Chapter 44

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Dante's pov

"Mr knight, look here"

"Mr knight how are you feeling? You completed five years in the business industry today"

"What are your future plans?"

"Are you going to do partnership with Kingsleys?"

"Aren't your wife coming today to support you for your big day?"

"Why is your wife still hiding?"

"Is she ill?"

"Why are you alone today?"

I ignored their questions and went inside the hall followed by my bodyguards.

So yeah, today is the day when I completed five years in the business industry. Five years ago I started everything with a scratch and today I'm the CEO.

I won't say that I didn't worked hard to get this position because I did. I worked day and nights to grab this position. When the people's were celebrating Christmas, new year, thanksgiving and many other events, I was working my ass off and now all those hard works has paid off.

I'm enjoying the success. Today every other CEO wants to do partnership with me. Those who used to be my inspiration back then, now I'm their inspiration. Today they die to talk to me for even a few minutes. I don't want to sound arrogant but I'm the most successful CEO of America and I'm so fucking proud of myself.

I smirked a little and made my way inside only to see all my friends, business partners, members of boards, employees, famous businessmen with their wives and girlfriends, and famous media editor's and reporters were present there along with my family, except for my wife.

As soon as they saw me, they all turned to me and bowed their head in front of me to which I nodded.

Soon I made my way towards my parents, ignoring all the greetings.

"Congratulations son. I'm so proud of you" Dad said to which I thanked him and then hugged my mother.

"My baby has grown up" My mom said pinching my cheeks to which I instantly backed off from her and looked at her in horror.

"Mom. BEHAVE. Everyone is watching" I said to which she rolled her eyes at me.

"Annoying prick" I heard Sarah's voice so I turned to her and glared at her but she just smiled at me.


"By the way, you're looking really handsome today" Sarah said to which I nodded softly at her.

"My son always look handsome" Mom said with an arrogant smile to which I shook my head at her.

Soon my other guests started filling the hall to which me, dad and Ashton decided to welcome them.

I was busy talking with one of my business partner when I heard someone's calling my name.

I turned around to see my dad's friend's son John mahfud was there smiling at me. I smiled back at him but the minute my gaze wandered at his left side, my mood soured.

He's here with.. Maddison?

"Excuse me" I said to my business partner and walked towards John, all this while glaring at Maddison who is smirking.

"John" I greeted him with a handshake.

"Dante. Congratulations man. I'm so proud of you" He said with a genuine smile to which I nodded.

"By the way meet Maddison Kingsley. She is my date for tonight" John said squeezing Maddison's waist.

Out of so many girls, he decided to get Maddison here? What a bad choice.

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