Chapter 23

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Crystal's pov

When I entered inside the mansion I found Mrs Knight and Sarah looking at me and smiling.

"Hello" I said awkwardly.

"Hey" Sarah grinned at me.

"So, you were outside, with Dante?" Mrs Knight asked coming near me.

"No. Yes. I mean I went with Martin but Dante dropped me here" I said quickly.

"Ooh" Sarah said narrowing her eyes at me playfully to which I looked at her in confusion.

"What?" I asked not understanding her behavior.

"Nothing" She grinned at me.

I was about to ask her again but stopped as Mrs Knight interrupted.

"Crystal, we are going for shopping. Wanna come?" She asked.

I really wanted to go but I have to save my money for future. And knowing them I can surely say they will definitely go to some expensive place to shop.

"No Mrs Knight. I have to study" I said to which they made face.

"Come on Crystal. You study all the bloody time. Learn to live your life a little. Come with us" Sarah whined.


"No buts. You're coming and that's final" Sarah said and caught my hand.

I looked towards mrs Knight for help but she just laughed looked at us.

Half heartily I decided to go with them but I mentally prepared myself to not to buy unnecessary stuffs.


I was so right when I thought they will go to some expensive place. Right now we are in the most expensive mall of New York where I have been once in my life with my ex boss to carry her bags.

Looking around the interior, I was so impressed. But their prices were definitely not impressive. Ever a small earrings costs a lot here. I really wanted to leave but at the same time I wanted to explore, as last time I didn't got time to explore around.

"Come let's buy some dresses first" Sarah said and Mrs Knight and I nodded. We went towards the dress section.

Man. These dresses here are so beautiful.

Sarah and mrs Knight went to check dresses and I started wandering. I was looking around the dresses and sometimes touching them too.

Soft materials.

"Crystal" I heard Sarah's voice and looked towards her direction. She was calling me and Mrs Knight was their too.

When I went to her she grabbed my wrist and dragged me somewhere.

When we were in front of a shop, she stopped and gestured me to read the name.

Amelia dresses.

I read the name and looked at her confusingly. Looking at my confused face, her smile dropped and she gave me a glare and Mrs Knight chuckled.

"God girl. Can't you see. Amelia dresses. Amelia" She said pointing towards Mrs Knight.

I was still confused.

"God. This is mom's brand. Mom is the CEO of Amelia dresses" Sarah said slapping her forehead and I widened my eyes in realisation.

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