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Jisung spent the next week focused on one thing. Minho's words. They were beyond helpful. So much so that Jisung even seemed to brighten at his paintings when he finished them. A little bit at a time, he told himself. He'd started with a painting of a two Zebra's. He colored one white with black stripes and the other black with white stripes. Most thought there was no difference but there was.
He added golden wings to the horses. Minho had said yellow contrasted black well. For the creatures eyes he mixed all sorts of colors. Each section of the iris became something different. Blue, Purple, Green, Red, Orange, Yellow. It was the tiniest amount of color he could add and yet it changed everything drastically.
He, for the first time in a long time, smiled at his painting. He felt a large weight lift off of his shoulders. He didn't know why he felt so relieved. Maybe because he knew he wouldn't be stuck as an artist who drew in black. Whatever the reason, he was happy and Jeongin was surprised to see his sudden change of attitude.
"Did you get an A?" he asked.
"A plus," Jisung said proudly.
Jeongin let out a laugh as he adjusted his camera. "Big difference."
It was. To Jisung it was like qualifying for the Olympics. He'd only ever received an A. For years he felt trapped. Finally he'd exceeded his limit. He really should be thanking Minho. Minho was the one who had told him to use small amounts first. How would he thank Minho though? Words weren't enough to express his gratitude.
"Is it weird to invite someone I've known for three weeks out for dinner?" Jisung asked Jeongin.
The photographer raised a brow. "Depends, is it a date?"
Jisung felt his stomach flutter. Everytime he thought about dating he wanted to vomit. The idea was disgusting. How could he love anyone if he didn't love himself? For some reason, the idea of going on a date with Minho wasn't so. . . bad. Was Minho into men? "No. Just as a thank you," Jisung muttered.
"Then, I don't think it's weird. You're just overthinking."
Jisung nodded his head and grabbed his wallet from the drawer in the hallway. He slipped his shoes on and then looked into the reflection of his phone's screen. The color drained from his face at the sight of his hair. It was a mess. He looked as though he had just woken up from a coma. The glasses on his face weren't making it any better. He looked like a fool.
"Jeongin," Jisung called. The boy popped into the hallway. "Do I always look like-this?"
Jeongin examined his best friend. Gray sweatpants, white tee, black sneakers; the only thing different was that he was wearing his glasses. He'd lost his contacts so that made sense. "You look normal, yeah. Why?"
Jisung squeezed his eyes shut as embarrassment ran through his body. He suddenly felt like he was on fire. He always looked this bad? That meant Minho had seen him like this. Three times. He ruffled his hair and sped up the stairs to his room. He washed his face, rubbed his shoes with disinfectant wipes, and then put on some new clothes. A pair of adidas pants and a new white t-shirt which he covered with a black zip up jacket.
Jisung took off his glasses and put them on his bedside table. Jeongin eventually found himself into Jisung's room, a curious expression on his face. "How do I look now? I look like a Peter, right?"
"What does that even mean?" Jeongin quizzed.
"Just, do I look any more decent?" asked Jisung.
Jeongin sighed and grabbed a comb from his bathroom. He styled Jisung's hair so that it parted on the right side of his face. "There. Are you gonna tell me why you're acting strange now?"
Jisung gave a cheeky grin. Jeongin's curiousty turned into shock. He hadn't seen Jisung wear that in years. The artist checked the time on his phone. He practically sprinted out of the house, leaving a flabbergasted Jeongin behind to ponder over what was going on with his best friend.
Jisung just continued to the zoo, knowing that if he waited any longer he wouldn't make it in time. When he arrived, he pressed his palms on his knees and panted. He didn't understand why the bus stop wasn't closer to the zoo. He did know that he needed to start working out.
The teen stood up and placed a hand on his side. He squinted at the person before him. It was Hyunjin. "Oh thank god," he whispered. If it had been Minho he might have passed out from embarrassment.
"Do you need a bottle of water?"
Jisung shook his head. "I'm fine," he said, shaking his free hand out in front of him.
