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graduation is today. i am exited to graduate but i am not exited to see dads expression when he finds out i didnt finish first. i know hes going to be disappointed and im not ready to drive another wedge in our relationship.

the ceremony is at three and its eleven right now. all of us pilots decided to get afternoon drinks before graduation in the hopes that our friendships will remain but we all know they wont.

i got home from the hospital this morning. after my crash i got a hairline fracture on my rib and i needed five stitches on my eyebrow and six on me temple. i dont really feel much pain but that doesnt stop florence from trying her hardest to take care of me.

flore has been really sad the last several days since my accident. i keep asking her whats wrong but she always tells me shes fine.

almost everyone except rooster visited me while i was in the hospital, which was a real slap in the face after i thought we were becoming friends. i guess he was disappointed to find out i lived through the crash or something like that.

im currently putting on my final touches of makeup before i head to the hard deck. im dressed in my white navy uniform for graduation. my hair is in a slicked back low bun, which i hate. i apply mascara and add some lipgloss before i leave my room.

"storm, im ready to go!" i shout to her as i decend the stairs, grabbing my wallet and keys from the wall.

"no, im driving you!" she shouts back. i can hear her clamber around trying catch up to me. "youre injured and you dont want to get your uniform dirty!"

"ugh, fine! hurry!" she comes down the stairs a minute later and we get in her truck. "took you long enough." i comment.

"shut up, youre such a bitch."


were the last ones to the hard deck that day. when we get there everybody tries to talk to me and see how im feeling. i tell them all im fine and try to get the subject to move along but it doesnt work great.

"i still feel terrible sunshine." hangman says to me in between aiming at pool. my second day at the hospital he told me he felt like it was his fault and i had to keep reminding him that it was just an accident.

oddly enough it seemed like flore was avoiding hangman which confused me because she told me she didnt blame him. i told myself i would unpack that after graduation.

"jake, i already told you its fine. it was just and unfortunate accident." i reply to him, taking the pool stick out of coyotes hand and aiming.

it sounds like hes about to argue with me when rooster acknowledges my existence for the first time since my accident. "how can you say it was an accident? you could've died sunshine." his voice is gentle but i can tell he means his words to be harsh.

"because it was an accident roost, and either way im fine."

"what is your problem rooster? still thinking about dear old dad?" hangman interjects with the meanest thing he can think of to say. rooster makes a move toward hangman but everybody quickly gets to their feet to stop the brewing fight.

"hey, hey, hey, what the hell you guys? i thought we were adults." i get between them and give hangman a stern look, shaking my head slightly. "were graduating today and i dont know about you guys but i would love for our instructors to think we have come out of this as friends, even if we have to bullshit our way through today. so you both need to stop comparing dick sizes and move on. and since i almost died this week yall have to do what i say." i grab a beer and sit down, having over exaughsted my ibuprofen, now feeling the pain in my broken rib.

sunshine [bradley bradshaw x OC]Where stories live. Discover now