Chapter 33

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Dante's pov

I was in deep sleep when I heard someone's yelling my name. I groaned opening my eyes and once again I heard my name being called. It's my brother's voice and he was not just shouting my name but he was calling others too.

I switched on the lights and my eyes fell on the nearby watch.

3:33 AM.

I frowned when Ashton again yelled my name and I rushed out of my room. When I was in the corridor I heard his voice was coming from downstairs. I instantly rushed there. My parents and Sarah was also rushing downstairs.

Once I reached there, I saw Crystal was laid in couch and Ashton was sprinkling water drops in her face and was looking panicked. I rushed towards them.

"What happened?" Sarah asked in surprise when she saw him with Crystal.

"She fainted" Ashton said and I touched her forehead only to realise that she was burning.

"M-mom, she is burning" I said and tried to shook her but she wasn't waking up.

Mom immediately came to us and touched her forehead and gasped.

"Let's take her to the hospital" Mom said and I nodded and lift Crystal's unconscious frame in my arms and ran towards the exit without waiting for them but I knew that they will follow me.

I rushed towards my car and settled Crystal in backseat and started my car. After driving for almost five to ten minutes I reached my destination. I wasted no time in leaving the car and once again lifted Crystal in my arms and rushed inside the hospital.

When I was in the emergency ward I yelled for the doctor to which they immediately came to me. I settled Crystal in the strecher and looked at the doctor while the nurses went inside along with the strecher.

"Doctor, she was burning in fever and fainted. I don't know what happened to her. Please check her" I said to which he nodded and rushed inside whereas I settled myself in the nearby bench waiting for others.

Soon my family came to me and sat beside me and consoled me.

"What exactly happened Ashton?" Dad asked looking at Ashton to which we all looked at him.

"I don't know dad. I was thirsty so I went to the kitchen and there I saw Crystal. She had a glass in her hand but in a second she left the glass and fainted in front of me. And when I went to her she was burning in fever and that's when I took her to the couch and called everyone" Ashton completed.

"But she was okay when I talked to her before the dinner" Sarah frowned looking at the closed door.

What happened to you Crystal?

I sighed sadly and kept looking at the closed door in my front. This is the second time in week when Crystal is in hospital. At first she was in hospital because of Maddison and now she is in hospital for God knows what reason.

I was thinking about Crystal when finally the door opened revealing the doctor.

"What happened to her? Is she ok now?" I asked immediately to which he nodded.

"Don't worry Mr knight, your wife is stable now. We have taken her blood sample and we will give you the results soon. But right now looking at her condition I think she might have eaten something really unhealthy which caused this" He said to which I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What? But I made the food myself and I have always been careful with my work" Mom said looking worried.

"Than maybe she consumed something other than the homemade food. Though it's not confirmed that she has eaten something unhealthy. It just a doubt which will be clear after the results" Doctor said with a little sigh.

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