"You look different. What's the occasion?" Hyunjin came closer.
After one last deep breath, Jisung let out a chuckle. Hyunjin's eyes widened. He had only ever seen the sullen version of the artist. "Nothing. Are you getting off?"
"Yeah. The zoo staff just got the go ahead to leave," the architect answered.
Jisung stood on his tippy-toes and looked over Hyunjin. Would Minho come out soon? As soon as he pouted and planted his feet onto the concrete, he met eyes with his friend. Jisung smiled shyly, moving his gaze to his feet. He was obvious wasn't he? His smile slowly began to falter. Would Minho even want to go eat with him? What if he had a girlfriend? Why was that something Jisung was thinking about? It wasn't a date.
"Are you guys going on a date?"
Jisung snapped his head up. "No, I thought you were going with him," Hyunjin mumbled to Minho. The older smacked his hand against the back of Hyunjin's head. He whispered a curse to the boy then turned to Jisung.
The artist was frozen. His throat swelled up and closed as soon as he took in Minho's appearence; a black long-sleeved dress shirt, tucked into black jeans with a dark brown belt. Minho's hair was parted in the middle, lips a darker shade than usual, perhaps from lip tint. Jisung could have been imagining that part. He wasn't sure of anything but the fact that Minho was even more astonishing than usual.
"You guys look like you're attending a funeral," Hyunjin said. He was wearing white and tan colors unlike the other two.
"Shut up. God, someday I'll run you over with my bike."
"Go ahead and try. Felix will kill your ass right back."
The two continued to bicker until Jisung released a loud awkward laugh. "You were right, you are different outside of the zoo."
Hyunjin was beyond confused while Minho looked to the side and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess. What are you doing here Jisung?"
Jisung intertwined his hands. There it was again. His voice softened when he said his name. "I wanted to take you guys out to eat. To thank you for your help on my recent project. I got a really good grade."
"Did you help him?" Hyunjin asked the keeper.
"No, did you?" Minho returned with a raised brow.
Jisung stood there nervously, sweat building up on his neck. He hoped Hyunjin wouldn't abandon him. "You guys gave me a lot of motivation and inspiration. It may not be a lot to you but it helped me take a step toward being a better artist. I really want to thank you." He felt nauseous. What was he thinking? He should run back home. What was he even wearing? He looked horrible compared to Hyunjin and Minho. How could he stand before them let alone sit beside them in a restaurant.
Jisung clutched his pants tightly in his hands. They would say no and he would be left on the sidewalk with no one to hold him up. He should've brought Jeongin. His foot slid against the concrete slowly, getting himself ready to back away from the two. His heart slammed against his chest and echoed through the tubes in his ears. Why did he think he could celebrate such a feat with people who probably thought of him as the most annoying person on the planet?
"What are we going to eat then?"
Jisung focused back into the conversation. He hadn't thought that far. "Anywhere? I've barely been outside my house since I got here. I don't know the area," he said.
"Theres a good pizza place a few blocks away," Minho suggested.
"They better have salad leftover. My ass is on a diet," Hyunjin whined, beginning to walk off into the direction of what Jisung assumed to be the restaurant.
Minho followed and continued to pick at the blonde's nerves with small insults. Jisung trailed behind a few steps, his ears listening in on their arguement. It was odd to him. Jeongin didn't argue with Jisung. They hadn't fought once in their whole friendship. Minho and Hyunjin acted like brothers. He smiled softly at the image of two children swinging their hands back and forth together.
"Do you like kids?"
Jisung met Minho's gaze. He'd fallen behind and let Hyunjin lead them. "Not particularly. They're okay. I was more concerned with those kids' sibling relationship."
Minho hummed. "Do you have any?"
Jisung's expression ran cold. "I did."
"Guy's we're here!" Jisung bowed to Hyunjin as he held the door open for him. He left Minho with a confused expression. As soon as the trio was seated, Hyunjin snapped open the menu. Jisung stared at his own. His appetite had vanished. "Thank god. They have a salad still."
