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Jisung watched a squirrel dig around in the dirt by the base of a tree. It was watching him, making sure he didn't make any crazy moves. As if Jisung would.
"Stop looking at the squirrels. We came here to look at the exhibits, Jisung," Jeongin complained. Jisung turned his gaze to the tigers per Jeongin's request. He used to like tigers. When he was younger he'd had an unforgettable interaction with one. A white one none the less. In Jisung's opinion the white one's were most beautiful because they were different. He remembered the large cat placing its nose against the glass where his own nose was pressed. They had some kind of connection for a moment as they locked eyes. "We're both losers to others. Don't let society dictate your importance though, kid. We're strong. We symbolise the king of the jungle. We are royalty. Never forget that," he thought the tiger was trying to say.
After that he was obsessed with the creatures. His favorite character from winnie-the-pooh was Tigger. He collected documentaries on them. But as all good things come to an end, by the time he turned thirteen he'd grown bored of the animal. Tiger's were endangered. That meant the best animal died fast because no one tried to save them. The most beautiful things faded in life far too quickly because no one tried to understand. That went for everyone. Different ideas and opinions made you crazy. If you loved something others didn't you became an outcast, and if you didn't accept what someone else did, you were an even bigger let down. The world was full of hypocrites. It always had been; always would be. That's why Jisung hid. He drowned out every human being in existence and focused on art. Art was the only thing that understood him.
He didn't paint for others. He painted for himself. It wasn't practical but that didn't matter to Jisung. He was happy in his dream world. Reality was too harsh for him. So he painted himself a room which he stayed in and was only ever visited by his best friend.
"So, remember Beomgyu?" Jeongin asked. He didn't wait for a reply and continued. "His soulmate mark is so cool. It's green."
Jisung released a noise of fake surprise. He didn't have the energy to talk. "You are so boring."
Jisung nodded effortlessly. He knew that already. The only thing he did was paint and sleep. "I'm leaving you at the Quokka Exhibit. I'll come get you once I'm done looking around," Jeongin told his friend. He disappeared as quickly as his mouth could utter the words goodbye. Jisung didn't realize they had walked so far from the tigers, but was none the less happy to be alone. Maybe not so much alone with strangers, but alone by himself, not forced to talk to anyone.
He took the opportunity to flip the patch of his art bag open and pull out his drawing pad. He didn't exactly know what he would draw. Frankly, he wasn't in an area where he could conjure up the needed inspiration to make a masterpiece. Because of that, he simply decided on practicing. He gathered his charcoals and looked off into the exhibit before him.
The Quokka. They were interesting creatures. Jisung viewed them as underdeveloped Kangaroo's. The only difference between the species being that the Quokka smiled. Now seeing a dog smile wasn't so odd, but a small jumping rat the size of a cat? That was abnormal. The fact that everyone cooed at them and called them cute was even more confusing to the boy.
Jisung didn't particularly dislike the creatures, nor did he love them. In his mind they were just like every other endangered species. They needed protection from the selfish, ignorant hands of the humans. In a way, Jisung was like that too. Jeongin always persisted with the idea that if Jisung were to be an animal it would be a Quokka.
Jisung didn't understand it in the least. Quokka's smiled all the time. They were usually healthily chunky. They were very social creatures. Jisung was none of those. He didn't smile a lot, he was skin and bone with an extremely thin waist, and the complete opposite of a social person. He hated talking to strangers.
Despite the debate going on in his head, his hand proceeded to sketch out an outline of the Quokka's in the exhibit. They were grazing on grass and other foods given to them by the zookeepers either earlier that morning or the day before. Jisung wondered what it would be like to be trapped in a cage all day.
He wanted to paint the creatures entrapped behind bars. That would be far too depressing though. He was trying to branch out in styles thanks to his teachers suggestion. He continued quietly, every so often lifting his eyes from the thick paper. By the time the outline was done, the zookeeper had entered to check up on the Quokka's. Jisung let himself take a break to observe the interaction.
The man, who Jisung guessed to be at least an inch or two taller than him, squatted down to greet the marsupials. They hopped over energetically. Jisung would admit that they were something to be jealous of. Hundreds of thousands of people watched them, wishing only good things for them. People hoped to hug them, touch them, feed them, and heal them.
Jisung would never get the same treatment.
In his next life he wanted to be reborn as an animal that was loved. Like a dog. With his luck he'd end up a mutt on the street. Not that there was anything wrong with mixed breeds. He was just tired of mistreatment and a pessimistic outlook on life. He wanted to be pampered.
