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When overenergetic people come by, people like Jisung hide. It's hard for him to keep up with all of the words and emotions being expressed. Usually when that happens, he goes home and breaks down. Not necessarily a break down in which he falls to the floor crying, but more so, one where finds himself in the shower. His safe space. He over thinks what he said to the person, what his body language was like in the moment of interaction with them, and anything that could've gone wrong did go wrong in his mind.
And that's exactly what had happened the second he got home from the zoo after a humiliating introduction to the gorgeous Quokka Keeper. Jisung couldn't stop his mind from replaying everything that had happened as the water poured down his body. He wrapped his arms around himself, scared that if he didn't stop his shaking form, an earthquake may happen and eat him alive. It was a ridiculous thought, but anxiety was like that. It swallowed you whole. It made you believe the most ridiculous things.
Would Minho hate him? He'd acted nice, but he'd probably go talk to Hyunjin about it. He'd call Jisung weird. Then Hyunjin would agree and say he did the same with him. Was Hyunjin even a friend? To Jisung he was. To Hyunjin Jisung could have been anything close to an annoying bug he wanted to squish between his fingers. Jisung probably buzzed and buzzed around his ear. There was a chance Hyunjin was waving his hand around his head, trying to hit Jisung away.
Jisung tried to calm himself down. They were all what if situations. Probably's and chance's. Really, there was a chance for anything. There was a chance Jeongin was a serial killer who was in love with Jisung so he kept him close. There was a chance Hyunjin was an alien. There was a chance for a lot of things.
Maybe Minho didn't hate him. Perhaps Hyunjin actually liked him a little bit. Those kind of thoughts were the thing to relax his tense muscles. He felt exhausted from just ten minutes of thinking about it. It was like going to the dentist where you had to keep your mouth open for at least half an hour, then when you went home you felt like passing out because of the stress caused on your body. That was pretty much everyday for Jisung.
Later that evening when he had dinner, Jeongin noticed his off presence. He didn't ask at first. Jisung always had off days and when it happened he prefered not to be given advice. He just wanted the bad to leave as quickly as possible so he could forget and enjoy the few moments he had. Jeongin knew his roommate was far from a regular anxiety attack when he noticed his leg bouncing beneath the table at an alarming speed. Jisung didn't even seem to notice he was doing it. He was too entrapped in his worries.
He came out of it when Jeongin placed his hand on his shoulder. Jisung looked up. "What happened?"
That was all Jeongin asked. It was all that needed to be asked. Jeongin didn't need to offer any words besides those because all that Jisung really needed was someone to listen. "I drew my friend, or who I think is my friend. Or well, we hadn't met yet. He seemed okay with it. Then I drew another guys face and his squirrel weirdly enough took it from me. Actually, I had thrown it away," Jisung rambled. He was stuttering over his words, hands tightening around the other.
"Jisung, take a deep breath with me, alright? Like the doctor said. One, two," Jeongin raised his hands as he spoke, creating a motion of pushing air into himself. Then after five seconds, he released his breath. Jisung copied him a few times before finally relaxing.
"The other guy I drew found the drawing I made of him. It was really embarrassing. I don't know how I can face him again. I have to go back though. It's the only place I can paint in color."
Jeongin's lips turned upward into a gentle smile. "Hey, it's not like he seemed displeased, right? He would have told you if he didn't like it. If that were the case you would have come home crying. So, there's nothing to worry about," he consoled. Jisung bit his lip and nodded. "If it will give you any peace of mind, try asking that friend of yours if you are friends. I'm sure he'll say you are. You are a nice guy, Ji."
One of the best things about Jeongin was his calm and honest personality. Although he had his moments of playful insanity, he was a very reliable person. He was the one person Jisung could trust without second guessing his decision. Simply because he'd been in a situation where he needed to be saved, and Jeongin had come to the rescue.
Jisung followed his best friends suggestion and found Hyunjin the next day. He was smiling as always, his hair pulled back into a small ponytail. Jisung didn't know how he could stand a haircut like that while he worked in such hot weather.
"Jisung, how's your day?" he asked.
"It's fine, and you?" the artist returned.
"Great, actually. We are getting a new animal in so I'm creating a new exhibit. It's been really fun but I have so many ideas I don't know what I should finalize it as and send in."