"So, what's the big accomplishment?" Minho asked, ignoring the blonde.
"I got an A plus on my art for the first time," Jisung said. He pulled out his phone and showed the two his submitted pieces. "I've never gotten a plus because I've never painted in color before."
"Looks amazing as always," Hyunjin complimented. "But what about that one in the newspaper? Ocean boy or whatever."
Jisung's face lit up red. "You saw that?"
"We read the newspaper when we're bored on mondays."
Jisung cleared his throat. So Minho had seen it too. How stupid. He should've told his teacher not to do that. It wasn't even an official piece for a grade. "I was surprised when I saw it," said Minho.
"Yeah, it's rare to see such a talented nineteen-year-old," Hyunjin teased. "Though, it was nice to find out we are the same age. Well, I'm a year older but still."
Jisung turned to Minho as if asking him his age silently. Minho snickered. "Try and guess."
"Twenty one?"
Minho flicked Jisung's forehead lightly. "Wrong. Penalty shot. I'm twenty five."
The artist's jaw fell open. There was no way Minho was six years older than him. "You liar."
The keeper smirked, throwing his hands behind his neck as he leaned back into their booth. "Why would I lie about my age? I've got nothing to gain from that."
Minho had a point. He didn't have anything to gain from telling someone he was older than he was. So Minho was six years older than him? Well, it's not like it was twelve or ten. "It's just a surprise. I don't really know anything about you guys despite you being my friends."
"To be fair, we don't know anything about you besides the fact that you are an art student," Hyunjin replied.
Right, they knew nothing. It was better off that way. They seemed to want to know at least a few things about him though. "Ask away," he told them. He sipped on his drink, eyes avoiding the other two pairs.
"Can I see your tattoo?" Hyunjin asked instantly without hesitation.
Jisung flipped his left hand over and exposed his wrist to the two. The red square cat tattoo sat smack in the middle with its whiskers poking out on each side. Hyunjin stared in wonder at it. Minho too seemed intriqued by the design. All Jisung could see were the miniscule scars from the times he'd tried ripping the skin off, hoping the tattoo would vanish. "It's a cat."
"It's pretty. We're a pair cause I have a dog." Hyunjin pulled his shirt down low enough to expose the brow outline on his neckline.
"Pretty generic. We are a pair," Jisung joked.
Minho cleared his throat and flipped over the wrist next to Jisung's. A blue triangle built up a rodent like creature. Jisung smiled at it, remembering Minho mentioning it was a squirrel. "So that's why your favorite color is blue."
"I like complicated things," was his response. "Have you met anyone that matches your tattoo?" Minho was stilling examining Jisung's when he asked.
"No. The closest I've come is my best friend. He's got the personality of a fox so it's similiar. What about you guys?"
"My friend Seungmin and I are plantonic soulmates. We fit each other's marks but we aren't into each other sexually."
Minho hesitated to answer. "Kind of. I don't know yet."
Hyunjin continued to ask a bunch of questions. Some that embarrassed Jisung and others that made him laugh at the stupidity of them. By the time they were finished eating Hyunjin had already left, which meant Jisung was alone at sunset with Minho.
"I really didn't expect you to be twenty five."
Minho ruffled his hair with a hum. "It's not that surprising."
"It is though. You look my age," Jisung whined.
The keeper smiled and pushed his hand into Jisung's hair, ruffling it like he had done his own. "You're different outside of the zoo, Quokka. I was surprised to see you all dressed up. I really thought you had a date with Hyunjin."
"He's not my type," he told the older, reveling in the touch on his head.
"Mine either. He's too tall."
Jisung's eyes widened at Minho's statement. Did that mean what he thought it meant? Was it a joke? "You like guys?"
Minho glanced into Jisung's eyes at the sudden question. "You didn't know?" Jisung shook his head. "I thought it was obvious."
