Chapter 40

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Crystal's pov

- Few days later -

"Rise and shine" I smile hearing the familiar voice of Dante and opened my eyes slowly.

"Good morning, beautiful" Dante said kissing my forehead to which my smile widened in happiness. I looked at his attire and sighed happily.

He was dressed in purple color checked shirt and black pants with top few buttons of his shirt opens. His shirt sleeves were rolled up till his elbows and a black apple Watch was in his wrist. And unlike normal days, today his hairs were not gelled perfectly instead they were messed up all over his forehead.

What a sight!

"Good morning Dante" I said and got off the bed and pecked his both cheeks softly.

Dante smiled at me and caressed my cheeks a little.

"But hey, you're already going to office?" I asked looking at the watch which was showing 8:10 Am.

"Yes actually I have some pending works so I'm leaving earlier today. Just came here to wake you up" Dante said with a charming smile.

"By the way, you're looking beautiful, Crystal" He said with a smile to which I blushed a little.

"And when you blush, you look more beautiful" He said with a wink.

"Oh shut up. Don't you have to go to work?" I asked slapping his arms a little.

"Yes I have to go" Dante said softly and pulled me towards him by my waist.

"But honestly I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to spent my time here, with you" He said cheekily.

"Aww, you're so sweet" I said playfully. "But seriously, go to work" I added making a stern face to which he glared me.

"And you call me a spoilsport" He said shaking his head at me to which I laughed and pushed him away from me.

"Come on mister go to work. Even I have to go somewhere" I said and suddenly his playful face turned serious.

"What? Where? Crystal, if you remember you still have to rest" Dante said seriously.

"I know Dante. I just have to go to my granny's apartment to get some of my documents which I need to scan and then submit to my new university" I said to which he nodded.

So yes, I have finally enrolled myself in new university. Away from Ashley and others. Although I'm done with the admission process but I still need to submit my birth certificate which is in my granny's apartment so today I have to go there and get that.

Also, before my admission me and Dante made a deal that we will pay half of the fees but at the last moment, my asshole of a husband decided to pay whole fees by his own for which I was angry at him but he gave me the justification that I'm his wife, his responsibility and he should be the one fulfilling my needs.

I even tried to return him his money back but he didn't let me and kept on saying that I should save my money and all, as if he will ever going let me use my money. Men and their ego.


"Crystal" Dante suddenly called my name to which I looked at him.

"You better go there with Martin. Don't even think of going there alone, okay" He asked softly to which I nodded.

"I don't want any kind of carelessness from your side" Dante said seriously to which I once again nodded.

"Yes mister. I'll go with Martin. Don't worry" I said and again kissed his cheeks.

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