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A/N Prologue-ish. The way to introduce the story, unless some of you haven't read the oneshot. So here it is...
A/N Warning, Ze goes insane. Hence the title.

"Chilly Willy~" I tug on his arm.
Anthony turns towards me as if he's going to punch me in the face.
I drag him towards one of the games, pointing frantically at it. "Please?"
"Buddy, I suck at dancing."
"Dance Dance Revolution is easy, come ooon! For me?"
He flinches. "Fuck, fine."
"Remind me who you're doing this for?"
"My little Viking." He scoffs, slipping a token into the machine.
Welcome to Dance Dance Revolutioooooon!
The voice-over makes it sound like such an epic game, but it's really just tapping buttons with your feet. Even in Just Dance games, I'm lazy as hell. I move my hand with the controller, and that's it. Anthony insisted on getting a Connect this Christmas, but I guess he'll be playing alone.
Choose your song!
Anthony scrolls through the song list with a few buttons, until he chooses the one he wants. I guess I'm the one that dragged him into this, he deserves to choose...
Oh, fuck no. "Anime?! REALLY?"
"You're the one that wanted to dance with me." He smirks, confirming the song.
Three... Two... One... Dance!
Hatsune Miku appears on the screen, making everyone around us stare.
"Anthony, you fucking asshole."
He laughs, tapping one of the squares on the floor with his foot. "You're losing."
"What?!" I turn my attention back towards the screen. I have to watch this weird looking anime girl dance. She has long-ass hair.
Stop it Steven, focus on beating your boyfriend.
..Uck, that sounded very sexual.
Not that we haven't done it before ;)
"I will burn in a fire, photographs of your desire!"
"This song is nice." I glance at Anthony.
He's so focused. He stares directly at the screen, not daring to blink until the song is over. He looks kinda hot.
"Do you like the present I put at your door? It's exactly what you were asking for. A bloody kitten head just for you. I love cats just as much as you do!"
Why the hell did Anthony pick this song? I know, he wanted to embarrass us in front of the entire arcade, but there must be another song like this one. Less...murder?
"I love you, so cliche! Filthy words that you've betrayed!"
Oh. I see. He's jealous, isn't he?
"I'll make you see, force you to be, in love with me, eternally."
"Anthony." I repeat.
He stops as the song does, and the machine steals our last token.
"Another?" I groan. "I'm tired-"
"I bet you are, after last night."
"..What?" I tilt my head.
Anthony pulls me close to him, making a kid next to us laugh. Homophobe.
"I love you." He whispers.
"Cliche." I chuckle.
"Oh, shut up."
The kid laughs again. "Mom, look!"
"What's cute about that? It's fucking gross."
"Hey! What did I say about that word?!"
Anthony and I just laugh at them, shrugging it off. We've gotten used to it.
"But seriously." I stop him at the door. "What did I do?"
"..You don't know?" He scrunches up his face.
"I wasn't drunk at all last night, I know that. And I wouldn't...sleep around."
"But I heard..." He takes out his phone. "John?"
"..Uh, what?" I could hear John's voice on the other side.
"Fuck you."
John just chuckles. "What'd I do this time? Ruin your ToS game with your boooyfriend?"
Anthony was trying hard not to throw his phone to the ground. "Congrats on your relationship, buddy. Or, was it a one time thing? Did Anthony enjoy it?"
"Did you enjoy it..?"
"The other Anthony, dumbass."
"Oh." Silence. "Yeah, about that..."
Anthony hangs up, turning towards me. "I wish we never moved in with eachother."
"Did Anthony and John..uh..."
"Yeah, I thought John was gone last night with his girlfriend." His eyes widen. "Wait, girlfriend..."
"So John cheated on his girlfriend with Anthony. The other one."
"No, that's not what I'm getting at." He combs his hair back with his hand. "Jess is out of town..."
"Anthony!" I punch his shoulder. "We've been dating for a week!"
"I totally forget about girls when I'm with you, Steven. Oops."
I cross my arms. "Is this it, then?"
Anthony shrugs. "I... I don't know. I like both of you."
"Bromance returns?" I force a smile.
"I guess, if you want-"
"Okay, Anthony."
"What happened to Chilly Willy?"
"We're not together anymore." I growl, speed-walking out to the car.
My little Viking.
I shook him out of my head, forever. He doesn't love me, he loves Jess.
If... If something were to happen to her...
I will burn in the flames every trace of her name. I wonder if her life clock still ticks? I love you, so cliche, filthy words that you betrayed! I'll make you see, force you to be, in love with me, eternally.

=A week later=

"October 29, 1:46AM."
I listened to the voice messages over and over, grinning.
"Hey Steven, I've got bad news. Jess, she... She got into an accident. It's fatal, and they don't think she's going to make it."
"2:05AM. She's gone, buddy. I don't know what to do."
"2:30AM. Are you even listening to these messages? I know your phone isn't off. I know you're awake."
"2:42AM. Jess means nothing to you, doesn't she?"
"2:53AM. They found fingerprints, and I verified it wasn't our car. They're running tests, I think someone murdered her."
"3:01AM. I know what you did."
"3:03AM. How could you?"
I frown, throwing my phone at the wall. It cracks, but I don't care.
"No witnesses." I murmur, stepping into the kitchen and grabbing a cutting knife.
"Steven? What are you doing? Are you...are you crying?"
"Go away John." I kept my head down, the knife in my left hand.
"Anthony!" John looks behind him, out the door. "Your boyfriend needs you! Like, NOW."
Anthony walks in with an angry look on his face. "Steven."
I stayed silent.
"Steven." He repeated.
I raise the knife over my head, holding it tightly with both hands. I slowly swing it to my chest, pain stinging throughout my body.
Anthony and John sat by me, trying to cover the wound. Meanwhile, my Anthony stood over me, that angry look still plastered on his face.
"I was going to break up with her." He starts. "When I realized how I felt for you. What you did, Steven, it wasn't necessary. You ended someone's life. I simply can't be with a murderer." He puts his foot on my stomach, crushing my rib-cage. "DOES THAT FEEL GOOD, BUDDY?"
"Anthony, stop it!" John yells.
"You don'" I cough.
"You're right." He stops, backing away from me.
I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.
"Murderer." With that, he left.
"Baby had a temper tantrum." John looks back towards me.
My eyes began to close.
"Steven, stay with us. The cops are on their way."
The darkness finally consumed me, but Anthony's voice remained in my mind.
I love you, my little Viking.


A/N He's not dead, by the way. It was a dream. PLOT TWIIIIST! *laughs* I fooled you. Did I fool you? Yeah, I fooled you.

My Little Mad Viking (RoyalChaos/GaLty)Where stories live. Discover now