Helpless moments

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My mind went blank for a second after waking up, the bed was warm, it felt like a air mattress and thought I was perhaps in the nurses office. The blanket was covering up to my belly button and the pillow was perfect.

Warm and somewhat fluffy, and firm which felt different then normal pillows. Then strong arms were pulling me closer to...

"This bed wasn't for one..." I thought as I opened my eyes to see a bare naked guys chest and I had been resting on his arm.

The moment my cheek hit his chest, I froze and didn't know what to do because I also realize he was fast asleep. His breathing was heavy and relaxed. His heart beat had been strong and steady and also like a song that never ends.

Trying to move out of his arms had been problematic for me. I had removed one of his arms but they didn't work because he rolled over and landed on top of me. His mouth right by my neck as he softly breathed. My mind tried to put together who he was as my brain desires to wake up fully.

"The guy from the nurses office..." came to my mind as he began to move a little and he had something hard poking into my leg.

"Lilly, why are you in my bed?" he asked a moment later as his lips touched my ear as he spoke. Literally? He sniff the air, jumped to a half standing, half sitting position on top of me. He had sleep in his eyes as he stared with anger at me, "Oh... it's the boy," he spoke and I realized at that same time what was poking me.

"My name is Jordan, not boy," I spoke firmly as he just looked at me.

His eyes darken with anger as he just stared at me, confused at his action and I pushed him off of my but he didn't move a bit. His body was like steal. Seriously, What the hell was his problem and why was I in the middle of it. While he stared at me, I noticed his hands started to shake a little.

"Can I go..." I asked him and just like that he snapped out of whatever it was that happened to him.

My body free, I slipped out of his bed, feeling totally uncomfortable and... ugly. Clothes, they're all gone, everything I had on last night was removed and nowhere to be seen. With my body all out for the world to see... for him to see. I felt fragile and most importantly mad.

Looking around for anything to cover myself up with, I found a long sleeve two sizes to big white sweater nearby. Quickly, I grabbed it and pulled it over my bare body. The smell of the vanilla and fresh air was scented all over the sweater. Under the sweater was a pair of gray shorts that I grabbed as well and leaned against the wall.

If only it was farther away, I felt trapped inside this room because it wasn't a dorm room but... his actual room. Where he slept in bed with me and... seconds I found myself covering my face with his sweater.

"I didn't touch you," he spoke just as I felt trapped.

Moments later, his bedroom door opened and a girl said, "Bane, how is your..." she stopped when I'm guessing she found me starting to shake. Gentle hands found themselves on my back, doing little circling and pulling me in close to a half hug.

"It's okay, your safe and no one will harm you," the girls voice said in a claiming voice.

Tears were falling down my face; that was still hidden and yet I'm more confused about why I'm here then scared.

"What is he broken or something?" I heard Bane ask rudely as before.

"Bane Dark Matter Solar, apologize now," she ordered him in a voice that was filled with power.

"Not my fault he's weak," Bane replied and that anger I felt returned as I uncovered my face to look at him.

"Bane... I may be weak ," I began as I slowly got off the ground and the girl followed to help me up. "But, at least I'm not a heartless, asshat who treats others like... they are lower then you," I spat as I saw him flinch a second and I went out the door.

No one followed me, as I found the front door of the house and slipped out. This house was hug and it had a big yard. Thankfully it was near campus and I walked to my dorm. My spare key was where I placed it as went inside my dorm and cried in bed.

"What the fuck is happening to me..." I thought as everything around me came crashing down. First
My best friend and now some guy I don't know took me to his place, after the nurse said to drop me off at my dorm.

I locked my door, headed towards my own bedroom and just laid in bed and just waited for everything to come crashing down. While overthinking, I heard a buzzing sound from my pocket and fished out a cell phone that wasn't mine.

"It was his," I thought just as I dropped it on the floor and went to sleep.


Being relaxed had been l hard for someone like myself. mainly due to the fact, I'm always on edge and need to protect those close to me. My sister was my life, she's younger then me and more right then wrong when I do stupid shit. Like when I brought that boy back with me...

"You didn't kidnap a human... did you?" She immediately asked as she check his pause and relaxed when she found one.

I rolled my eyes as I replied, "I smelled those blood drinkers within his dorm room and decided to just bring him with me."

Her eyes glowed purple faintly and, "Then why did you give up your coat?" She asked me.

"I just did," I told her after a few moments of just thinking.

Walking away from her, my mind had been on her question about my coat. Why would I give up my coat without knowing why I was doing such a think. This guy was doing something to me, something I didn't understand it but I wasn't going to think to hard.

Undressing him, felt like an invasion to him personally but if I didn't he would sleep in bloody clothes. His shirt had buttons as I laid him down on my bed and undid them. When he was undressed, I planned to just sleep but I didn't. I brought him into the bathroom and washed him up.

"I'm never telling anyone about this..." just as I fished cleaning and and placed him in my bed to cover up. Showering felt like a necessary thing and I did so quickly because something told me to do so.

"Protect him from the nightmares," I heard a dark wild voice speak within my mind.


My mind went silent and then it felt as if something else started to take over...

(Any Errors will be fix)

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