put.

Since I wasn't hurt... the waiting room was sucky. Not many people were here and no one answered their phones at home. Waiting for any type of news felt like forever.

Ten minutes later, that same police officer came towards me with two cups of coffee in his hands. He sat down next to me, then handed me a cup of coffee. It smelled somewhat bad.
"Drink up," he said as I accepted the coffee and stared at it.
Silenus was my only answer as I took a sip of the hot burnt coffee. The only thing the coffee did was keep my hands warm as my thoughts were all thinking about Bonnie. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost her...

He didn't say anything for awhile, I felt him casually looking my way probably with concern on his face. Why would some cop, probably still on call come to just sit with someone who was waiting to hear news on his best friend.

Then I looked at him with tears falling down my face as I realize why he would be here. He nodded at me just as the doctor came towards us. I couldn't hear those words.

"Son... I'm sorry but we did everything we could and I'm afraid she didn't make it," the doctor said just as Bonnie's parents came rushing in. They went with the doctor and didn't even pay attention to me.


Invasion within the heartWhere stories live. Discover now