Ch. 6

76 6 3

A/N Song up there because it fits. xD



Dolphin laughter emits from Anthony's iPhone.

He's...He's been talking to Adam? Wh..Why?! Has he been...


No, that can't be... Adam was Cathy. He is dating Cathy. Or...he was?

"Get over here NOW." James demands. I could still hear The Creatures from my pocket. Luckily I put them on speaker before stuffing my phone in there.

I nod multiple times, squeezing the knife in my left hand. "Okay, I'm coming."

I sprint down the street, towards the office. I knew exactly where I was going, when I was close. And I was, very close. Good thing Anthony drove us in this direction, and he went off the other way so we wouldn't collide at one point.

They'll let me in. They won't shut me out. I'll finally


I stuff the knife in my hoodie pocket, the blood from my shoulder staining the inside. I wander into the office, walking up the stairs. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Arms wrap around me as soon as the door creaks open. More and more people crowd around me, practically squeezing out my insides.

Okay, I've seen way too much blood. I need to stop making references to things I've done...

"Come sit, we need to talk." Jordan seemed like he was hiding something, keeping me on edge. I carefully step through the hallways and to the door to the main room, where they usually open Christmas gifts or  fan mail.

"In here." Jordan points to the door.

I tilt my head. Why isn't he opening it?

I look behind me. Aleks, James, Kevin, Seamus, and Dan were standing there. Aleks gave me a slightly nervous smile. James was smirking. Seamus just frowned, his arms crossed. Dan motioned for me to go in. And Jordan...

He pushed me inside the room.

"Hello, Steven Viking." 

There were a few police officers inside, all staring directly at me. I took ahold of the knife in my pocket, then I realized it was a bad idea. Then I put my arms up, shutting my eyes. My shoulder was still in pain, and obviously bloody. The tears started to form, which caused me to shut my eyes tighter.

"Are you sure this is him?" One officer asked. "He looks so innocent, don't you think--"

"That 'wound' is just ketchup." Another officer grunts. "Kids always fake it these days."

Please, Steven...

I pull the knife out of my pocket slowly, throwing it to the ground. I hold my shoulder in pain, dropping to my knees.

"What is that?" The third officer asks.

"His weapon." The second officer says.

"No!" I spat. "He stabbed me, with that..."

"Who?" The first officer kneels in front of me, picking up the knife with a glove. He shoves it into a bag.

I wince in pain.

Stop him...

"Anthony..." I gather up my remaining strength to say his name one more time, "Anthony Fiorenti."

My Little Mad Viking (RoyalChaos/GaLty)Where stories live. Discover now