Chapter Six

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Draco shut the door behind him and we began to walk up the path towards the castle. Holding my robe close to me yet again, keeping my eyes to the ground. I had this odd feeling in the pit of my stomach and I could not put my finger on it. I began to get lost in thought, no longer seeing my black shoes carry me up the path. Instead, I was living behind my eyes watching each thought pass as I wondered 'what could this feeling be'?

I looked to Draco, whose eyes are focused on the castle, seeing the distant light grow more vibrant in his eyes with each step taken. He turned his head, slightly looking down at me.

"What is it, Granger?" He asked me, with a smirk on his face.

"Oh it- it's nothing." I shook my head and Draco returned his gaze to the castle ahead.

Although, Draco and I did not speak till we reached the halls of my dormitory, the creatures filled the night's silence with a symphony of sounds. I took in the beauty around me, taking deep breaths and enjoying where I was. It was something I never thought I'd say, but this walk with Draco has brought me a moment of peace. In moments I would feel Draco's eyes watching me, but each time I looked up to him to see, his eyes were glued to the castle. His expression was soft, and curious, in a way.

"It's not far now." I turned over my shoulder and told Draco, once we entered the castle, he had me lead the way. We turned left in the hall, and soon arrived at my door. I noticed Draco was keeping his distance from the door, curious.

"Is everything alright?" I ask him.

"I'm just trying to be respectful" he said looking me in the eyes with his chin up. He seemed as stiff as a board with nerves. Why is he being so odd?

"Why don't you come in for some tea?" I ask him, "It is a bit chilly after all" I let out a small laugh and I saw Draco's shoulders relax. "Id like some tea." He said confidently.

I made my way into the great room with the tea, carefully pouring the water into his teacup and then to mine. I could feel him watching me. Studying me, with each and every move I make, his eyes seem to follow. I removed my robe, flicking my wand to have it hang itself as I sit.

"Thank your Hermione" his arm reached for his cup, as he carefully brings it closer to his lips. I slowly began to watch my thoughts grow off of one another, building and building and building.

I wondered; what had happened to Draco, why is he here? How did he get to this point in his life? He seems so different. I must be so different from my years at Hogwarts. I feel as though, my seventh year I had grown to be so strong and confident in myself. All the work that Harry, Ron and I had done to defeat Voldemort has taught me so much. So, why am I here; in this lost, broken place within myself? Draco seems so sure of who he is, he walks and talks differently. He is no longer sharp with his tone; he is gentle and kind. How did he get to where he is? Why can't I be there? What am I doing wrong? Why did my relationship with Ron do thi-

"Hermione, are you alright?" I quickly jumped back into focus, bringing my eyes up to Draco's.

"Ohhh... yes...I'm......I'm so sorry Draco". He looked at me with concerned eyes and I could tell he wanted to ask me something, I could see the curiosity in his eyes. But another emotion was in his eyes as well. Was it concern? Sympathy? I mean, I am sure that he and many other witches and wizards are aware of what has happened to Ron and I. With so many Weasleys, it is hard for something to be kept secret. Although, most people don't know the half of it, they just get the sugar-coated version.
'Ron? Oh, he just left, we don't know why. Poor Hermione though, she must be devasted...'

"Hermione, if you have something you want to ask me, please do." Draco set down his empty tea-cup, and I noticed mine, still full. "I'm practically an open book now." He began to lean back slightly in his chair, folding his hands behind his head, giving a gentle smile.

I gave this some thought, and I am sure he could tell I was by the look on my face. I had a lot I wanted to ask him, but I do not think I am ready to open those doors with Draco yet.

"I do have one question Draco." I stated, he tilted his head, and leaned forward in his chair.

"Would you like more tea?" I asked, smiling brightly to redirect the mood.


As the day got deeper into night, I couldn't help but resist sleep, I had noticed such a change in Draco, but I was not prepared to be so... comfortable around him.

"I should be going." He said. "It is getting quite late, don't want to get lost on my way out of the castle." Draco chuckled at himself. He must really find himself humorous.

We got up from the table, as I took the tea set away, trying to clean up just a tad before bed.

"May I use the lou before I leave, Hermione?" He asked as I began to walk away with the tea-cups in my hand. I turned over my shoulder and pointed him to the right direction.

Moments passed and shortly he was back. Unfortunately for him, in that time, a book on the shelf had caught my eye, and I had already begun to read it.

"Cant even wait for me to leave, Granger? Must you always have a book in your hand?" Draco smiled as he made his way back into the great room. I closed my book, but quickly noticed his eyes were focused on the sofa, set up for my slumber this evening. I had set the book on my side table, as I could feel the silence in the room begin to grow between us.

"Hermione?" He looked to me. "I know I am not the person to talk to about this. But I saw you at tea, you didn't seem... there. Your mind seemed to be racing. I could almost see each thought passing your mind through your eyes as they grew with worry and fear. Do you sleep here?" He motioned towards the couch. "With a bed as grand as yours, I am not sure how you'd resist that."

I softly held my left arm, feeling my breath shorten, redirecting my eyes away from Draco. No one had asked me something like this before. Which made me wonder, had anyone even noticed?

"Yes, I do." I said, fighting back the tears beginning to swell behind my eyes. "Would you believe me if I told you the wisest witch of our age doesn't like to sleep on her own?" I laughed at myself, feeling a tear fall down my cheek.

He was silent for a while, his eyes watching me with empathy.

"I'd like to be alone now please, Draco. I'm sorry." My voice began to crack as I did everything in my power to keep the tears from breaking through. I did not want Malfoy to see my cry.

"I'll see myself out then. Thank you for the tea, Hermione." I heard his footsteps as they made their way to the door. My door opened, and close, and in that moment, I had broken down. I fell to my knees, hands to my eyes that quickly began to catch my flow of tears. The pain in my heart only grew with each second. I am broken. One question was all it took to break me down, allowing all of the past memories to come flooding back. As much as I tried to resist them, it was no use. I waved my wand to blow out all the candles, then I quietly got on my sofa, and cried till I fell asleep in my tears.

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