Jisung watched as the keeper stroked the largest Quokka's head. He wondered what it was like to stroke a humans head. Was it calming? Did it feel awkward? The artist turned his attention to the man. He was wearing loose khaki pants, a beige shirt, and a straw hat. If Jisung didn't know any better he may think he came from the fields in China. He looked Asian so there was a chance it was true. Probably not, he thought when he watched the keeper stand.
He was attractive. Not in a sexual way but in the manner of being artistic. He was sculpted from the hands of other worldly gods. He was given a perfectly small rounded face. His lips were between perfectly plump and thin, a good medium. His shoulders weren't too broad, and his biceps were the perfect size. He was beautiful.
Jisung wished he looked like that. He was jealous. And just as any other jealous artist would, he began to sketch the man possibly created from his secret desires. Whoever owned the universe liked to tease him. He'd come to that conclusion when he finished his drawing.
"You're actually still here?" Jeongin asked when he found his way back to the exhibit he had left his friend at.
Jisung shut his pad and pushed it back into his bag. "You told me to wait," he answered.
Jeongin's shoulders sank with a sigh. "I thought you might actually explore some despite that."
Jisung shook his head to answer the boy. "Well, I looked around. The Kangaroo's are really cool!"
Jeongin had always been obsessed with Kangaroo's. Jisung assumed it was because of the black Kangaroo tattoo on his abdomen. Whatever type of soulmate he had, they were definitely extroverted. Most pairs usually were Introverted and Extroverted. Jeongin was no exception. He too was an introvert. He just wasn't a depressed, pessimistic, traumatized, introvert. Unlike Jisung who was all of the above.
"I think I want to go on a safari ride this weekend. I can take loads of pictures and submit them for a grade. Will you come?"
Jisung thought it over. What were the pros of joining Jeongin? He'd get to see cool animals. He'd make Jeongin happy and bond with him. Maybe he'd find some inspiration while he was out. And the cons? It would be extremely hot. Bugs would eat him alive. If he had to use the restroom he'd have to hold it until the end of the ride. If he didn't find inspiration, he'd be stuck on a ride with a talkative Jeongin and an annoying tour guide who repeated things constantly.
To think of the worst case scenario, he, Jeongin, or any other of the people joining the safari would get attacked by an animal. Buffalo were known to be aggressive. Did Australia even have buffalo? Elephants too could be unpredictable. The Lions and other carnivores were reasonably dangerous. It just didn't seem like something Jisung would want to do.
"I'll pass. Take Beomgyu," he replied.
"Oh, that's a good idea! Beomgyu would love to do that."
Jisung nodded for the second time. A comfortable silence found them as they walked through the zoo trying to find the exit. The employees really needed to remake the signs. It was confusing finding your way around. "What do you want for dinner?" Jeongin brought up as soon as the bus entered their view.
Jeongin slipped some bills into the glass bank as he entered the bus. He'd paid for the both of them. "I could make spaghetti."
Jisung didn't want to eat anything Jeongin made himself. But if he were to-he only had one thing in mind. "A burger."
Those were easy to make and tasted good with anything. "I'll need to stop by the grocery store then. Thank god for the store by our house."
Jisung took his seat and stared out the window. Was it fun talking to himself? That's what he was doing. Yes, Jisung listened, but he never gave good responses. He wondered if Jeongin often became irritated by him. Then again, Jeongin was a ray of sunshine. Sunshine still faded after a full day though. Jisung supposed Jeongin's sunshine ran out when he fell asleep.
How could one be so chipper? Jisung could barely keep up a fake smile for more than two minutes. What a world. "I saw a guy in the Quokka exhibit."
Jeongin tilted his head like a puppy. "And?"
"He was pretty," Jisung whispered.
Jeongin's eyes squinted, a smirk appearing not long after. It was his famous fox look. "Looks like Jisungie has a crush."
The artist shook his head in denial. "No. He was just pretty. I wish I looked like him."
Jeongin's playful expression faded just as quickly as it formed. He sighed. They'd had this conversation a million times. Instead of looking at people and forming a crush, Jisung became jealous of their body. It was frustrating for Jeongin. He couldn't help his friend. No matter how many times he told Jisung he was stunning beyond compare, he didn't listen. They could never come to an agreement. The only thing Jeongin could do was rest his head against Jisung's shoulder.
"You are pretty."

𝘚𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢 🖌 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now