Chapter 18

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Crystal's pov

Crystal. Crystal.

I was in deep sleep when I heard someone calling me.


Again I heard that familiar voice and this time I decided to wake up.

When I opened my eyes I looked around only to realise that I was in my room.

Slowly I remembered each and everything which happened today and gulped my saliva in fear.


I heard mrs knight voice calling me. Sighing I got up from my bed and opened the door.

"Crystal" Mrs knight sighed looking at me. I gave her a small smile and invited her in.

"Crystal, are you ok?" She asked after we settled ourselves in nearby couch.

"Yeah, what happened to me?" I frowned looking confused.

"Martin told me about that note" She said and I looked away.

"I'm so sorry Crystal. Because of us you are in trouble" She said in small voice to which I looked at her.

"No mrs knight, it's not your fault please don't blame yourself" I said giving her a smile.

"No Crystal it's our fault that you have to bear all these problems" She said looking genuinely upset.

"Mrs knight please, don't blame yourself. All these are happenings because of Maddison and her family. You are no where at fault. And I swear, I don't blame you and your family" I said giving her a smile to which she looked shocked.

But then her shocked face got replaced by a proud face.

To be honest, at first I thought that because of them I'm in trouble but then I realised that they are not the one to be blamed. It's Maddison and her family. From the first meeting itself they are saving me from them and still doing it.

She gave me a big wide smile and caressed my cheek lovingly.

"You're indeed a precious jewel, Crystal" She said with so much of love and confidence that I felt overwhelmed.

No one has ever told me this.

I smiled at her and looked away in order to hide my blush.

"Crystal, would you mind if I ask you few questions?" She asked to which I looked back at her.

"Um.. Yeah sure" I replied.

"Did you got those notes before too?" She asked to which I denied through my head.

"Any messages from them?" She asked and I sighed but nodded.

"What? When?" She asked surprisingly.

"Maddison was messaging me from few days and today her grandfather E..ethan messaged me after I got that note" I said looking down.

"What? Why didn't you told us this before?" She asked shockingly but I remained silent.

"What was the message?" She asked once again to which I gave her my phone.

She took my phone and start scrolling through my messages. After reading them she looked angry.

"This bitch really thinks that she is superior than others even after having such a shrilly voice" Mrs knight cursed angrily to which I laughed.

Everyone hates her voice.

"She really has a bad voice. Her voice used to give me headaches back then" Mrs knight said shaking her head with slight chuckle.

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