♥︎Chapter 12♥︎ - ℒℴ𝓈𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 ... 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉?

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☁︎︎ꕥ 𝒮𝒽ℴ𝓉ℴ 𝒯ℴ𝒹ℴ𝓇ℴ𝓀𝒾 𝒫𝒪𝒱 ꕥ☁︎︎

𒊹︎𝒩ℴ𝓋ℯ𝓂𝒷ℯ𝓇 𝟏𝟐 /𝟐:𝟑𝟐 𝒜ℳ 𒊹︎

"Now why'd you help me over there?" I looked at him up and down. We stop at a nearby alley way. "Listen kid. I don't give an actual fuck whether you are ok or not, but I'm not fucking heartless." His words mumbled so fast I barely kept track. I wanted him to repeat but he looks annoyed enough. I close my mouth and looked at him ripping a piece of something and wrapped around my knee. "Now you're ok." He walked off as a stood up. "Why'd did you help me?" I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, off even. 'Why would a villain help me?' "You don't need to know." And he was gone.

'What?' I was confused. Yet I shook it off and started head for the dorms. 'I have get over this feeling, why would I act like such a baby when Midoriya did that. Katsuki was probably embarrassed, my dad would've killed me. My friends felt pity but I don't think it was pity, far from that.' I must've not noticed how long I was walking, but UA's school building was there, which meant that I was not far. "SHOTO!" 'Shit!'

"Baby you're ok!" He ran to me and hugging me tight. "Yeah yeah, ok." I just wanted to go to my dorm. "Are you ok? Where were you?" My eyes were on something different. "I- something came up, I don't want to talk about it." I was eager to leave, I couldn't manage to look anyone in the eyes right now. "What happened to your knee?" "Please let's just go or let me go." This was getting nowhere and we're still stuck with where we started. "No, please. All I want to know is what happened to yo-" "Let. Me. Go." I shook him off and limped away.

I just couldn't get this off my mind. This, me, all of my friends. Just so- I'm a burden. I feel bad and just disgusted in myself. No. No more Katsuki. No more Tsuyu. No more socializing. I just need to get this last year over with and done. I can't with be all over people. When Midoriya pulled my trigger. I should've stopped him instead of laying down in the floor like some weakling. Not with the school and the father I have. I should've let myself been so triggered with those rumors and why did I cry? No why did I cry on our date, why did I cry during and after the incident, and I should've said sorry to Midoriya. They were right, but I couldn't help but think of why I was victim.

Why? WHY?! you know good and well that none of this is our fault and you put on us

Who else is to blame?


No, we have every right to blame our selves. We were acting very absurd towards our class mates.

Don't even think about pulling that shitty of a stunt.

I opened up the door to my dorm and saw that my room look more empty then it all ready was. Clothes in boxes, medicine cabinet almost empty, everything besides my necessities were taken. I don't know if I deserved this or this is still bullshit but I laid on my plain, empty futon.

We have too or everyone is just going to hate us. I thought this was supposed to be our new home far from whatever that was. Please don't mess this up for us.

I don't care about our friendships right now, it's about our justice. We're getting called out for something we didn't do.

Don't try that we'll try that Tomorrow and hope we'll see how it helps us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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