Hyunjin was a very hard working person. Jisung knew from the amount of pictures on his phone. He'd shown Jisung all his planned out exhibits if he were to make his own zoo. They were amazing and very well thought out.
"That's exciting. What animal?"
The employee shook his finger. "Can't tell you," he sang playfully.
Jisung pouted. "But we are friends." That was how he was going to get his answer. He didn't need to directly ask. He just had to insinuate it.
"You are like my lover from another life. Star crossed besties, next to Felix of course. But, even so, I can't tell you. You'll find out soon."
Jisung wasn't sure how to take that. Lover from another life? That was a good thing, right? Also, who was the Felix person Hyunjin kept mentioning? Well, it didn't matter. He'd gotten his answer. They were quote on quote star crossed besties. Could a person have more than one best friend? Maybe that was a thing. He only ever had Jeongin so he didn't need to worry about stuff like that.
"Anyway, I've got to head over to see Seungmin and get all the plants figured out for the exhibit. I'll see you later," informed Hyunjin.
Jisung was left alone by his bench with a happy heart. He had another friend. Two friends. He smiled to himself. That was a huge achievement.
The calm before the storm. That was what Hyunjin was. Jisung looked up, brows raising when he met eyes with Minho. The zoo keeper was leaning over the thick wooden divider that kept the public separated from the fence that engcaged the Quokka's. His straw hat had fallen onto his back and he was smiling while the sun shone down on him. Minho didn't say anything else. He simply smiled at Jisung.
The artist slowly made his way forward, bowing his head in greeting. Minho took that as his chance to speak again. "You were smiling again, Quokka boy."
Jisung wrung his hands together. Minho had seen that? Had he been watching? "I mean, I smile. Just not all the time like a Quokka," he told the man.
"Yeah, that's reasonable. Not everyone can be as happy as them." Jisung nodded. Why did he feel somewhat guilty for not being as happy as a Quokka? Was Minho disappointed? Why would he be? "I saw you with Hyunjin. Are you guys friends?" Minho asked, hands linking together as he leaned a tad bit forward.
"I didn't think Hyunjin had friends outside of the zoo."
It went quiet. Jisung didn't know how to continue the conversation. Minho was a nice guy but he made Jisung anxious. Not in a negative way. He was just nervous to talk to him for some reason. "Sorry for yesterday."
Minho wrinkled his nose. "You're still thinking about that? Don't worry. I said it was fine. I should apologize instead. Cedar doesn't usually act like that. She was just being playful. I hope you won't hold any negative feelings for her."
"Cedar?" Jisung uttered.
Minho let out a short laugh. He stood up straight and pressed his fingers to his mouth. In a second a loud whistle rang out. If it had been any louder Jisung might've had to cover his ears. He didn't understand why Minho had whistled in the first place. Not until he saw a familiar red squirrel climb down from a tree and jump onto Minho's shoulder.
"Cedar," Minho said.
He'd forgotten all about Minho's pet. "She's pretty," Jisung told the owner.
That seemed to make Minho's smile grow wider than it already was. "Isn't she? You can't find red squirrels in Australia. I went abroad to the United States for a summer to learn about more animals and I met her. She was injured so I nursed her back to health. She grew really attached and now she's my partner in crime. She helps me feed the Quokka's sometimes."
A squirrel feeding a Quokka? That seemed far fetched. However, when Cedar ran down Minho's arm and found herself climbing up Jisung's, he knew it wasn't too far off of possible. The red squirrel with fluffy ears offered the boy a nut, ears flicking every few seconds. It was as if she was telling Jisung to take it. He did so hesitantly.
"Thank you?"
"That's how she offers friendship. I taught her to do that to the people she feels comfortable around," explained Minho. Who in their right mind taught a squirrel how to make friends? Apparently people like Minho.
"I'm friends with a squirrel," Jisung muttered to himself. He'd achieved two human friendships through his nineteen years of living, and a single squirrel friendship. Friends were friends though. If Cedar threw nuts at bad people for Jisung's sake, then a win was a win. "I guess I have three friends now."
"Only three?" interrupted the keeper.
"My roommate, Hyunjin, and Cedar."
