Tears, pain and hope?

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Slowly getting up, I just wanted to find a place to cry until I had nothing left to cry. Someone grabbed my hand, then pulled me back down to sit and I realize it was the cop. His eyes were sad and filled with concern and... hope.

He didn't say anything as he pulled me in for a hug, holding me tight as more tears fell down my face and on his uniform. I hugged him back, his body was firm and he smelled of the earth and something else. My body had slowly relaxed from his smell, his touch as his arms held me and it felt much more then a kind gesture to me.

We were like that for a moment, silently I cried and wished even more for Bonnie to be here. She would be smiling at me and then messaging me to get his number and plan the date message. Now... it just made ma cry even more.

"Will your parents be coming to pick you up?" He asked me softly.

"No... they're on vacation for another month in Australia," I said between sniffles.

I pulled away from him finally, thanked him for what he did and went to take a long walk home because Bonnie had driven us to the party. Outside, the cold air felt great on my over warmed body and I leaned on the support beam outside just to have something solid nearby.

"Would you like a ride home and something to eat?" I heard the cops voice from behind me as my body became more numb within each second, I would passed out soon.

Turning around, I nodded as he motion for me to follow him to his car and side by side we went. Surprise flashed in my eyes as I realize he wasn't driving his police car but his own, a nice black Jeep Wangler that looked beautiful. Standing near the door as he opened it for me, the lights in my head went out as I fell into darkness and passed out.

When I regained consensus, I found myself resting in someone's bed, the sheets were soft and smelled of fresh winter snow. The pillow I was laying on was so very perfectly soft that I didn't want to move. Then I heard running footsteps as something jumped on the bed and started licking my face.

"Fox, let him rest," I heard someone say but the dog just laid on my chest and waited for me to probably move.

Moving my hand, I ruffled the dogs head as it licked my face faster then time. Then my neck and that's when I started to laugh... loud. Something heavy sat on the edge of the bed nearby and I felt staring. Opening my eyes, I saw the cop, staring at me with a cute smile that reached his eyes.

"Sorry about Fox, he doesn't like to listen to me and well ... he was worried," he told me as I noticed the adorable black lab licking me to death.

Moving to sit up, had Fox rushing to attack this owner as he fell from the bed. Then laughter happen. It sounded strong and great coming from him. Someone filled with such life. Life...

"Did you kidnap me?" I asked with a little humor in my voice.

"Your safe with me, I'm a police officer and I got ahold of your parents and informed them that your with me and they agreed that it's okay," he said between laughs as Fox came to attack me again.

"I'm Daniel BurnHeart, hope your feeling alright," he said honestly as he sat up off the ground. Between Fox's kisses and him, I didn't know what to feel.

"Jordan Lakes," I replied as Fox finally stopped and rush out to probably get something to eat or drink.

He got off the ground, patted his jeans of dog hair and sat back down on the bed and said, "how are you holding up?"

The numbness was still present, just not as bad as I thought it would be, "I just lost my best friend, their won't be anymore late night chats, she won't be cheering me on at the swim team events.... I guess if I have to say my answer now, it would be... I'm scared of being alone and numb but that's my business," I admitted.

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