Chapter 49

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Crystal's pov

"Dante please, it's enough now. I'm full" I almost yelled at Dante as he was making me eat those vegetable salads without my wish.

"Last morsel, promise" He said with a grin to which I glared at him hard.

"You're saying this shit for a long time now" I pointed out angrily.

"That's because you're throwing tantrums for a long time now" He mocked me with a grin.

"Dante" I whined pushing the plate away but only for him to pull back.

"Come on. Come on. Last one" With this he once again fed me.

"Enough. Not anymore" I almost yelled and got off my seat.

"Crystal you seriously need to start having more food" Dante chirped softly to which I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah" I said and grabbed my bag to leave for college but Dante stopped me by grabbing my palm.

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrows to which he shook his head in no and kissed my forehead lovingly.

"Take care" He said to which I nodded and kissed his cheek before turning away but he once again stopped me.

"Wait. I'll drop you today" Dante said urgently.

"But you have to go to the office, right? Today is your important meeting, no?" I asked him to which he nodded.

"Yeah but... Nothing".

"Dante what's wrong? I have been noticing you since the morning. You're looking quite tense" I said rubbing his arms.

"Nothing. It just.. I'm not feeling good" He replied.

"Oh my god! What happened to you? Why didn't you inform me before? Should I call the doctor?" I asked in panic.

"Crystal I'm fine" He said with a small smile.

"But you just said that-"

"I know but that wasn't related to my health" Dante cleared.


" It's about you" He said looking directly in my eyes.

"About me? What?" I asked slowly.

"I don't know, Crystal. I really don't know. From the morning I'm feeling these negative vibes. It's like something bad is going to happen" Dante finished with a sigh to which I let out a small laugh.

"Seriously Dante. Negative vibes. I didn't knew that you believed in all these things" I said with a chuckle but seeing his worried face I realised that I shouldn't joke around.


"Dante" I called his name and hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry. Nothing would happen to me or anyone of us. Don't believe in all things and just try to be positive, okay" I said squeezing him tightly in my arms.

He hummed and hugged me tight when suddenly his phone started ringing. I broke the hug and kissed him.

"Bye" I said and turn around.

"Bye and take care" I heard his voice and smile and showed him a thumbs up before leaving.

Time skip.

Hush. I sighed in happiness after getting free from my classes.

Today was the one hectic day. I had back to back lectures. Though I enjoy being busy but I needed one coffee break which I didn't get, so yeah.

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