Minho pushed his hands into his pockets. "What about me? Aren't we friends? You can't be friends with my squirrel and not me. That's not fair," he protested with a pout.
Jisung shrugged his shoulders. He didn't actually know what qualified a human to be a friend. It was just a label he used for people he knew a bit about and liked talking to. While he somewhat enjoyed his conversation with Minho, he knew three things about him. He worked at the zoo, he had a pet squirrel, and he was gorgeous.
"I don't really know you."
Minho whipped his hands out of his pockets. "My names Lee Minho," he pushed one finger down. "I'm twenty-five." He pushed down another finger and continued to do so as he listed things off. "I have a pet squirrel. I'm a Scorpio, my birthday's October twenty-fifth. I like to drink red wine. My favorite animals are the Quokka, cats, and squirrels. I have a huge love for squirrels cause it's my soulmate's animal. Oh and I like horror movies."
Jisung blinked as if it would help him store all the information in his head. Minho was weird. He was spitting out facts about himself like it was some blind date. Jisung couldn't help but chuckle. "Has anyone told you that you are weird?"
Minho furrowed his brows as if taking mock offense. "No. But I do here that I'm quite the asshole."
Jisung tilted his head at the information. "Asshole? I think you are nice. Maybe too nice. It's a bit shaking."
Minho rubbed the back of his head. "Really? Maybe it's the zoo. You have to be somewhat chipper working here just in case children come up. You don't want them to think you'll throw them in the lions den."
"Have you ever thought about it?"
"Throwing them in?" Minho quizzed. When he received a nod from Jisung, he continued. "Sure I have. Kids like me a lot for some reason so they usually come to me before anyone else. They ask questions and harass me with the pleas of wanting to pet the Quokka's. It's only common that I would want to throw them in with the lions. But, sadly, I can't. I wouldn't get my paycheck."
"You would go to jail," Jisung corrected.
"That's the least of my worries. If I can wrestle a pack of hungry dingoes I can survive a prison," Minho insisted with a snicker.
He was weirdly easy going. So much so, Jisung found himself becoming comfortable in just a short time of talking to him. His mind was also creating scenarios from what Minho was saying. He was taking it lightheartedly, which he didn't usually do.
The first scenario he thought of was Minho fighting a pack of Dingoes. How would that play out? It would be interesting. He could use some judo moves or even taekwondo. Jisung shook his bangs out of his face. "As much as I would love to believe that, I don't."
Minho looked away toward the exhibit next to the Quokka's. He stayed like that for a moment before turning back to Jisung. "What's in the bag?"
Jisung glanced at his carrier full of art supplies. "I'm an artist. I told you that," he said.
Minho made an 'ahh' type noise. "Right. Sorry. So do you draw here at the zoo then?"
"Once a week. I get the best inspiration for colors here. Though, that's running low. Not sure what I should do next," replied the artist.
Minho nodded his head, gesturing for Jisung to follow him. The divider was still set up between them so they traveled slowly in the same direction. To the wallaby's. "You could try and draw the animals. Animals have meanings, you know? Just like flowers, colors, and sounds. They have emotions and words that describe them."
He really was obsessed with squirrels. "You're saying that because of your tattoo, right?" Jisung asked.
Minho didn't answer for a moment. He looked as though the question was something he'd never thought about before. "I don't know."
He didn't know. How could someone not know something like that? Minho ruffled his hair a bit. "I don't really think about all that stuff. I just say, yes, well, that can happen, and go on with my day. It doesn't really matter how things connect. In the end, what will be, will be." 
Jisung was amazed. He had no words. He'd never met someone like that before. He was completely different than Jisung. And they were friends, supposedly. How could someone like Jisung be friends with a guy like Minho? The world would end before that worked out. "Do you think opposites attract?" Jisung asked curiously.
"Isn't it a proven fact that they do?" Minho replied.
"In science, yes. I mean as in friendships, though. You are very different than me. I doubt you'd like me as your friend."
Minho rolled his eyes. Had Jisung said something to annoy him? "I have a friend who's the opposite to you. I can assure you, we are more similar than you could ever believe. And even if we weren't similar, I'd still like you."
There was no reason as to why Minho would still like him, or why he liked him to begin with. He had no reason behind anything he'd said so far. It just was. And it was driving Jisung mad.

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