Well obviously it hadn't been. Not to the dense nineteen-year-old. He wasn't good at picking up ques. If he were to be honest, he didn't even know how to flirt. He'd never even thought about it before. But there he was, on the sidewalk in a foreign country, next to a guy he'd met a few weeks ago, finally thinking about it. He glanced at Minho's side profile. The streets were growing quieter as they continued walking. The streetlights were turning on, making Minho seem like some character out of a film. "Jisung," Minho called. "I have a scenerio."
"What is it?"
"I have a friend. He's got this guy he's into but he's kind of young compared to him. What do you think about those kinds of relationships?"
Jisung looked at his feet. "I guess it would depend. My friend is into older girls but only by a few years. If it were me I don't think it'd matter as long as the guy was respectful and nice. As long as he's not a creep it's fine. It's all a personal preference though," Jisung answered.
"So you're into guys?" Minho asked cheekily.
Jisung shot him a smug look. "I thought it was obvious."
Minho bumped his shoulder with Jisung. "Now you're loosening up."
Jisung smiled at his feet. So Minho noticed the tension he had all throughout dinner. Why did that make his heart swell? He didn't understand the new feeling he was having. He liked it. He liked Minho. Spending time with Minho was fun. Even if it was just for thirty minutes at the zoo.
"You wanna grab a drink?" Minho asked, disrupting the silence.
"What else? You're nineteen. You've never had a drink before?"
Jisung shook his head. Alcohol to him was scary. If it was with Minho, perhaps it wouldn't be. "Sure, let's drink."
"Beer taste like shit. Theres a korean place nearby. They're bound to have some soju," Minho said.
Jisung didn't know the difference. He simply followed Minho down the sidewalks until they found the restaurant. Minho paid for the alcohol and they found themselves sitting outside in the cool night air. The zoo keeper poured Jisung a shot.
Jisung stared at it for a moment before shooting it down. If he thought about it for too long he'd end up not doing it. He was curious too what Soju tasted like. Was it anything like the Kdrama actors expressed?
No, it wasn't. It was gross. At least, the first taste of it was. The aftermath was actually pretty good. It was like drinking air or clouds. The alcohol tasted kind of like chemicals in a way. Jisung took another shot, thinking the taste would become more bearable.
It did. He continued to drink until Minho stopped him. It was only one bottle and yet Jisung's face was pink and he was giggling like a drunken fool-he was a drunken fool.
"It's seriously your first time drinking?" Minho asked shocked. He hid the other bottles under the bench they sat on. He hadn't actually expected Jisung to have never had a taste of alcohol.
"I'd never lie!" Jisung said with an aggressive tone.
Minho sighed. He felt like the biggest idiot. "I'm going to get you some kimbap." Stomaching something would help a little bit. They had eaten before too. Minho was dumbfounded that Jisung could still get drunk so easily even after eating.
Jisung grabbed Minho's arm with a whine. "Don't go. I'll be lonely. I don't know how to get home," he complained.
"I'm not leaving. I'm getting you food."
Jisung shook his head consistently until Minho had to hold it still. Jisung stared into Minho's eyes, his mind replaying the day in his head. Minho did the same. Jisung was unbelievably different. To others it might not seem like much but to Minho, he knew. This side of Jisung was hard to find.
The guy sat on a bench at a zoo for hours one day a week without smiling a single time throughout it. He didn't laugh at jokes and he only did art. Minho was curious about him. Why did he sit alone for so long drawing? What had he meant about once having a sibling?
"You said earlier you had a sibling. Is it that friend you always mention?"
Jisung shook his head. "That's Jeongin! Jeongin is my best friend. I love him. He's really good to me," he mumbled. His head fell onto Minho's shoulder with a sigh. "I don't have a brother anymore."
Minho began to feel guilty. "Did he pass away?"
Jisung didn't move for a good while. He didn't say a word at all either. He just sat in the silence. "He's dead to me," he said, eventually lifting his head. "You wanna know something? I started it in therapy-art. But the reasoning for that began before then."

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